Chereads / Mercenary W.O.L.F: NDA / Chapter 33 - #33 I SAID I WAS UNIVERSAL!!

Chapter 33 - #33 I SAID I WAS UNIVERSAL!!

[Outside the bathroom door the party rages on and several people enter and exit both bathrooms with the crowd laughing and having a good time. After a few moments, the same drunk guy from earlier stumbles his way out of the men's room only to stop for a moment staring at the women's room.]

????:I..smell...magic? A high dweller, here of all places.....(He proceeds to stumble forward and catch himself every so often as if this was more of a natural state of being for him rather than a hindrance. This man's thin wire-like frame straightened up as he approached the door and his hand fished into his back pocket for some item.) Of all the days to not link my damn "Alchemic Throne", you choose today L.J?! (As he complains he swiftly removes a small diamond box from within his back left pocket and it begins to glow a beautiful dazzling green then gold, after a moment L.J. places the box within a small case on the side of his hip, and suddenly the air stiffens. L.J. looks at the door yet again and reaches his hand out seemingly intent on touching the blackened door frame. Then out of nowhere, the door shoots open and he is drawn into an empty void.) SHIIITT!!!!!

Dantzler: (After having seen the guy who had approached Kimora earlier leaving the bathroom, Dantzler stared into the mirror and slapped himself before saying aloud.) You got this! I am a man! I am incredible! Now let's go make that lady who got all dressed up, smile a bit shall we? (As he is about to leave the room the sound of a loud "WHAM" is heard through the wall as it shakes violently as if something slammed into it. Quickly placing his ear to the wall to get a better picture of what was happening, Dantzler could only hear muffled noises through the music of the club and the thickness of the wall.) Yo, what the hell?! (He turns to run out of the bathroom only to catch a glimpse of a golden light very briefly shining then, immediately vanishing.) My head!! Why does this all feel like...(His eyes lock onto the women's bathroom door as his vision blurs a bit from the intense pain seeming to stem from the pressure of some kind of energy.) Arghhh!! I gotta go help!! IMPA-(As Dantzler pulls his fist back in an attempt to use Impact, he finds himself evaporating into multi-dispersing beams of light. Then suddenly he is gone.)

[Meanwhile, inside the women's bathroom Kimora is seen sliding under what appears to be a tendril of Darkness as the entire room has become a space of inky blackness. As Kimora rises from under the dark whip the "Anti-Crashout" brace is seen glowing on her leg.]

Kimora: Aye!! HOW ARE YOU NOT BEING YEETED OFF TO JAIL?!? That's clearly HOSTILE beyond just intent at this point so what gives?!

Juno: Hm? Oh, you know me! Always a tinkering soul, when I learned that I had a knack for...appropriation of abilities via Negative, well...shifting that silly toy onto the D.J was far too easy! (Placing her hand over her mouth as she lets out a rather haughty laugh and summons thousands more of her dark whips slamming Kimora into the wall causing Kimora to cough up blood.) Ara, ara! I see, so I only managed to grab a fraction of infinity! THAT'S why I can't seem to just ignore you yet bestie. If I leave you be, it seems you will just become a problem so it's best I handle you here and now. (Walking slowly forward her right hand outstretched towards Kimora's chest, with a sinister smile on her face.) I would LOOOVE to just give you a Therian-Seed or rather a Doom-Seed in your case..but I'm not entirely sure why they won't bloom with you so..let's just take the energy and be done with it shall we? (Proceeding to shove her hand into Kimora's chest, she rips out her heart, still beating and Kimora's eyes seem to lose the light in them entirely. Then, Time stops.)

Kimora: Uni..ver..sal....(The sound of something in the universe, shattering is heard ominously throughout the space Hevenly has created and blood is pouring out of Kimora's open chest cavity, the sound of a clock is heard ticking slowly until it comes to a complete halt. The heavy sound of a bell tolls once, then ceases and the light from her ankle is removed.)

Juno: (Remaining motionless yet aware, she takes a breath then shifts herself to a timeless form allowing her to move freely, she then proceeds to crush the heart in her hands revealing a T.V. remote and a room with a gigantic glass screen capable of filling one side of the room entirely.) ARA, ARA!! Jackpot!! With this I can be anywhere at any time!! Oh how I have waited for this moment!! The first time I saw her do this, I had to, I NEEDED TO make it MINE! However I'm not simply a petty criminal after world domination, ohh that's too easy! (She begins to chuckle to herself as she activates the screen and proceeds to change through each dimension, the screen last having the screen display 3038, 3039, then 3040.) Hm? Why's this one all..dull? What happened here?! This dimension seems as if it never had history....(Placing her hand on her chin and taking a moment to go into deep thought, as she continues mumbling to herself the sound of a voice echoes from the screen, a single word so quiet it is barely audible the first time around.) Hm? Something from nothing, a Negative in it's purest form! Shade was right after all!! (Surging with power yet again she covers her hand in darkness then slowly begins to envelop her body in the substance allowing her to take on a more seraphic-like form, her wings black in nature and in truth, her body radiating with an energy so heavy the air outside the club began to rise in temperature, creating various storms of heat lightning.)

????: (This time the voice came again louder this time almost as if to make a point.) Hevenly, time and time again I am forced to hold back everything in my head, everything in my heart, everything in this Universe. Time and time again, I am required to cower to someone hurting me or the ones I love because you seek only chaos and corruption. Well BESTIE! I'd best be showing you...(The figure walks into vision from the pitch blackness of the screen, her hair a myriad of Rainbows and flames, her eyes sapphire with draconic suits and the previous body of Kimora dispersing into energy and transferring to this mystery woman.) WHY YOU CANT CONTROL MEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!

[End Scene]