Nephis eyes slowly fluttered open as she took in the dingy environment around her. Her head still rang with a throbbing headache and her vision still swam slightly from the tremendous amount of injuries she had incurred. Yet, strangely enough there was medicine and supplies in the corner of the room, almost specially tailored for her wounds.
'It must have been Noctis.' Slowly sliding off the floor, another wave of pain reverberated through her body as she slid herself to the other corner of her downtrodden temporary home. 'To think I once lived in a mansion.' She joked, picking up a piece of paracetamol before swallowing it whole.
Thoughts of Sunny's face flashed through her mind as Nephis placed a hand on her face, tears pouring from her eyes as a crooked smile settled on her face. "I told him I'd never leave him and look what I did. I'm fucking pathetic. How do I even plan on facing him again?" Looking out the window, Nephis slammed her hand against the floor, leaving a crater in it as her eyes flared with rage.
"Who the fuck do I think I am? I could have killed the poor boy! Saying everything is his fault what the fuck was I thinking? How could I say that?" A soft thud resounded from her window as a hooded figure arrived at it carrying a smaller one in tow.
Seishan pulled her hood from her head as she stared at Nephis mockingly. "Hey princess, so tell me about that outburst you had against Sunny. What did you say again? He's a killer, a murderer was that it? Go on, implore me."
Nephis gritted her teeth, she was in no position to fight Seishan in her current condition and she knew it. And so, she could only stay silent until Seishan got bored of her waiting. With a sigh, Seishan gently placed the figure down on Nephis floor before moving the hoodie away from her face.
A small, feminine face with features reminiscent of Sunny's was before her lying unconscious as Nephis eyes shot up with fury blazing within them. "What did you do to her?" Nephis growled, Seishan shrugged mildly before offering her a smile.
"Someone tried killing Morgan by snapping her neck, it didn't work some fucking how and she kidnapped this girl, Sunny's sister also known as Rain to goad him into working for her. I intercepted them before they reached the headquarters and gave Rain to her."
Nephis pulled Rain's body toward her, embracing the small girl in her arms as she stared at Seishan with confusion riddled across her face. "Why are you doing this? Sunny hates you." Shrugging with a light laugh, Seishan smiled mockingly. "That makes two of us."
Leaping onto the balcony, Seishan threw her hood back on before stretching slightly. The dim lights of the underworld bounced across her body as she remained in silence for a few moments, staring into the empty blackened skies above her as a tear rolled down her face unseen.
"This is my... apology to Sunny. For everything." With that, she had disappeared.
Staring down at Rain's figure, Nephis brushed a strand of her from her face as she fully took in the resemblance between the two. She, Mordret and Sunny all looked similar yet the similarities between Rain and Sunny were far more profound. In combination with the peculiar naming choice, it was hard to doubt their relation.
Laying Rain's head on her lap, Nephis grabbed a bandage and applied it to a cut on her skull as she sighed tiredly. It would be another three days before she could move like she used to, and even longer before she could fight properly. Each day marked time spent without Sunny, time he could have done something horrible in.
'I hope you're ok. I really want to apologise to you.' She thought, staring blankly at the ceiling as she awaited for Rain to stir from the sedatives that she had likely been placed under. 'What would I even tell her; how would I treat her? I can't tell her she's Sunny's sister; she wouldn't believe me, and he'd probably hate me even more!'
Meanwhile, far away from the crumbled form of the ballroom, Sunny stood in the vast hallways of the underworld with a blank expression on his face. His injuries had already completely healed from his fight with Mordret, yet his fatigue still remained, but he didn't stop moving.
Ten men turned the corner, bearing the crest of Valor on their shoulders as they quickly surrounded Sunny. "Yes, you'll be able to kill me. I deserve to die, no? After all, I'm a killer. I'm lost from light." Sunny's mumbles remained unheard under the drowning voices of the men who surrounded him as Sunny continued to stand with his face indifferent.
A fist fell downward, intent on knocking him out yet Sunny's body moved instinctively. His hand plunged through the mans chest, ripping his heart from his body as Sunny crushed it without a second thought. Pulling his arm backward, Sunny stared at the flowing blood from the man's body with a frown.
"No, no! You should be killing me! Why does this stupid body keep dodging!?" Sunny roared; he tensed his body in an attempt to stay still yet his body continued moving. It only took moments before ten corpses surrounded him. Wiping the blood off his arm, Sunny paced with an indifferent expression on his face forward.
His steps, soundless as always, impossibly seemed quieter.
This time, it wasn't just the world rejecting Sunny's existence. It was Sunny himself.
Sunny didn't know how far he had walked, or for how long. He had attempted to die by people's hands to the best of his capabilities yet each and every single one of them ended up a mangled corpse in a matter of moments. He didn't quite understand why his body kept moving, but he needed to stop it.
Injuries continued to build on his body, he had tried to slow the healing by digging his fingers into the open wounds but to no avail. Poison users had stabbed him, slowly but surely, he was managing to fight against whatever invisible force which caused his body to continuously move.
It was a fight which nobody wished to engage in. Sunny was beating his will to live to death slowly, his grip on life slipping away as his memories of Nephis flickered through his mind. Hours later, a knife lodged itself into his forearm, Sunny felt his body spin as his fist tore his attackers head from his body.
Usually, he'd rip such a weapon from his body instantly. Instead, Sunny allowed the knife to remain. It was pain, pain he deserved. 'I killed her parents, I killed these people, I can't solve anything without killing. It's only fair someone kills me too.' Yet, Sunny's melancholy mood was soon burned away.
The flames in his soul were far from comforting, they were smouldering and all encompassing in nature. Ripping the jade knife from his forearm, Sunny stared at the sixteenth pile of bodies that stood before him as his eyes flashed red. Rage, if he didn't want to live, he'd fill the empty hole with rage.
"I'll kill them, I'll kill all of them. I've killed so many so why stop now?" Sunny grunted to himself, dragging his fatigued body forward as he continued his aimless march, searching for his own oblivion while trying to fight against it with bitter fury in unison.
A week had passed, but Sunny didn't know that. He had run out of people who tried to capture people, so he had taken to rhythmically slamming his head into the walls of the hallways with fury blazing in his mind. Slow, steady steps arrived from behind him as Sunny turned his head to focus on the figure behind him.
Han Li Caster.