The next morning, the sun rose over the small neighborhood of St. George of Denver. It was a very beautiful place, there was full greenery in the whole neighborhood, the roads in front of the houses were not very wide, two cars can easily move over at a same time.
Most of the houses in the colony were of white color, and they were of two story and each house have at least two trees in their lawn.
"Hey, idiot!" Steve calls Daniel. He was still sleeping sound in his bed.
"Do you think this idiot is gonna wake up quickly?" Aditya asked to Steve.
"Nah, he's not! Come on, leave him and let's go for the breakfast!" Sahel adds in between their conversation.
Maya, Elona, Florence and Nariana were already downstairs but the boys were waiting for Daniel to wake up. After hard trying to make him wake up, the boys had gave upon the plan and went downstairs. And Aliza was preparing breakfast for everyone.
"Hey Uncle!" Steve said to Marcus after they had came downstairs and went up to the kitchen for their breakfast, "How are you?"
"Perfect!" Marcus replied, he was reading the newspaper.
"By the way, When are you leaving?" Victor asked to everyone, he was also reading a book.
"Uh?" Steve asked to Marcus, "Uncle, when are we leaving?"
"By 009!" Marcus replied.
"Hey, what's the time?" Mike asked to Aditya.
"I don't know!" Aditya replied.
"It's 0730 already!" Nariana replied, after looking at the wall clock in the kitchen.
"And where the hell is Daniel?" Florence asked to the boys.
Mike looks at Aditya's face at first and then turns to her and replied, "He is still sleeping."
"And you didn't tried to wake him up?" Florence asked.
"Who said that?" Aditya said.
"Steve tried his best to wake him up, still he didn't !" Sahel added.
While all of them were talking to each other, Steve heard a noise, that someone is coming to their way.
"Guys, did you heard that?" Steve asked to everyone.
"What?" Sahel asked.
"Aren't you hearing a noise coming this way?" Steve said.
"That maybe Daniel!" Marcus speaks up, "He might be coming downstairs."
"Daniel?" Steve added, he was a bit of surprised, "Do you think that lazy bone would wake up by himself?"
It was really Daniel, he had waked up and went downstairs to the bathroom, to brush his teeth. After that he went directly to the kitchen to have his breakfast. As soon as he enters the room, he saw that everyone was looking at the door for his entry.
"What?" Daniel asked to them, he was surprised to see that everyone were looking for the door to open.
"Nothing!" Marcus added.
"How's this possible that you wake up even you weren't called?" Steve asked to him.
"Are you on high, these early morning?" Daniel said.
"Are you really an Alcoholic?" Aditya turns to Steve.
"He is just mocking me. Shit head!" Steve shouts at Aditya and everyone bursts out into laughter.
"I had already waked up when you called me on the bedroom!" Daniel replied to Steve's previous question.
"And you were still lying on the bed that time, weren't you?" Sahel added.
"Probably, yes!" Daniel replied.
"Now, what's the use of the word 'Probably' here?" Steve shouts at him.
"Okay. Okay. Stop your fight and have your breakfast!" Aliza speaks up, she had started serving them with their food plates. Suddenly, Florence had started helping her Aliza with serving the plates.
Marcus puts the newspaper away and Victor also puts the book away and then everyone had started having their breakfast and quickly finishes it in no time, just to start for their trip. Marcus was the first to finish his breakfast.
"Okay. I am going to prepare the RV! Everyone grab your bags and get inside quickly!" Marcus announces.
"Got it!" Steve exclaims.
After finishing their breakfast, all of them went upstairs and grabs up their belongings and went downstairs to get out to the RV.
Marcus had got the RV parked by the roadside and then himself gets down and went inside to bring up his belongings from the guest room.
Victor and Aliza had also came outside following the kids and were standing by their home's main door.
A few minutes later, Marcus had returned back with his belongings and had loaded it into his bed, which was the space above the drivers area in the front of the RV.
After that Marcus gets into the drivers seat and had started the RV for their trip to Los Angeles, the group also bid farewell to Uncle Victor and Aunt Aliza.
"Be safe, kids. Have fun in LA!" Aliza and Victor speaks out to them.
The group hits the road once more, now with Aditya, Maya, and Elona on board. The group's excitement grew as they headed toward their next destination.
After four hours of driving, Marcus had stopped the RV in a restaurant called Cattleman's Bar & Grill, located at 12 ½ Rd, in the town of Loma.
They not only had their lunch in that restaurant but also had went to the other parts of the town to shop for some ingredients from the stores in the town as a vast desert waits for them ahead as soon as crossed the state borders and enters Utah.
He had also refueled the RV and had also brought up a huge amount of food ingredients for all of them to continue on their trip to Los Angeles through the dry regions of Utah.
"We have got a huge amount of food ingredients with us!" Mike said.
"Do you think we can finish up everything?" Sahel speaks up.
"Don't worry we have got an foodie with us!" Marcus adds while driving.
"And who's that person?" Sahel asked.
"That's definitely you, idiot!" Marcus replied.
"Shut up!" Sahel shouts at him, "What do you wanna prove by teasing me every time?"
"That you can be a great Stand-up comedian!" Daniel added. And everyone bursts out into laughter again.
While all of them were having fun, suddenly a shadow appears inside the RV, at the back side, behind of everyone.
It was no longer a shadow, it was person. "Everyone's having fun I guess!" The man speaks up.
All of them hot scared by the voice and everyone turns back quickly with a fear on their face.