The date was 1st July 2021, Thursday. It has two years since the attack of Zerodha; which no one even wants to remember. The mysterious man called by the name Prof. Mandela and an alien named Zantien, who had helped the military in defeating the enemies are out of station and neither of them had been seen on Earth since then, and haven't return till.
The day was very beautiful, shiny, bright light, white clouds floating In the sky. The temperature was moderate. Steve wake up at 0800 in the morning, he went downstairs to the bathroom.
Brushed his teeth and again went upstairs to call Daniel, at that exact time Sara calls them from the kitchen, "Daniel and Steve, come down for breakfast quickly!"
Daniel Martin Ackerman; a boy of 18 years old, he is in the Junior Year of High School. He is a very lazy and a kind of idiot guy, he lives with his parents, his twin cousin and a uncle, in a small town named Marciline (a fictional town); located about 56km (34 miles) South-East of Beaumont in the state of Texas, United States of America.
Daniel's father, 'Allen Reyes Auterman' is a senior employee in a large private company. His mother 'Sara Auterman' is a housewife. Daniel's cousin's name is 'Steve Martin Ackerman'. Steve 's parents live in 'New York City'; has left him with Daniel's parents when he was 6 years old.
Daniel and Steve 's uncle 'Dr. Marcus Reyes Auterman', is a scientist and researcher, he has his own private Laboratory, where he does researches alone without any help, he also loves to invent new types of futuristic gadgets, which are sometime successful or otherwise unsuccessful.
Steve is an opposite version of Daniel, he is also smart but very hard working. He is always on time for everything, even sometime he scolds Daniel for his laziness. They both study in the same High School in Marciline. The date of 29th June, 2019; was a very special day for the students, as it was the last day of their Schools before the Summer Holidays, which is usually from the first day of July till the last day of August.
Daniel's house was a two story building, Daniel and Steve lived in the same room and their Uncle, Marcus lived in the opposite room of them in the first floor, along with a balcony, guestroom for kids, and an attic above the room of Daniel and Marcus.
Steve hears Sara calling, he calls out Daniel, "Hey bro, wake up quickly. Aunt is calling!"
"What man…" Daniel opens his eyes.
"Let's go for dinner!"
"How the hell, will you have dinner at 0800 in the morning time?" Daniel quickly wakes up and sits on his bed.
"Okay. My Fault! Now let's go for breakfast."
Daniel waked up from bed and went downstairs with Steve . He goes to bathroom and Steve goes to the kitchen. Sara served Steve , his breakfast and also puts Daniel's plate at his place.
"Hey Aunt, where's Uncle Allen and Marcus?" Steve asked.
"They went to work, after their breakfast." Sara replied.
"When?" Steve asked again.
"About 10 minutes earlier. Both went together." Sara added.
At that time, Daniel came in and sat down on the chair, had his breakfast while talking with Steve .
After that, both of them went to the living room to watch T.V. The maximum of Channel's were showing News about the Pandemic. Sitting for around 40 minutes in front of the T.V., Daniel stands up from his seat and went upstairs to their room. The time was 009, at that moment.
He closes the room door after entering and then moves to the book shelf, at the left side of his bed and right to the door. He picks up a novel from the third row out of five ones. The Novel was about Time Travel written by a famous writer named XAVIER FABRION.
He took the book, went to his bed and lay down and starts reading it. At exactly 011, Steve comes in the room and saw Daniel still reading the book. Steve could clearly see the Title of it, "THE TIME WAR".
"On which page?" Steve asked.
"It's 307!" Daniel replied.
"You have been reading the novel for the last two hours and still at 307." Steve added.
"I know that!" Daniel exclaimed.
"You still have 290 more pages. Maybe!" Steve was still standing at the door.
"It's 313. Exactly." Daniel replies, after looking at the total number of pages.
"Leave it for now. Let's go outside." Steve added.
"Okay. But you gonna have to buy me an Ice-Cream!" Daniel states.
"Fine! Let's go." Steve said.
Daniel quickly gets up from his bed, kept the book back at it's place then switches off the fan and went out to Downstairs.
"Hey Mom! We are going out for a while." Daniel calls out to Sara from the main door of their house.
"Okay. Come back before lunch." Sara replied, she was in the bathroom putting the clothes in the Washing Machine.
They went to the Market Area to a Sweet Shop. At the shop, Daniel and Steve brought two chocolate Bar. The name of that Sweet Shop was written on the signboard above the Shop, it was "MR. ROBINS SWEET CORNER". It was owned by one of Daniel and Steve 's neighbor named ROBIN JAKE.
He was a 45 years old man, he wears glasses and has little moustache and beard. He always sit on his counter table with a name-plate with his name written on it.
"Hey Mr. Robin! How much for these two Choco bar?" Steve asked to Mr. Robin.
"It's $4." Mr. Robin replied.
"Here is it." Steve have two $2 note to Mr. Robin.
"How is your Summer Holidays going?" Mr. Robin asked.
"Actually it has just started Mr. Robin!" Daniel replied.
"Oh I see. And your High School life! How was the 1st Year?"
"It's nice! Pretty much. After the Summer Holidays, our 2nd Year will also start." Steve said.
"Best of luck for that!" Mr. Robin greeted.
"Okay bye. Mr. Robin!" Both the brothers bedded Mr. Robin and came out of the shop. Both of them tears off the packet of the Choco Bar and throws the wrapper in the Dustbin kept outside, near the door of the shop.
Daniel noticed Nariana walking along the left side of the street. Daniel calls her, "Hey Nariana!" He waves his right hand to her. Nariana first looks back when she heard someone calling her by her name.
"Hey. This side!" Daniel calls her again. Steve was standing by Daniel's side looking at Nariana.
Nariana turns to her right and saw Daniel and Steve at the other side of the street. "Where are you been?" She asked them.
"Nowhere!" Daniel said loudly, "Wait. We are coming to you!"
Both the brothers crossed the street and went to Nariana. She was holding a shopping bag in her left hand.
"To the market I guess." Steve asked.
"Yeah. Some grocery!" Nariana replied, "Wanna go with me?"
NARIANA ROSÉ FIRMINGO, is a Ukrainian girl, with black straight hair and brown eyes. She was sent to Melbene to her Grandma's home, when she was 6 years old.
'Daniel', 'Steve ', 'Nariana' and three other teenagers of their same age are a group. They are considered as the best friends-group in the whole school even being different from each others.
"Let's go!" Daniel said and then turns to Steve and asked, "What do you say?"
"Yeah. Come on!" Steve said and starts walking forward in a different mood.
"I still doubt, is he really my brother?" Daniel said in a funny accent.
"After all, he is your cousin!"
"That's true!" Daniel said, "He fears his elder brother only."
"Which one?" Nariana asked.
"What?" Daniel added.
"I mean, they are twins. Which one are you talking about?" Nariana said.
"Jonathan, maybe!" Daniel laughs.
"They are your brother also." Nariana said.
"Hey, are you coming or not?" Steve calls out from a distance, he was walking ahead of them.
"Wait a minute man!" Daniel replied. Nariana and Daniel walks towards Steve . They went to a Grocery Store at the end of that street. It was owned by another neighbor of Daniel and Steve , MR. MARTINEZ DOOBERMAN. The name of that store was written on the signboard above the store. It was "DOOBERMAN'S GROCERY".
"Hola Daniel-Steve ! ¿Como estais chicos?" Mr. Dooberman asked them, as soon as they entered the store. Mr. Martinez Dooberman is a 50 years old senior citizen, he lives three houses away from Daniel & Steve 's house on Zenet Street. He is from a Spanish Family of Argentine Decent.
"Estamos bien. ¿Qué pasa contiguous?" Daniel replied.
"English Uncle!" Nariana added, "I have little-bit problem in speaking Spanish!"
"No hay problema mi amor!" Mr. Dooberman laughs.
"Uncle!" Nariana added.
"Okay. What do you want?" Mr. Dooberman asked, he looks at three of them. He thought that Daniel and Steve were also their to buy grocery items.
"Get me some cheese, chicken, tofu, sauces, baby carrots and some eggs." Nariana ordered her grocery list to Mr. Dooberman and then presents her a shopping bag.
Mr. Dooberman takes that bag from her and starts putting the items one by one in the bag. A few minutes later, he came back to the counter and returns the bag to her.
"How much?" Nariana asked.
"$58.75." Mr. Dooberman replied.
"Hey, Mr. Dooberman! Where's your workers today?" Daniel asked.
"They are on leave today."
"Both of them?" Steve asked.
"One has got cold. And the other is away from Marciline for his University Exams."
"That's the point!" Daniel added.
"Okay Mr. Dooberman! We got to go." Nariana said.
"Okay. Bye kids!" Mr. Dooberman bedded them bye. Three of them leaves from the store and walking towards their homes.
"Where's the plan for this Summer Holidays?" Steve asked to Nariana.
"I haven't decided."
"Hey. Let's go to somewhere this Summer together. Again!" Daniel added.
"I have to say, sometimes you also give some good ideas." Steve teases him.
"I always give good ideas!" Daniel replied.
"Both of you can fight later on, at your home!" Nariana added, "Just suggest, where to go this holidays!" They were walking down the street to their home.
"Okay. Today… we will meet at Sahel's home, after lunch." Steve added.
"Timing?" Nariana asked.
"At 3:30?" Daniel suggested.
"We can discuss about the holidays at that time properly." Steve said, "I must tell Sahel about it."
"Then I will call Michael." Daniel added.
"Then, let me know the confirmed timing!" Nariana said.
"Okay!" Both the brothers replies at the same time. They kept walking down the street and then a few minutes later, they came across at a point, Daniel and Steve bedded Nariana bye, "Bye, Nat!"
"Bye guys! Meet you at Sahel's." Nariana replies.
Daniel and Steve went to their home at Zenet Street. About a mile away from the Market Area. Nariana lives at Columbus Street, it's 1.6 miles east of Zenet Street.
When Daniel and Steve reaches home, they met CARINA ARKHANGELSK. Their to-be- Aunt and Marcus's fiancée. They are going to marry in the month of September 2021.
Carina Arkhangelsk lives at Ferel Street, south of Zenet Street. Carina is from a Georgian family, her parents had moved to United States when she was just a year old. She is very pretty and has straight black colored hair. She is about 32 years old, her father is a retired Baseball player.
She and Marcus had met last year in the month of October, before the Halloween. Since then, both of them had been dating with each other. She would give a casual visit to Daniel and his family, once in a week.
That day, when she was sitting on the sofa in the living room, both the brothers went to her and talks for a while, sitting next to her. After a few minutes of conversation, Daniel and Steve stands up from the seats, smiles Carina a smile and went to the Bathroom, one by one. And then ran upstairs to their room.
Steve calls Sahel to confirm the time properly.
"Hey, Sahel. We have again planned to go on a trip together. And to discuss the destination, we have decided to meet at your place today." Steve says to Sahel after he picks up the call.
"Okay. Then visit at 003 or 0330, after the lunch!" Sahel replies from the other side.
"0330. Confirm!" Steve replies. And then disconnects the call.
Daniel then calls Mike and informs about the discussion and asks both Mike and Florence to be on time.
Steve again calls Nariana and tells her the correct time.