Dull thuds resounded around the room as they watched light fade from Revel's eyes. Nephis wasn't sure what to say, the sight of someone so close to her dying left an irrefutable hole within her soul as she watched Sunny hug her body with tears streaking down his face.
Although she didn't know exactly what she had conveyed to Sunny before her life had passed from her mortal body, she was sure it was quite important to her most cared for companion as he received a golden knife and raised himself to his feet.
"No, no, no. Not that many people. Not all at once. He'll lose himself." Orions mutters drew Nephis's attention back onto the screen as she saw him be surrounded by three hundred thousand men, a wide circle being made around he and Revel's bodies as he lifted the woman off the floor.
Effie gripped the armrest of her seat with such intensity that it shattered under her grip as Cassie could only cry alone in the corner, unable to witness Revel's final moments and her last stand. However, from the sounds of combat that rang out through the screen, they were all sure.
It was glorious.
Kai shot to his feet; his face red with rage as Samara grabbed his shoulder weakly to restrain him. Moving toward the door, Orion's arm gripped his own, far weaker than he regularly would have as his eyes remained firmly planted onto the screen, and yet, Kai was unable to move.
"Wait." A simple command, and yet Kai stared at him like the man had asked him to leap over the moon as he shrugged the man's palm off his arm. "What type of friend are you!? You watched your best friend's mother die! You surely held her within your heart, how can you stay here and watch her die!?"
Orion didn't respond immediately, not meeting his eyes as he contemplated his options. Sevirax, Solvane and Noctis. All three had moved in unison in their assault onto Revel despite their usual aggrievances with one another. And to make it worse, the half a million men who stood in Sunny's way shot flags within his mind he didn't want to acknowledge.
Asterion, Anvil. Those were the only people who possessed the authority and leverage to command all three mighty forces to move in unison, meaning that this operation to subjugate Sunny had gone far beyond the scope of what Orion was prepared to handle.
Looking outside Sunny's window, Orion's gaze softened as he saw children running past his home, their bellies full and smiles plastered across their faces as his expression stiffened. He had a duty to his friend, but he also had a duty to the people he had cultivated.
"This goes far beyond you, far beyond all of us. If my suspicions are correct, at least two of the three big families have mobilised to subjugate Sunless. Any movement from me will result in the deaths of my people, I swear on it, I would have been the first one flying out of this door if not for the people I wish to protect."
However, Kai was not buying his speech as his glare only increased in intensity. He took several steps for the door before turning to Orion. "And what about Sunny? What about his life? What about Revel's life? This utilitarian, save the many over the few attitude is for cowards! You, who boasted so much have been reduced to this!"
This time, Orion's anger shot out of his soul in a flurry as he blitzed before Kai and grabbed him by the face, utterly ignoring all his attempts to resist as he spoke in a cold tone.
"Do you know, how much courage it takes for me to look into the eyes of the men I may one day sacrifice? Do you know, the anguish I have endured, allowing evils to pass through my vision all because I have those who I wish to protect!? You talk about cowardice, but your delusion is the most cowardly of them all!"
Slamming his hand against the nearby wall, Orion spoke in a cold, chilling tone as his grip around Kai's face tightened. "In this world, there are no hero's." As he shoved Kai backward, the ring of Sunny's doorbell came in sombrely as a faint knocking could be heard at the door.
Turning around with a grimace on his face, Orion gripped the door handle roughly before pulling it open with fury, almost yanking the door off it's hinges as a thin, tall figure came into view. Mordret, who had surprisingly grown in height in two weeks bent his head slightly to enter the home as he stared around the room.
Characteristically, a large smile arrived across his face as he ran a hand through his hair, positioning himself next to Effie's side as he folded his arms across his chest. "So, do I want to kill my father at the height of his strength, or watch him scamper and panic as I kill him at his lowest?"
It was a simple question, yet the intentions were clear. He was giving them a choice, to allow him to aid Sunny despite knowing he was untrustworthy in the moment or aid them in reclaiming Sunny after he had been captured once Valor had been severely weakened.
A simple choice.
And yet, as Nephis moved to portray the answer that was shared throughout the entire room, Mordret's raised hand cut her off as he narrowed his eyes, a malicious smile growing across his face as he cocked his head to the side.
"Now, I'll say this. The only way out of this place is currently being guarded by Noctis, and behind him is Sevirax and even further back is Solvane. Unless you are confident in aiding me in my exit, I suggest you shut your mouths."
This time, it was Orion's turn to speak as his eye twitched with fury. The three lords were encroaching on his territory, blocking the exits of his people. This wasn't merely a safety precaution; this was an attack. They had suspected he was housing Sunny, likely on faulty basis and were acting upon it.
"I'm going." Was all Orion said as he exited the home in a burst of speed, Nephis and Cassie quickly followed, Kai and Samara following after as Mordret stared at Effie in silence. "I'm going too." Was all Effie said, but before she could leave, Mordret grabbed her by the arm, pulling her towards him as he pressed her lips against her own for what felt like years.
Pulling back, Mordret smiled to himself before licking his lips. "It's definitely better than it looks in movies." And with that, he disappeared. Effie, who had been left dazed by the sudden show of affection only had enough time to maintain a reddish hue on her cheeks as she blurred outward.
Soon enough, seven of them appeared within the pale white expansive hallways that the underworld offered. Once a brief speck in the distance, Noctis seated form came into view as he unsheathed his blade slowly. "You can just turn around; this doesn't involve you. I've taken enough lives for today."
Nephis growled at him with murder on her mind as she stepped forward. "I don't care that you've helped me before, I'll fucking kill you! I'll murder you; I'll rip your guts out!" Her eyes flashed with bubbling rage as her skin grew slightly red, leaning backwards slightly, it offered her enough room to dodge the flat of Noctis blade flying at her head as he leapt backward.
"Usually, it's the strongest of the group who shows the most aggression." Before he could offer a follow up, Mordret's cold laughter echoed throughout the hallway as he unsheathed his blade. "Don't worry folks, the main character is here!" He proclaimed, narrowing his eyes at Noctis as the two men stared at each other.
And in a moment, sparks began flying as the two engaged in heated combat, Nephis not being able to offer any moment of strategic complaint as she disappeared past Noctis in a burst of speed. Only a few hundred metres behind him, a man stood with his back facing the six of them, his hands firmly gripping a slender sword as Orion turned to Cassie.
"He's blind, perfect opponent, perfect training. The four of you can handle Solvane!" Orion called as he disappeared in a burst of speed, his machete meeting Sevirax's blade as he aimed to bisect Nephis and the rest who were running past. After buying them enough time, Orion blurred next to Cassie, gripping her tightly by the waist as he stared at Sevirax.
"Tell me, what do you see." He called, his voice calm and composed as Cassie took a moment to visualise the sensory input around her. "A man of above average height, he uses a sword from the callouses on his palms and he appears... excited."
Further proving her theory correct, Sevirax exploded into a roar of sickening laughter, drowning out the sounds of metal clashing against one another as he stared with his empty eyes at Cassie. "Another female blind swordsman? How many of you must I kill? Tell me, you were taught by that woman...what was her name? D—"
Orion's voice cut him off, filled with palpable hatred as he stared the man before him down, his grip on Cassie's waist tightening slightly as he spat out. "You don't deserve to speak her name, you scum." Almost acting upon Orion's non-verbal command, Cassie and Sevirax blurred towards one another.
Nephis's dash was cut short by a red-haired figure standing in her way with folded arms. Without a moment's hesitation, Kai removed his hands from his pockets, revealing twin pistols as he fired them without hesitation at Solvane's thighs. The other woman simply shifted slightly, reading their path of flight as she moved to the side, allowing both bullets to fly past her seamlessly.
"If I remember correctly, you did the least to defeat Revel. Were you too weak?" Nephis' mocking voice only elicited a scowl from the older woman as her expression turned into a sweet smile, restraining herself. "Noctis and Sevirax called her first. And besides, who's dead? Certainly not me."
Eyebrow twitching in fury, Nephis looked towards Effie, Kai and Samara with a stone-cold expression as she prepared herself for what might be the hardest battle of her life.
"Let's change that."