Chereads / Mercenary W.O.L.F: NDA / Chapter 34 - #34 The Price Of Power

Chapter 34 - #34 The Price Of Power

Kimora: (As she lets out a savage war cry the sound of a heartbeat can be heard echoing throughout the entire room, deep in origin, yet wondrous in its depth and power, Kimora began to feel a smoldering heat grow within her body and the suddenly pulse alongside this now hypnotic heartbeat. With every pulse, the sound becomes louder, heavier, and more ominous in its beat, and then... it suddenly stops.)

Juno: Mmmmm, DELICIOUS!!! That's the power I've been looking for!! Now come at me, you naughty girl!!! (She smirks as her hands trace the air in an eccentric pattern resembling a pen writing a note in the air, then without warning Juno begins to take a meditation position as she says out loud.) Negative - CRASH OUT!! (The room begins to fill with a dark liquid-like substance similar to an ocean beginning to open past a dam at full break. In a mere few seconds the room was filled to the brim swallowing the entire alternative dimension previously created.)

[Meanwhile, back inside the basement of the club, Jourton has now made it to the top of the staircase with a panicked expression on his face as Mr.Enthro is now nowhere to be seen. The sounds of Enthro's distorted body growing larger by the second deep in the chambers below.]

Jourton: HE'S A JUKAI!! (Sliding to a stop to take a thinking pose for a moment with one hand under his chin and an overly deep-in-thought expression on his face, he snaps his finger causing a small spark to appear and says.) Kaiju!! Mr.Rei said the big monster thingies are Grotesque aka Kaijus. But he's no match for my FRIENDS!!!!

????: (As Jourton makes his declaration and sets his hands on fire, a deep voice is heard echoing from the doorway of the club while a person appearing drees like a Knight wearing what appeared to be a liquid metal suit of full plate black armor and a one-person hover drove ever so quietly humming causing the voice of this mysterious person now leaning a massive construction pipe into the doorway aimed directly at Jourton and it's open end begins to glow at its owners grim command.) Cry, Equality..! (The pipe echoes and belches out a silver-green stone in the shape of a massive sniper rifle bullet the size of an SUV, causing the entire front facing of the building to collapse from the recoil and shockwaves from the now-established cannon. As the chaos erupts the crowd begins quickly fleeing the scene as several others are seen being teleported away with the leg bands.)

Jourton: (Just mere moments before the bullet connected with his body, Jourton dove directly underneath the bullet and seemingly borrowed the flames from the would-be explosions to retaliate with a fireball equal in size to the bullet previously fired.) Afterburner!!

????: (After the wall has collapsed Jourton sends back a massive fireball in the newcomer's direction causing them to reach to a small golden box on their back and tap it lightly causing a pretty black light to explode inside the box and the massive construction pipe, in microseconds breaks down into multiple miniature versions of itself creating a wall to block the fireball.) Mere HighBlood tricks! I hate Highbloods! You're so dependent on Magick that you fail to see the point of others' lives, for that crime and the vengeance of the Rokalee race, I Stone Venechelle will be your comeuppance! (As the words left their body, the pipes swiftly shifted to a shape closely resembling a riot shield with 5 different machine guns attached to the front of it as it began to spray hundreds of smaller green and blue shells at Jourton causing him to run across the wide open dance floor and directly at Stone.)

Jourton: Stone? That's such a cool villain name!!! No fair!! Okay, so I will be..!! (As he makes his way to Stone with a speed that makes it seem as if he had simply teleported before them, his entire body alight in flames.) PYRO COMMANDER!!! (With Jourton's childish thoughts coming to fruition as he slams his hands together in a prayer like motion and then into Stone's chest, the flames from Jourton's body erupt into a massive pillar leveling the building around them and melting the debris in the process before it can touch the ground as Jourton exclaims at the top of his lungs) EXCALIFLAAAME!!! (This massive pillar of fire rages on as Stone seemingly shielded themselves in a massive bubble of metal and liquid which seemed to be growing more and more resistant to the heat by the second.)

[Meanwhile, in the dimensional rift Juno created, Kimora appears to be drowning in pure darkness as if it were as deep and vast as every ocean known to man. Juno after a moment seems to draw all of the darkness into her body and the room they were fighting in becomes bigger than ever before, now resembling that of 3 football fields placed together.]

Juno: (She gives off a soft almost hungry sound as she charges at Kimora who is seen standing perfectly still, her eyes hidden beneath her long currently crimson hair and her body badly damaged and several of her bones are clearly broken.) All that hatred!! You held on to soooo much raw ANGER! I love this wonderful gift you left for me!! (Wasting no time at all she closes in on Kimora's position and using a whip made of pure Darkness she causes it's head to split into multiple ends, proceeding to impale Kimora's entire body from head to toe.) VOID OF LIFE!! This will be the last time bestie!! Now let's drain you of every last drop!! (With her words ringing throughout the air and a triumphant smile on her face, she suddenly becomes visibly confused as Kimora begins to cackle and howl with laughter.)

Kimora: Bwahahaha!!! Kyahahahaha!!! GOT CHA PENDEJA!! You! Have! PISSED! ME OFF! FOR THE LAST TIME! (With Recreation dropping from her hands, her hair becomes a myriad of rainbows and spikes backwards and upwards as her skin takes on a rich caramel tone as if kissed by the sun directly, her body begins to release shockwaves of energy, each pulse causing both this liminal dimension and the world outside of it to begin to distort and vibrate. The sky above the planet quickly darkens as thunderstorms suddenly form worldwide from the sheer buildup of energy causing Balsheen-Earth to lose all sunlight for a few minutes and the planet begins to vibrate simultaneously as if experiencing a universal earthquake reaching a 2.5 on the richter scale. This storm continues for a few minutes longer then suddenly the earthquake stops and Kimora is seen forcing both of her hands together and glass from all nearby buildings began to shatter in unison.)

Xanne: (As the world begins to shake and rumble violently, Xanne is seen laying in bed with two women only covered by the blanket the three of them had been sharing. As if arising from the dead, he stands up putting his pants on with a very concerned look on his face.) Ladies, stay on the ship. This will be the safest place on this planet for what's about to happen. Tch! EVERY! SINGLE! TIME! (With those words he took off running through the ship doors and quickly exits the Wolf Cry, making his way by leaping from building to building as they all begin to crumble from the sheer aura and pressure being exerted.)

Kimora: (Dropping down to one knee with her hands giving off an almost blinding light show of prismatic colors, slams her hands into Juno's stomach and unleashed a beam of light while screaming at the top of her lungs.) FINAL DISTORTION!!!! (The energy Kimora had previously been building up started as a single microscopic line of light leaping from her hands then suddenly and almost instantly erupted into a beam of energy wide enough and powerful enough to instantly shatter the dimension they were in and incinerate 30% of the planet surrounding their current area. The sound of wind and carnage echoed throughout the entire universe while Kimora's body was pushed further down into the crater beginning to form underneath her from the weight of the blast. The sky itself now shining brilliantly from the light of this wild energy that proceeded to engulf several stars and planets millions of lightyears away, tsunamis began to swell and form in the aftermath of the blast and Juno's body has seemingly disintegrated into nothing.) Get...wrecked! (With those last words of triumph Kimora is seen falling face first on the ground and the current city is nowhere to be seen.)

[End Scene]