Now enjoy.
Two women of immense strength were only capable of hanging their mouths wide open at Sunny's bold admission. Who in their right mind exclaimed their intention to kill a Sovereign so light heartedly? Although, Eubin herself wasn't quite surprised, no matter how much of Sunny's mind he lost his hatred towards Valor seemed never changing.
After being successfully guided to Ki Song's chambers, Sunny looked around the room curiously, noting the excessive amounts of medical equipment that were located in her room with a curious expression as he gazed upon the woman who appeared to be studying a dead body.
"Mother, Lost from- Sunny requests your presence." Upon hearing Moonveil's words, Ki Song quickly turned around, staring at Sunny with an impassive expression as the two locked eyes. Taking off her blood-stained gloves, Ki Song pulled down her mask with a curious expression as she stared at him.
Tension began to flare as the two exuded their presence without restraint, it felt like Sunny was sucking the life out of the room, causing Moonveil to waver in her stance as Ki Song stared at him without breaking eye contact. "I have some demands." Sunny stated lightly.
Cocking her head to the side, Ki Song raised an eyebrow before beckoning him to continue. "It's a few things so I'll try be brief. I want the ability to freely leave and return whenever I want to, you can have your daughters monitor me if you don't trust me, I want my own house with a large kitchen within it and I want my knives back."
Silence permeated through the room as Moonveil suppressed a cough of shock. 'He's trying to get a large kitchen so he can force me to teach him how to cook. How insidious.' Meanwhile, Eubin was taken aback by Sunny's demands. Not only due to his lack of formalities, which was to be expected slightly but also the curious nature of his demands.
'Why would he want to leave and return whenever he wants to? Surely he should know we're sticking near him to monitor him. So, why?'
Ki Song remained silent for a moment, running her hand through her auburn hair before an expression of excitement arrived on her face. "I'll do all of that on one condition, I want to study you and figure out how you don't make noise as you walk." Sunny's expression flickered between disapproval and disgust. Her studying him likely meant she was going to come into physical contact with him, and such a prospect horrified him.
"You can study me whenever you wish. I just want my knives back first." Ki Song hummed in agreement, sending a nod to Moonveil to secure his knives before pausing to think. It was clear she had a question to ask Sunny but was quite apprehensive, depending on his answer he could reveal a weakness of his.
"Sunny, was it? Do you want your knives because you fight better with them?" Sunny raised an eyebrow at the older woman before clenching and relaxing his hands, the space his knives usually took being empty continued to serve his discomfort. "No, I'm weaker when I use knives. But they were...important to Sunny."
'He killed three hundred thousand people with those knives but he's weaker with them? That makes sense maybe, he deflected that missile with his bare hands after all.' Ki Song mused as Moonveil quickly returned with a set of three knives. Sunny took them from her hands, attempting to smile but finding his face failing him as he merely nodded in approval.
"Tell me when the house is made. Eubin could you come with me?" At Sunny's sudden statement, even Eubin could no longer hide her shock as her eyes visibly widened. 'Why in the world does he want me to come with him?' She thought to herself, quickly finding that she had to almost run to keep up with Sunny's speed.
Eventually, Eubin found herself in Sunny's temporary room as he shut the door behind the two of them. "Taking a girl into your room then locking the door, how romantic." She teased, causing a blush to fight its way onto Sunny's face as he sat down on his bed and unsheathed his knives.
"You were a precious person to Sunny and you helped him out quite a bit." The statement was abrupt, Sunny's tone was entirely blank as he stared at his ceiling. Upon hearing she was considered a precious person to him, Eubin couldn't help but smile pleasantly as Sunny continued speaking.
"It seems that... I don't particularly know who I am. I'm just able to fight and kill really well. But I don't enjoy fighting or killing, I want to do things that I enjoy. If I remember correctly, Sunny thought you were an amazing cook. I think... I'm going to try cooking. It's what Sunny would have wanted. Can you help me?"
'He's like an overly murderous teddy bear; how can you hate him?' Eubin thought to herself as she sat next to Sunny, keeping a comfortable distance between the two before she reached into her pocket and threw him a freshly peeled orange.
"Eat it." She commanded lightly.
Sunny didn't need to be told twice before he obliged, his eyes shooting open as the explosion of sweetness collided with his tongue. Even in 'Sunny's' memories, he hadn't remembered eating something so... so divine in his entire life! "What are these!?" Sunny exclaimed excitedly.
"They're oranges. I'll get you more later. But to answer your question, I'm going to be brutally honest with you. I will help you live a life worth enjoying but we need to get something straight. You and 'Sunny' or the other Sunny as you call it are the same person. You've chosen to disconnect your identity from those memories out of trauma."
The young man's face became stone still as he began to scan through his memories. He didn't once remember Sunny going through a traumatic experience. Vague images of several mirrors encompassed his mind but not once did he ever remember what Eubin spoke of.
"I'll prove it. If you didn't have trauma, then why do you lash out violently when I for example... do this?" Flicking her wrist, a string extended itself from her arm, quickly coiling round the room, sliding through a small crack before pulling out a thin mirror. Moving her wrist once more with practiced ease, she raised the mirror to Sunny's face as his fist disappeared from her vision.
In moments, mirror shards flew across the room, Eubin catching them with her wires before gently arranging them in a neat pile in the corner of the room. Sunny's face was empty, his breathing ragged as he shifted backwards away from his former position in his bed.
"NO! NO! NO! NO! That isn't me... that isn't me that isn't me!" Sunny groaned, knowing physical contact would likely result in Sunny's fist indenting itself into her throat, Eubin simply shifted in the bed, grabbing his duvet before wrapping it around Sunny's body in a quasi-embrace.
"Calm down... you're ok. This time, like all the other times in your past will pass. You're strong, and I'm not talking about your chiseled abs. So just keep moving forward." She cooed, her voice radiated in his ear, warmth pulsing through his body as his heart slowly calmed itself.
Taking in a deep breath, he turned around, glancing at Eubin's face which was only a few inches away from his own before a small smile settled upon his face.
"Thank you."
Walking back from her murderous spree was quite an experience, oddly enough, Nephis didn't find herself attempting to contemplate the implication of the death she had inflicted onto the men. Frankly, she felt quite at peace with the idea that they would never hurt children once more.
But it is the fate of every hunter to be hunted.
She knew it, with much more intensity now that she had actually taken a life. Returning to regular life was impossible. How Sunny had managed to survive so long of Caster's bullying without slitting his throat or ripping his spine out of his body was baffling. Murderous impulses continued to flow through her very essence as she stared down at the neon lights of Orion's kingdom.
As she walked to his home, fifty children in tow, she found that each warrior she came across was giving her an identical look to the one she gave them. Each of them calculating the fastest way to kill her and vice versa. It was such a horrifying thought, and to think Sunny may have been looking at her with such eyes once.
Soon, she found herself standing in front of Orion who was shirtless in his room, repeating push-ups as he continued to rewatch the video of Sunny murdering three hundred thousand with avid attention. Sweat beaded off his form as he turned his head to witness Nephis.
Shooting to his feet, he closed the distance between the two before narrowing his eyes. "The look in your eyes is different. You really did kill them! Sunless has been rubbing off on you." Pausing, he grabbed a cloth and wiped himself down before placing a hand on his chin. "Do you remember what they look like? The people you killed."
A simple question, yet it took Nephis entirely aback. She could remember them vaguely, blurred faces attached to murderous bodies that rushed towards her viciously. But none of their identifying features ever made themselves apparent to her senses.
"No. I don't." Orion nodded without offering a reply, waving his hand at her to mark her exit. As she moved towards the door, Orion stopped in his workout once more before pausing. "I'm going to say this once so I want you to burn it into your memory. In a few months, all the Sovereigns will be meeting with one another to discuss the state of the underworld. You will be there along with Noctis and Solvane acting as Asterion's guards. Meaning you might see Sunny."
Nephis offered no visible reaction, nodding slightly before exiting the door. Now she had something to do, if such strong people were uniting in one area, then she needed the strength to properly defend herself but also those she held near. But that wasn't the problem...
How would she face the man who helped kill her master?