Silence. Cruel punishing silence enveloped the battlefield as Mordret slowly rose to his feet. Usually, Sunny would have struck before he could fully recover, but getting any closer to the monster before him only marked a quick and brutal death.
'He's unconscious. This is what Morgan was talking about, this is it.' Shaking his head, Sunny focused upon Mordret's form, crouching low and preparing for another onslaught as his eyes narrowed. 'Don't think, kill!' Before Sunny could move, he was thirteen feet in the air.
Mordret's foot had collided with his jaw with force that most cars couldn't replicate. Yet he wasn't done there, wrapping his fingers around Sunny's foot, Mordret slammed Sunny into the ground with animalistic fury. Relaxing his body, Sunny only had enough time to spin slightly to avoid hitting his spine directly on the shrapnel below.
A torrent of blood escaped his lips as Sunny jumped back. Before he could offer any chance of a counterattack, Mordret lunged. No longer with the calm, calculated precision that he once wielded, instead giving in to his animalistic tendencies for greater strength.
Usually, opponents like Mordret were the easiest to face. Giving into rage only made most people lose precision, yet every blow that collided with Sunny's form hit with animalistic accuracy.
Crossing his arms over his chest, Sunny was sent barrelling into a wall as Mordret's fist collided with his guard. Sunny felt his bones creak as he was slammed into the marble walls, coughing blood once more as the damage built up. A wide brutal swipe came next, Mordret's fingers curled like claws aimed at his throat.
Ducking low, Sunny twisted his body into a tight roll to escape, but Mordret was far faster. Before he could recover, Mordret's knee collided with his stomach, sending him rolling across the floor with agony lancing throughout his body. The impact of the blow sent him flying backward, yet Sunny barely had enough time to steady his body and think before Mordret began moving again.
His attacks were relentless, wild, yet terrifyingly, absurdly precise. In fact, his precision far surpassed what he had earlier, taking on a more instinctive form of fighting compared to the honed swordsmanship he once wielded. Each swing could shatter spines, send cars flying and take Sunny's life if it landed incorrectly.
Lunging again, Mordret swung a heavy fist toward Sunny's head. Weaving under it, Sunny slipped to the side. Moving on instinct, Sunny slammed an elbow into his ribs followed by a snapping kick to the insides of Mordret's knee.
Mordret didn't even flinch.
It was like pain became an illusion, Mordret's hand shot out, grabbing Sunny by the collarbone and slamming him into the floor with monumental strength. Sunny felt his vision spin, blood clouding his eyes as it dripped from his forehead as he felt consciousness slipping from him.
'No, I won't lose, I'll kill this fucker!' Sunny roared to himself, and yet, that was the last thought he was able to have before he fell unconscious.
From above, Seishan was watching the fight with horror in her eyes. Her God had been brutally decimated by Mordret after he fell unconscious, she had only heard rumours of the state Mordret was in and yet here it was unfolding before her eyes.
Instinctively, her arm twitched, ready to leap down and form a distraction to save Sunny at the cost of her own life. He wasn't her God because of strength alone and she knew it all too well, yet, risking her life for the sake of others would never be a thought that came to her mind much less almost acting on it.
'I want to save him, but I can't. No, I won't!' Despite her mental declaration, her body almost began moving on its own before death itself pressed its weight upon her body completely. It wasn't the sickening fury that emanated from Mordret currently, nor was it the bloodlust that was pressed upon her by the Sovereigns when she first met them.
It was something far simpler, far more profound, far vaster and unnerving.
Sunny's body slowly rose from the floor, his eyes blackened to match Mordret's, his body tensed in ways that humans couldn't replicate. Seishan could see it all too well, Sunny's body wasn't merely trained, honed for battle through rigorous training. His body was perfect.
Not a single flaw, not a single deficiency, not a single weakness.
And he was now showing the full entailments of such a situation. Instinctively, Mordret jumped back, watching Sunny slowly raise himself to his feet as he slowly paced towards Mordret. The two stood in front of one another, staring blankly in each other's eyes without a single ounce of fear.
And then, it happened.
Sunny leapt into the air, Mordret reacting in kind as the two slammed their fists into the other's face in unison. Their heads snapping backwards as both leapt backward and continued their deadly dance. Roaring with fury, Mordret blitzed toward Sunny, swinging his arm at his head with the force to snap a regular mans head off his body.
In response, Sunny slipped flawlessly, his body bending at the waist in a motion that defied human anatomy. With a counter infinitely swift and precise, Sunny's open palm struck Mordret in the neck, a shockwave reverberated from his palm as Mordret staggered backward.
But Mordret wasn't so easily deterred. Reeling forward, Mordret's arms shot forward like talons, attempting to ensnare Sunny in a bearhug using the unholy amounts of strength provided to him. In response, Sunny grabbed Mordret's right arm, his face indifferent yet polished like marble as he spun his wrist, slamming Mordret's body into the ground.
With instant precision, Mordret's left arm followed up from the right, slithering through the air and snapping Sunny's head backward as it collided with his chin. Blood poured from the mouths of the two unconscious monsters as Sunny slammed his knee downward where Mordret once was.
In response, Mordret grabbed his knee, flinging him with enough force that Sunny slammed into the ceiling. Yet, with spiderlike acrobatic capabilities, Sunny planted his feet against the wall, digging his fingers into the marble walls to keep himself balanced as he stared down at Mordret.
Seishan thought she would be noticed for a moment, yet Sunny's focused gaze remained entirely placed on Mordret. The sight of him brought her to ecstasy, his strength, his machine-like brutality all weaved into a single unconscious monster.
'Win this Sunless. I hope I can apologise to you one day; you wouldn't understand though. All I can do from here is help you from afar.' Seishan thought as she watched Sunny disappear from her view, pushing off the wall with blinding speed as he shot down at Mordret.
Mordret responded in kind, leaping off the floor as the two cocked their fists back and prepared to land a devastating blow on each other. Two fists possessing monumental strength encroached on the vital organs of the other. Mordret's fist intending to knock Sunny's heart out of his body, Sunny's fist intending to crush his throat, sending his head barrelling off his body.
Before either fist could get any closer, Sunny's fist slipped into an open palm, grasping Mordret's fist firmly before pushing it down to the side. With the force of both of their momentum being completely absorbed into Sunny's body, he began to spin rapidly.
Whilst midair, Mordret didn't have the chance to conjure a counterattack as Sunny slammed a knee into his jaw, sending the two piercing through the air as Mordret's body was slammed into the wall of the ballroom. Yet even the ballroom had to give way to Sunny's monumental force as Mordret's body was flung through the concrete.
Seishan couldn't tell how far the two had flown, but she knew that if Sunny laid eyes on anyone in his current state, they would be dead before they knew it. A large shockwave emanated through the surrounding buildings as Mordret's body was slammed into the floor, Sunny's knee still firmly planted in his broken jaw.
Grabbing his foot, Mordret flung Sunny backward before jumping away from him. His eyes were no longer clouded black, instead, they were the onyx black orbs that were seated in his skull, utterly concealed by the torrent of blood that spilled from his skull as he attempted to form a smile.
With a swing of his open palm, a vacuum blade of air was sent toward Sunny. Even in his weakened, conscious state Mordret still had the speed to piece sound. Yet, Sunny didn't dodge, merely swatting the blade aside as he continued to stalk down Mordret.
Before he could continue, the sound of two women fighting caught his attention, turning his eyes away from Mordret's battered form, Sunny disappeared.
Yet, little did he know that the battle he intended to interrupt was one that would change his destiny forever.