Daily Question Once More: How many people would it take to beat Sunny while he fights unconscious?
Additional bonus question: Give me your top 3 fights and top 3 fights you want to see.
Dull thuds rang out through the clearing as low, pained moans escaped Sunny's lips. His mind was in overdrive, memories from a torturous past which he had only been experiencing from a second person perspective were now forced back into his mind at full force as his mind pieced itself together.
He was being forced to experience the horrors he had gone through once more, his two identities merging into one as tears poured from his face in a waterfall. His pained cries struck the ears of all those who were present, yet none of them dared to turn and face Sunny as a monster in human form stood before them.
Mordret stared at Nephis with a hateful smile, fury pouring across his face as he reminisced his time in a lab. The time he killed his own mother and all the bodies he had waded through in his journey. Ten thousand cuts were what he had counted before his mind started to fracture, and this was the cause of it all standing before him.
"So, do you have anything to say? Any speech before I end your life? Because I promise to God, I won't make it quick." Mordret's cold tone was devoid of his usual humour, looking Nephis directly in the eye as he watched her shoulders tremble. "Answer me! Speak! You looked me in the eye as you listened to what you did to me! Tell me how this isn't your fault! Spin me a story to make me laugh before I kill you!"
At this, Ki Song stepped forward, brandishing a scalpel in her hand with the blade being slightly elongated to suit her grip. She held both of them within her hands as she stared at him with an impassive and torn expression. "Although it is true that the immortal flame had caused you a great deal of suffering, I ask that you put aside your fury. She had no bearing on the machinations of long dead men."
Mordret broke out into laughter, almost falling back as he held his sword firmly, unsheathing it before waving it through the air lazily as he laughed directly in her face. "You! You witch! Who do you think you are asking me to put aside my fury? Shall I make incisions in your chest, cut off your arm and gut you thousands of times then ask you to turn the other cheek? Was it not her own support that drove Lost from Light to fighting me in the first place!?"
Noticing Ki Song's lack of response, Mordret simply smiled before running a hand through his hair. "A family, friends, I don't even wish for anything grand like a normal life, God knows that wasn't destined for someone like me. But even my own family, my flesh and blood hate me to the core for no fucking reason, and then I was seen as a monster because of what she caused! So, either you stand and fight or watch her die."
Realising negotiations had failed, for good reason too as she had no way of refuting his words, Ki Song stood between the two. Nephis could only digest his words with a torn expression on her face before her expression hardened, right as he may be, she was going to rob him of his well-deserved revenge selfishly. After all, she had people to live for.
The two women fell into their stance, Moonveil stared at Ki Song with an odd expression for a moment as she pulled out her sword. "Really? We're fighting the White Ghost? Isn't that more of a job for..." she glanced back for a split second to notice Sunny's empty eyes, fresh off a mental breakdown as she sighed to herself. "never mind. He might kill us anyway for even attempting to negotiate with him."
Clara and Eubin fell just behind them, guarding the rear and preventing any lingering attacks from touching Sunny as Clara brandished her odachi. "Valor's white ghost. Probably the only person in the world who can even give Sunny a good fight. We might die here you know?" Clara whispered, staring at Eubin who simply smiled at her.
"When you die, you should leave the world with a smile. Fighting him here is something worth smiling for."
As she finished her sentence, the air became thick with tension. Each one of them preparing to make a move as Mordret simply smiled at them. "Lost from Light dodged this one, I think you should too." With a single movement, his hand shot to the side, swinging his sword with such speed that his hand disappeared from everyone's view.
A shift in the air was all Ki Song had to rely on as she yelled. "Duck low!" Wrapping her strings around Sunny, Eubin pulled him along with her as they all bent downward, a vacuum of air tearing the area where their necks all aligned as it slammed into the walls, tearing steel and cement apart as the thunderclap rung against their eardrums.
"I break the sound barrier a lot, I know." He mumbled, attempting to make a joke to calm his ever-rising fury. And yet, it's effects were instantly nullified upon noticing Nephis moving first. Her body was a blur of speed as she instantly closed the distance.
A sharp pivot, then a snapping low kick aimed for his knee. Mordret barely shifted in his stance, parrying the strike with the flat of his blade before smoothly twisting, forcing her back just in time for Jessica and Clara to move in from both sides. "You're half baked the lot of you!" He roared in annoyance.
Their swords slashed at him in a deadly pincer manoeuvre. He countered one, his blade moving so fast it blurred, while stepping into Clara's range. The woman's sword lashed forward, but Mordret didn't dodge, allowing it to sink into his side as a trickle of blood bloomed across his white shirt. 'Are his ribs made out of diamond?'
"He can regenerate!" Nephis shouted, in a sudden burst of strength, he twisted his body, pulling Clara off balance with his own flesh before delivering a vicious elbow strike to her face. She stumbled back, blood trailing from her lip, just as Eubin's wires snapped into motion.
Thin strands closed in like constricting serpents, weaving toward his limbs, his throat. Mordret let them coil, watching in amusement as they tightened, slicing into his flesh. Suddenly, his eyes widened as though in realisation. "I would let this play out a bit longer, but I really want to kill Changing Star." He apologised, flexing his muscles as he snapped the wires apart.
Eubin's eyes barely registered the slackening of her wires as a flash of steel tore through the air towards her. His sword arced towards her throat, ready to remove her head from her body as a flash of silver moved to intercept it. Standing there, was the adoptive mother of these children and she was positively furious.
Ki Song.
The force of her parry sent a shockwave rippling through the ground, Mordret's arm shivered in anticipation for the bout. She didn't hesitate; a scalpel flicked towards his eye. He tilted his head just enough for it to carve a thin line across his cheek. Another flick of her wrist, and a scalpel hunted for the tendons in his wrist.
He shifted; let it graze his skin as he watched the blood trickle. "Scalpels just like those were what her father used to cut into my chest, did you know that?" He asked, but instead of giving an answer she was already moving.
Nephis rejoined the fray, a spinning elbow cutting through the air toward his skull. Mordret twisted, barely avoiding the impact, but Ki Song hunted for his blind spot like a ravenous dog. A scalpel shot toward his throat, just as Jessica and Clara reengaged from either side. Eubin regained her footing and cast her wires again, preparing for his dodge.
For the first time in the fight. Mordret took a breathe. A real, genuine one. Despite his rage, a deranged smile split his face as his eyes widened with ecstasy. "This is perfect, this is better than any night I've spent with a woman. Never mind...Effie's too good." He mumbled the last part of his sentence under his breathe before his eyes focused.
Then, he moved.
Faster than before.
So fast that they didn't see him.
He was a ghost. One clad in all white. A sign you'd see marking your death.
His blade wove through the onslaught, carving a terrifying arc through the air as he ducked beneath Nephis' elbow. His free hand shooting up to grip her wrist before throwing her over his shoulder in a brutal judo throw. "You're not the only one who can throw people, scum." He muttered hatefully as Jessica rushed in with a raised eyebrow.
"Do you always talk this much?" She asked in exasperation, her and Clara's blades moving in perfect symphony with intent to cut straight through him. He let their blades cut him. One to his shoulder, the other into his side. The wounds did little to slow him down as he spun, wrenching the swords free from their owners before driving his knee into Clara's chest, knocking the wind from her.
Then, Eubin's wires closed in.
This time, he didn't bother ripping through them, he could tell they were stronger than the previous ones but that wasn't the reason. He let them entangle him, pulling his limbs tight—just long enough for him to be trapped.
Just long enough for him to deceive them.
Ki Song lunged. A flicker of his blade, a ghostly, deadly whisper that carved through the wires around his form as his sword met Ki Song's scalpel's in a screech of steel. She slid back slightly, her hands shaking from the sheer force of his swing. "What a monster." She grunted under her breathe which only elicited a greater smile from the madman.
"You're fighting for the person who made me this way."
Then, he was upon her. It was a pure contest of skill. No tricks, no feints—just raw, honed mastery. Her scalpel clashed with his sword continuously as Ki Song weaved through the onslaught, barely managing to keep up with his never-ending rain of blows. 'Does he even have any weak spots?' She asked herself, eyes focused.
For each move she made, a counter, for each attack she threw, he hunted the openings she left like a predator. And yet—she was holding her ground. The others were recovering, each blow from Mordret felt like it was hitting their organs directly rather than causing physical damage. Compared to Sunny who just ripped through his opponents, organs and all, Mordret's approach so far was far more...subtle.
Nephis surged forward once more, blood dripping from her mouth. She was relentless, unyielding. A step, a sidestep, a brutal hook cracked against Mordret's ribs. 'I don't need to kill him; I just need to put him down. If I was Mordret, what wouldn't I want to happen to me the most. Put yourself in his shoes, become him. Kill yourself, you aren't Nephis, you are Mordret.' Thoughts of these nature flashed through her mind, replicating his identity in her mind as her fist crashed against his ribs once more.
For once, Mordret winced. "I don't know what hurts more, the fact that you're this weak or the fact that you haven't noticed that Sunny's already dead." Her eyes snapped in his direction for a moment, a wide smile arriving on his face as he roared. "Made you look!" In the next moment, an elbow soared past where his head once was as Nephis spun backward.
"That was already within expectations."
Jessica and Clara pressed in again their swords forming a coordinated dance of steel. Eubin's wires twisted through the air severing and reforming in a heartbeat, closing the gaps that Mordret forced them to create in a heartbeat. "There we go, this is it. So, it's when you're defending your family Ki Song, this is what draws out your best!"
A brutal counter—his blade swept up, knocking Ki Song's scalpels from her hands. A spinning kick slammed into Nephis' ribs as she was sent crashing into Jessica. Clara thrust her sword, but Mordret caught it midair, wrenching it from her grasp before slamming the pommel into her temple.
"Your swordsmanship is so half baked it's painful. Just kill yourself and save me the trouble."
Eubin's wires snapped forward, but he ignored them, Wrapping around his arms, they tore through his skin till they met his impenetrable bones. Using them to his advantage, he roughly tugged forward, pulling her into striking range as his knee slammed itself into her skull. She crumbled on the floor, energy leaving her body.
"Now, that leaves you. A one on one with Ki Song herself, how arousing." He mocked, she said nothing, only moving with precision that many envied as she moved faster than before. Each movement was far more precise, far more filled with the sneaking realisation that she might die as her scalpels blurred through the air.
She didn't even blink, her eyes remained utterly focused on Mordret's form as she sliced shallow yet strategic wounds across his joints, his tendons. Nephis' eyes flickered, trying to read his movements further as she adjusted, preparing to aim for his next weak point. And yet, the strength in her feet almost left her as she watched his wounds seal themselves once more.
Despite the dried blood that lingered across his body like a brewing storm, he had no wounds, he wasn't even breathing heavily. And one by one, he cut them down. Drawing deep gashes across their forms as they were each forced to retreat before they received lethal damage. Only leaving Ki Song in his path.
And yet, even she too fell on the floor, too much blood lost.
Only Nephis remained, standing in front of Mordret as he offered her a wide smile. "What did your friend over there say? You should leave this world with a smile? So, smile! Smile! Laugh!" Nephis face remained stone still as Mordret's expression contorted into fury.
"Why aren't you laughing? Isn't this funny to you? Or are you angry that your personalised slave has fallen into Song's hands? Answer me, give me a reason, one good reason. Give me a way you'll prove yourself to me that you aren't a stain on this earth just like your fucking pathetic good for nothing, odious, disgusting, idiotic parents were!"
At this, Nephis coughed a light amount of blood, her eyes burning with passion and resolve as she stared at him.
"One hit, allow me to prove myself by earning one hit." Mordret smiled at her, a malicious grin arriving on his face as he stepped back slightly to give her distance. "One hit? I'll give you two minutes, if you manage to land a single hit on me, then I'll walk the other way. If you don't, I'm going to skin you alive and eat your flesh in front of you."
And that was all that needed to be said. Nephis had pulled off a desperate gamble, any doubts that Mordret would keep his end of the deal were killed as her mind cleared itself, leaving only room for resolve and focus.
She had gambled her life, leaving it's fate in her own hands.