Daniel and Steve quickly reached their home to ask Uncle Marcus about their departure time, but when they reached home, Daniel went directly to his room at upstairs and Steve looks for him in the living room and the bathroom but they noticed that he hadn't arrived yet.
"He isn't even in the bathroom!" Daniel says to himself, after looking in the bathroom.
"Hey shit head!" Steve exclaimed while coming downstairs after looking in Marcus's room, "What the hell are you doing in the bathroom?" The bathroom lies exactly in front of the stairs, at the opposite side in the hallway.
Daniel turns back to him and replies, "He isn't in the living room so I thought that he might have been to the bathroom!"
"Shit head!" Steve shouts at him, "Do you think if he had been to bathroom then he would have left the open unlock from inside?"
"I haven't thought about that!" Daniel replied.
"Let's go to the kitchen and ask Aunt about Uncle Allen and Marcus's arrival time!" Steve added, he had came down through the stairs and then went to the kitchen along with Daniel.
"Hey mom! Isn't Uncle and Dad home yet for lunch!" Daniel asked to his mom, when they entered the kitchen. Sara was cooking something in the kitchen.
She turns to both Daniel and Steve and then replies while wiping her hands on her pink color kitchen apron, "Your dad won't come home for lunch today!"
"Really!? But why?" Daniel asked. They were still standing at the kitchen door.
"He had called me a while ago and said that he is going out with one of his colleagues to a restaurant for lunch!" Sara said.
"And Uncle Marcus?" Steve asked. He came in and sat down on his chair around the dinning table. He was followed by Daniel, he also came in and sat down on his usual seat, next to Steve at his right side.
"He will come! But a bit later, he is busy with the maintenance of the RV!" Sara added, "Maybe, it will take an hour or two!"
"So, we have to wait for the next two-three hours for Uncle's arrival!" Daniel exclaimed.
"But what's the matter?" Sara asked.
"We were to ask about the departure time of the trip." Steve said.
"Don't worry, till his return why don't you two start packing your bags?" Sara added.
"Yeah! That's a good idea!" Daniel exclaimed, "We will start packing after our lunch!"
"Okay. Okay." Sara replied and then turns back to the kitchen work table.
She quickly makes the lunch plates for Daniel and Steve and then serves it to them. She had made 'Fried Butter Chicken with Garlic Waffles', it was Daniel's favorite dish for lunch.
"Fried Butter Chicken with Garlic Waffles!" Daniel exclaimed in happiness.
"I know it's your favorite!" Sara added with a smile, "Both of you will leave tomorrow probably, so eat as much as you can!"
"Thank you very much! Mom!" Daniel exclaimed and continues eating his meal.
"Hey! Eat slowly idiot!" Steve said looking at his brother. Sara starts laughing, while looking at Daniel.
After having their lunch, both Daniel and Steve quickly ran to their room to start their packing. They had started with the packing of their clothes at first, and then they continued with their personal belongings such as toothbrush, toothpaste, even their shampoo and towels.
Daniel had also packed his own deodorant. When Steve noticed Daniel doing that, he quickly starts laughing and says, "Who the hell packs deodorant?"
"Seriously? Don't you know why we use deodorant?" Daniel asked.
"Obviously it's used to amp up the body's fragrance!" Steve shouts at him, making a weird face.
"Idiot! That is called a perfume!" Daniel shouts back with same expression as that of Steve, "Deodorants cover up the smell of body odor!"
"Really!?" Steve added, "That means I have been wrong for the whole time!"
"What a Smart brother I have got!" Daniel says in a low voice to tease Steve.
"Don't compare me with you!" Steve again shouts at him with that same weird face.
Daniel and Steve had finally completed their packing exactly after three hours. By that time, Marcus had also returned back home, he at first went to the bathroom to get fresh and then went back to his room, and changes his clothes and then went back to the kitchen for his meal.
Sara had heated up the Fried Chicken and has served it to Marcus. Daniel and Steve were standing at the kitchen door looking at Marcus. When Marcus was about to have his bite of food, he noticed them standing, stopping at the middle of having a bite, he asked to them, "What are you two doing here?"
"It's exactly 0430!" Steve added.
"What's with the time?" Marcus asked again.
"You are having lunch at 0430!" Daniel said.
"Okay. Okay. Now go to the living room and let me have my meal!" Marcus said.
Daniel and Steve left the room, and went to the living room to watch TV, they were followed by Sara.
Marcus also joins them at the living room after having his meal. When Marcus enters the living room, he went on to sit next to Daniel and Steve at the sofa which was at the right side of the TV.
"Hey Uncle, when are you expecting to leave tomorrow?" Steve asked.
"Morning around 010!" Marcus replied, "Have you informed your friends about that?"
"We were to inform them after asking you!" Daniel added.
"Go and inform them quickly!" Marcus said.
Daniel and Steve ran upstairs to their room to call others and inform about that. Daniel calls Mike to inform him about the timing. Meanwhile, Steve calls Sahel and Nariana to inform about it.
"And also discuss about the trip with Aditya and others also!" Steve added before hanging the call with Sahel.
"Don't worry, I will call him and discuss everything." Sahel replied.
"Okay then, continue with your packing!" Steve added and then hangs up the call. He puts his phone back on the mini table for lamp next to his bed, and went back downstairs to the living room along with Daniel.
Few minutes later Sara went back to the kitchen to start preparing their dinner. And then, when the night has finally arrived, Allen returns back home from his office at about 0800.
He went on to take a bath at first, and then went to his bedroom which is next the stairs at the left side, in front of the kitchen. Allen wears a white T-shirt and a black color shorts.
Sara had prepared the dinner before Allen's arrival, and by the time he could change his outfit, Sara had served the plates also. And after that, she starts calling everyone for dinner.
Allen had directly went to the kitchen after changing and had sat down on his seat.
"Daniel, Steve, Marcus! Come for dinner!" Sara calls out to them.
Daniel and Steve rushes to the kitchen and occupies their seats, followed by Marcus. Sara had already put up their food plate in front of them.
Daniel and Steve quickly started having their dinner, when suddenly Allen asks them about their trip.
"So, when are you leaving for your trip!?" Allen asked to them.
"We are leaving tomorrow morning at about 0900!" Marcus added.
"Have you in front your friends about the timing?" Allen asked to Daniel and Steve.
"Yeah! We have informed them!" Steve added, "And had asked Maya, Aditya and Elona to be ready!"
"So, you will go to Bismarck via Denver?" Allen asked.
"No. Actually we will stop at Denver while returning back from Bismarck, to pick them up!" Daniel said.
"That's also a good idea!" Allen added.
"Then you two must go to bed early tonight!" Sara added, "Especially you Daniel!" She looks at Daniel while saying.
"Okay. Mom!" Daniel exclaimed.
After finishing their dinner, Daniel and Steve went back to their room without wasting any time. On the other hand, Marcus and Allen were still talking to each other in the kitchen while both of them were drinking a can of Beer.
Sara washes away the dishes after the dinner, and when she had finished washing it, she asked both Marcus and Allen to get to their bed.
"You haven't even packed your own bags and also have to wake up early to prepare the RV!" Sara said to Marcus, after washing the dishes.
"Okay. I am going for packing then!" Marcus added and stands up from his seat.
"That would be nice!" Allen starts teasing his brother.
"And you also!" Sara says to Allen.
Marcus went back upstairs to his room, at the opposite of Daniel and Steve's room, while Allen went to their bedroom.
Next morning, Steve quickly wakes up at about 0700 in excitement of going on a trip. Daniel had also waked up at the same time as of Steve. Both of them without wasting any time, rushes to the bathroom to brush their teeth and gets a bath, then they went upstairs to put their toothpaste and toothbrush in their bags.
After that they directly ran downstairs towards the kitchen to have their breakfast. Sara had also waked up early that morning to prepare their breakfast.
"Hey mom! Where is Uncle?" Daniel asked to his mom after sitting down on his chair.
Sara serves them with their regular breakfast recipes and replied, "Maybe, parking the RV at the roadside!"
"Hey, quickly have your breakfast and let's go to the RV!" Steve added.
"Yeah! You are right!" Daniel exclaimed.
"Have you called your friends?" Sara asked, "It's already 0800!"
"Shit! I have forgotten that!" Steve exclaimed.
"Then move quickly idiots!" Sara added.
After having breakfast, Daniel and Steve again rushes back to their room, and then both brothers started calling their friends to be quick.
And then themselves took their bags and rushes outside to the RV parked in front of their house at the roadside.
The RV was of White-Grayish color and it was designed with a mini kitchen inside along with a mini fridge and an oven, along with 6 bunk beds adjusted at the back side, and also has small sitting table by the right side window. Overall the RV was very large and perfectly designed.
The RV also had a small space for either sleeping or putting things which is above the drivers seat adjusted with ladders behind the drivers seat along with a partition between the seat and ladder.
Max had already put up his belongings at that space declaring it his place. Daniel and Steve quickly get inside the RV and puts down their bags on one of the 6 bunk beds, at the left side and then kept waiting for their friends to arrive.