Chereads / HP: The Dropout Who Saved the World / Chapter 41 - Chapter 41: Flying Car in the Sky (Part 2)

Chapter 41 - Chapter 41: Flying Car in the Sky (Part 2)

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"Wow - that's so cool!"

"By Merlin - I'm falling in love with her!"

A wave of exclamations and admiring shouts suddenly erupted from the surrounding boats.

Only then did Jane Yu realize that, following school tradition, first-year students would cross the Black Lake by boat to reach Hogwarts, reenacting the scene of the founders discovering these grounds.

The thrill of driving the flying car earlier was now replaced by utter mortification.

Thankfully, the adrenaline from the emergency landing kept her excited enough to prevent a full-blown social anxiety attack and stop her from diving straight into the Black Lake to escape everyone's gaze.

She felt sorry for leaving such a crazy first impression on the first-years on their opening day.

Fighting back her embarrassment, she stiffly turned around and performed a curtsy, lifting the hem of her robe with her right hand in an attempt to salvage some dignity.

To her surprise, this gesture completely captivated the new students.

All they saw was a beautiful senior student with black hair and eyes, who had skillfully landed a flying car with a cool drift on the lake surface, then leaped up to stand gracefully on the rippling water, performing an elegant curtsy.

"How beautiful!"

"How elegant!"

"This must be a special welcoming ceremony arranged by the school!"

The three of them were quickly surrounded by the first-years' boats.

The young wizards, with wide curious eyes, began questioning Hagrid, who was carrying a lantern and guiding them across the lake:

"Can we drive cars on the Black Lake too?"

"We want to learn this - which class teaches it?"

"That was amazing! I don't want to learn Quidditch anymore, I want to learn how to fly cars!"

They were completely stunned by Jane's extraordinary driving skills. Some first-years had already started asking about the names and houses of these three seniors who seemed to have descended from heaven.

"Er— we don't actually have such a course—" 

Hagrid's massive frame froze when he recognized the three figures standing on top of the car. His brown beard quivered in shock:

"Harry? Ron? And Jane Yu?"

He quickly pulled them onto his boat:

"What are you doing here?"

Jane remained completely unfazed, actually hoping all the faculty would learn about their rule-breaking car journey.

But Harry and Ron were terrified. Their limbs stiff with exhaustion, they stammered:

"We missed the train—the wall was sealed—"

The boats soon reached the shore, where Hagrid gestured for them to disembark, giving them a sympathetic look.

Because Professor Snape was waiting on the bank, his face dark with anger, his black robes billowing menacingly behind him.

"Excellent—the famous Potter and Weasley thought they weren't famous enough, wanted some extra excitement, didn't they?"

The two boys hung their heads like quails under Snape's intimidating presence.

Then he shot Jane a fierce glare: "I don't know why—Yu, Jane, but you seem to love causing trouble. You're involved in every ridiculous incident."

With a swish of his robes, he barked "Follow me" and led the three through the Great Hall to his dungeon office.

Professor McGonagall and Dumbledore soon hurried in, still in their formal robes from the feast, their faces stern and expressions deeply disappointed.

Oh great, a triple interrogation—Jane thought to herself.

Dumbledore's first reaction was that Jane must be causing chaos again!

Experience told him that in the past year, whenever such absurd incidents occurred, she was always the instigator!

He peered down at Jane over his crooked nose:

"Miss Yu, please explain why you did this."

But Jane had no intention of explaining.

She was more than happy to take all the blame!

When all three remained silent, Professor Snape unfolded the Daily Prophet and began reading in a dramatic tone:

"Flying Ford Anglia Mystifies Muggles... Six or seven Muggles reported..."

Perfect, the situation had escalated even further—surely violating the Decree for the Reasonable Restriction of Underage Sorcery.

Jane thought to herself, an excited smile spreading across her face as she started taking responsibility:

"I woke up late and missed the train, so I threatened Ron, saying I'd curse him if he didn't drive us here."

"As you know, being a Slytherin, we don't get along with Gryffindors."

Ron made a strange noise in his throat and suddenly looked up, staring at the back of her head with a mixture of surprise and gratitude.

Snape was furious. He slammed his hand on the desk and stood up, fixing her with a piercing stare:

"Lies upon lies, deceiving professors—I don't believe you couldn't think of a way to notify the teachers."

He turned to Dumbledore, speaking rapidly: "She's doing this deliberately, surely covering up something for Potter and Weasley."

But Dumbledore clearly didn't think so. His blue eyes remained sharp as they focused on Jane:

"During the summer holidays, I reminded you to arrive at Platform Nine and Three-Quarters on time. I'm disappointed you failed to do so."

"This not only violates school rules but also the Statute of Secrecy. Do you understand the consequences?"

Jane's heart was already waving a victory flag—she knew dawn was approaching!

"I understand. I'll go pack my things right now."

She was so excited she could barely contain herself, ready to pack up and leave immediately!

Thank you, Mr. Weasley, for creating such a magnificent flying Ford Anglia!

Thank you, Mrs. Weasley, for giving birth to such a brave warrior as Ron!

If she ever got the chance, she would definitely thank them properly!

Ah—beautiful Muggle London!

Chinatown! The Chinese medicine clinic!

Here she comes!

Professor McGonagall drew in a sharp breath, her gaze showing slight disapproval.

"Albus—" she started to speak up for Jane.

But her words were immediately interrupted by Ron.

The red-haired boy who had just been muttering about "evil Slytherins" suddenly rushed in front of Dumbledore:

"No—it's not her fault!"

Ron's face was pale as he squeezed his eyes shut, shouting in a desperate but brave tone:

"The barrier at the station was sealed, we had no other choice—"

"I suggested driving to school, and we just happened to run into Jane."

"My driving was terrible—she only offered to drive because she was worried we'd crash and die!"

He felt doomed, certain he would be expelled and become a family disgrace.

He could already imagine his mother's furious roars.

Dumbledore was stunned. After a long moment, he sighed and spoke with some gravity:

"A beautiful friendship, Mr. Weasley."

"But I must make you understand the seriousness of this behavior. I will write to your families immediately."

"This is a warning—if anything like this happens again, we will have no choice but to expel you."

Ron opened his tightly shut eyes, feeling immensely relieved—Harry felt the same way.

They were both grateful they wouldn't be expelled.

But Jane's smile had vanished.

Her heart sank heavily, all feelings of gratitude disappearing.

Every time she encountered the protagonist group, her expulsion plans were mysteriously thwarted!

She finally realized she had made a terrible mistake:

As the protagonist and his sidekick, Harry and Ron could never be expelled in the story, even if they broke the highest laws—someone would always cover for them. Yet she had foolishly joined their car ride, unknowingly entering the radius of their protagonist's protective aura.

She was filled with regret, thinking that if she had another chance, she would definitely stay far away from them on the first day of school.

But it was too late for regrets.

Dumbledore was looking at her with a complex expression, sighing:

"As for you—Miss Yu, you will serve detention with Professor Snape for this entire term."

Jane's face completely fell.

Getting a term's worth of detention before the first class had even started—that was quite an achievement.

She could only hope that Dumbledore would deduct more points from Slytherin.

But then the headmaster calmly announced:

"Since you weren't technically in school when you got in the car, I won't be deducting any points from Gryffindor or Slytherin."

With that, the last bubble of hope in her heart completely burst.


Jane trudged back to the common room.

Opening the door, she found Prefect Gemma and a room full of first-year snakes all turning to look at her in unison.

Terrifying, she thought.

The adrenaline was wearing off—she could feel her social anxiety kicking in.

But to her great surprise, once the little snakes realized who she was, they burst into cheers:

"It's the senior who flew the car in the sky!"

"She's so cool—and she's one of us Slytherins!"

The first-year snakes grew excited, chattering about the car descending from the sky over the Black Lake, Jane's cool entrance and elegant courtesy... Their faces wore eager expressions, and some were even searching their bags for paper and pens to ask for her autograph.

"Yu, you're here!" Prefect Gemma greeted her warmly, proudly introducing her to the little snakes, "This is Yu Jane, who won a Special Award for Services to the School when she was your age!"

The little snakes began applauding, staring at Jane with admiring gazes.

Prefect Gemma patted Jane's back, gesturing for this heroic student to go up and say a few words to the new students.

Now Jane's social anxiety was in full force!

Having to speak in public—she'd rather sink to the bottom of the Black Lake with the car!

Her eyes grew numb, feeling the weight of everyone's eager gazes like thorns in her back.

Fortunately, Flint came to her rescue.

The Quidditch team captain had heard about her impressive aerial maneuvers over the Black Lake and thought it was absolutely brilliant. He had been waiting in the common room specifically to hear the story.

"That's incredible!" the thick-headed captain exclaimed, "Truly remarkable! Flying a car from London to Scotland—that's so cool! I bet you've made school history!"

Perhaps because Quidditch players had a natural affinity for brooms, cars, and other cool modes of transport, the Slytherin team members all considered it a magnificent feat—especially since it was accomplished without losing any house points!

"It would have been even better if you hadn't come with those Gryffindors!" another senior lamented.

Before Jane could respond, Flint asked if she'd like to try out as a reserve Chaser, believing that "flying a car and riding a broom shared similar principles."

No! She had no interest in sitting on an uncomfortable broomstick playing ball for hours!

Flint was quite disappointed by this, but still said she could come to him anytime if she changed her mind.