Rain slammed against the wet, muddy floors, slick with Revel's blood. First it was a few drops, then the onslaught of liquid that came from above caused Sunny's hair to stick to his face, holding him, stopping him from losing himself as he stared down at his mother's lifeless eyes.
Heaven itself was weeping.
Lifting Revel's body off the floor, Sunny looked around, noticing he had been surrounded completely as a masked figure slammed into the ground before him. A feminine voice rang out through his ears as she said simply. "It's Eubin, let me take her."
Sunny stared at her with a blank expression, handing the older woman over to her as she disappeared in the next moment. His heart was in a turmoil of emotions, Sunny's face didn't know what expression to make as he slowly slid his gaze across the people around him.
Only then did rage burst forth.
A harrowing grimace arrived on his face as Sunny gritted his teeth, it was their fault, all their fault. Anvil, Asterion, Ki Song. All of them would die, not a single one would be left alive. Pulling out one of his knives, given to him by Orion, he held the other golden plated knife in his right hand as his lips parted.
"Three hundred thousand of you. I'll kill all of you! I'll kill your children; I'll rip your spines out your body! You're dead! Anvil, Asterion, Ki Song, dead! I'll fucking kill you!"
His eyes flashed red as his skin reddened to match his rage. With his verbal signal of aggression, the turrets didn't waste a single moment before firing rounds at his body. Each round with enough force to pierce a hole through his body, and yet Sunny didn't dodge.
Standing in the centre of the hail of bullets, Sunny's hands became a blur, the knives flashing in arcs too fast for the eye to track. Steel met steel, gold and diamond carving impossible paths through the air. Bullets deflected off their edges harmlessly into the ruined ground.
Their force was tremendous, it wasn't every day one got over a thousand bullets rained upon them in mere seconds. And yet, Sunny refused to dodge. His rage would not allow him to take a single step back as he continued to move forward, carving his way through.
Every strike was perfect, every movement a calculated response. His footwork effortless, shifting through the onslaught as if dancing across the edge of a blade. His eyes remained focused, yet he wasn't relying on sight to block.
Each bullet that flew through the air screamed at his senses no matter how deep into his blind spot they came. This was a fight he would not allow himself to lose, a fight he would not allow anyone to interfere with.
He would not relinquish this fight to God himself.
He would not relinquish this fight to the unconscious monster he became whenever he passes out.
He would experience every moment, every life taken.
With a smile.
Sunny stepped forward. His knives wove a web of absolute defence, carving the storm into pieces. Some bullets he sent flying back into the eyes of stray soldiers, taking lives without acknowledging their existence for even the slightest moment. Others he deflected just enough to pass by within a hairs breadth.
His expression remained cold, unreadable, efficient. Even beneath the mountain of rage.
Seconds blew past like the passing wind. One minute, then one and a half. It was a fatal flaw that all ranged weapons had, they were harrowingly limited in supply. He just needed to endure, to continue moving forward.
Soon enough, the final salvo came. One last desperate attempt to overwhelm him. A storm within a storm. Sunny's knives sang their weeping song, mourning the death of a keystone within his mind as his eyes flashed red with rage once more.
Revel's smile, her loving eyes. Eyes that would never gaze upon him once more.
Then silence.
Once a pristine forest, now turned into a harrowing battlefield as Sunny exhaled with effort. Their bullets had run out, his eyes scanned across the field, thousands of soldiers rushing at him in moments as his face stiffened, curling into a snarl.
"I'll fucking kill you!"
Sunny rolled his shoulders, exhaled, and let his weight settle into his stance. His bloodlust settled upon the shoulders of the oncoming soldiers like a train upon an ant. He felt their resolves waver, the flicker of fear passing through their eyes as Sunny's frown deepened.
And then, he moved.
Stepping into the tide of warriors like a phantom, his body shifted between gaps. His blade carving through flesh and steel alike. Slicing off the head of one man, Sunny leapt into the air, slamming his foot into the removed body part as it soared down towards another one of the soldiers.
Exploding upon impact, Sunny showered his opponents with the fluids of their comrades. Showing the world a blood-soaked painting as his eyes glanced at the helicopters above. 'Kamikaze.' Was his only thought as he grabbed a man by the shoulders, using his collarbone as footing and pushing off with enough force to shatter it as he leapt into the air.
He felt it, three hundred feet off the ground as he finally got in range. Sunny grabbed a knife he had stolen, flicking his wrist as he threw it with blinding speeds into the helicopter's engine. It was only a matter of time before the machine exploded.
Turning around, Sunny softened every muscle in his body as he prepared to land on the ground. Luckily, he landed upon the bodies of several men as his arms tore through the air in a brutal arc, removing three heads as he once again kicked them into the crowd.
It couldn't be explained.
A single man, restraining three hundred thousand.
Was what was before them even human?
No, something simpler. Something far more harrowing.
A demon.
A demon coated in blood.
Sunny's nickname as 'The Nobody' wasn't for nothing. He weaved through the crowd of people, soundlessly, insidiously. Sprays of blood were the only method to locate him as he cut through thousands of people in a matter of mere moments.
A swordsman lunged at him, but Sunny parried the blow with his knife. The blade's unyielding edge notching the sword. With a twist of his wrist, he disarmed the man, the golden knife, gifted to him by the woman closest to his heart came down in a brutal strike.
Cleaving through bone and muscle alive, Sunny nearly carved the man into two pieces as he disengaged to duck under a swing of a mace. His second knife flashed through the air in a silver streak, slicing through the man's hamstring. As he fell, Sunny drove his knife into the man's spine, using the open wound, he drove his hand into the man's back.
Ripping his spine from his body.
What happened next was nothing short of abominable. Using the loosely connected pieces of his spine, only being connected by loose ligaments, Sunny's wrist flicked as the spine lashed through the air like a whip, coating a man's face with blood as the broken bone shattered into splinters across his face.
Splinters that dug into his soft eyes without resistance.
And Sunny continued to march forward, his stride unwavering, his body clouded with slick blood which was quickly washed away by the rain as he prepared himself for another round of combat.
Morgan and Anvil could only share expressions of combined horror as they watched Sunny mow his way through ten thousand people in quick succession. Although a part of Morgan was deeply horrified that this foe would soon be aiming his fangs at her throat. Another part of her felt different...
Sick, perverted pride.
It was her abuse; her touch that had built Sunny into the man he was. He had lost his way and soon her favourite dog would find itself back in her embrace. She would do things differently, make him addicted to her once more.
"Ten thousand men isn't nearly enough, not for him." Was all she commented, suppressing the sick blush that attempted to fight its way onto her face as Anvil continued to stare at the screen without saying a word.
"What type of training did you put this monster into? Nobody should be this strong, this brutal, this... inhuman." Was all Anvil muttered, allowing his mask of indifference to slip as Morgan's body shivered under the indirect praises he was giving to her.
She too maintained her mask of indifference as she stared at the screen once more.
"Ten thousand men is far too little, after all, he's the strongest."