Chereads / Shadow Slave | School Days / Chapter 7 - Chapter 7

Chapter 7 - Chapter 7

Looking downwards, Sunny stared at Caster and his crew with an annoyed expression. 'If this becomes a daily occurrence, I might really have to…no.' He cut off his thoughts as he focused his attention back down to Caster, who was readying another rock to throw in his direction.


His saviour, Nephis, surely wouldn't want to be continuously picking him up from the hospital and although he was quite certain that he would survive anything they threw at him, the pain always came as an unwelcome experience.


Tilting his head to the left, Sunny dodged a rock that soared past his ear as he let loose a mischievous grin. "For someone so rich, you sure do spend a lot of time targeting me. Surely you have better things to do." Sunny commented mischievously, catching another rock before it could slam into his head.


Caster only let loose a smug grin as he continued to stare up at Sunny with contempt. "Who doesn't expend extra effort when subjugating a mongrel. Think of it like removing vermin from your home." Sunny merely smiled at his attempt at provocation before making his way towards another tree in a single bound.


"Ah, but one would think that someone as noble as yourself wouldn't gang up on mere vermin like me." His reply fell on deaf ears as curse words he had never even heard before were thrown at him from the small crowd that had formed around the tree he sat on.


Sunny knew these children lacked the physical capabilities to reach him, however, that also meant that he was unable to leave his current hiding place without being mobbed by children whose arrogance had been fuelled by their numbers.


"I don't express honour to those undeserving of it. You've lived like a dog all your life so why not run out of this school like one? Surely that would be better than staining Lady Nephis reputation." This comment, finally, had an impact on Sunny.


Although he wasn't foolish enough to show his discomfort to someone who was so obviously begging for him to do so, his words struck true and made a pang of pain flash through his heart. He could only wonder what type of verbal assaults that Nephis had been put through simply by association with him.


Before he could respond however, a figure quickly made their way through the crowd, children dispersing to allow their entry past them. Their hair was a beautiful shade of dark blue, she wore a lab coat loosely over her shoulders and had icy blue eyes which had been tempered by years of experience.


"Miss Jet, what are you doing here?" From the looks of it, Caster had already been trying to placate the infuriated woman from the second she made her appearance known. She didn't offer a reply and merely laid her back against the trunk of the tree Sunny was sat in before commenting.


"You idiots are all about to receive fails for my class, and even disciplinary action if you remain here for even a second longer. Who do you think you are trying to bully people based off their class? I'll have you know that I'm paying for this boy's access to this school, so any insult to him is one to me!"


Sunny's eyes widened at her exclamation. He hadn't been made aware of the identity of his sponsor, and by the looks of things she too hadn't wanted her identity to become public unless the situation needed it to be. At her declaration, Caster quickly spun on his heel and walked away, turning a corner so his anger would go unseen.


Quickly following, the cloud of people quickly lost their vigour. After all, without their master they were merely ants who could only thrive off being in crowds. Soon enough, Sunny and Jet were left entirely alone. Sunny shifted to make his way down the tree however to his surprise Jet was already sitting on the branch opposite him, staring absentmindedly at the foliage behind him.


From up close, Sunny could tell she was beautiful. Every feature on her face was sculpted together in such a manner that he couldn't help but find himself staring into her eyes for much longer than he had to. Surely, throughout all the people he had met in his short life she would only lose out appearance wise to Nephis.


"What are you thinking of kid?" Jet asked, her voice remaining nonchalant as she finally focused her attention on Sunny. Slapping a hand over his mouth, Sunny tried to restrain the words that would flow out next however they came anyway. "I was thinking of how beautiful you look."


His voice was suppressed but he was sure Jet heard it anyway. She beamed a smile at him before letting loose a small laugh. "Thanks kid, what a peculiar way to start a conversation." Sunny could only nod in agreement as the question that stood at the forefront of his mind came to play.


"Why did you bother paying for me, surely there are much better candidates to receive your mercy?" Sunny's tone was subdued as his eyes refused to meet Jet's. Her legs continued to swing idly as her smile grew. "You wouldn't be able to tell, but I'm from the outskirts just like you. Take it as a favour from one mongrel to another."


Sunny's eyes shot open, however before he could reply Jet leapt off the tree and landed gracefully onto the ground. "I'm in the science lab if you ever need me." She commented, quickly disappearing from his view. Only a few moments after she had left, Nephis flowing white hair made its presence known to him again.


Leaping off the tree, Sunny bolted to her with a smile beaming on his face before greedily accepting the bottle of water she offered him. Suddenly, a small from appeared on Nephis face as she looked him over. "You smell of women's perfume." She commented, her tone far colder than it usually was.


A bashful grin appeared on Sunny's face as his eyes continued to evade hers. "I finally got to meet my sponsor. She was nice." He commented meekly, this seemed to placate Nephis slightly as she grabbed him by the wrist before leading him back to where he once dropped his shirt.


Slowly, Sunny put it back on before continuing to follow her to what he presumed was his next lesson. "Do you have to hold my wrist whenever we're walking together?" he mock whined, Nephis simply nodded in reply without saying another word and soon enough they were at the site of Sunny's next lesson.


Sighing, Sunny prepared himself for another onslaught of boring speeches from a teacher he didn't care about. Before he knew it, he felt his head collide with the table as his breathes slowed. Sunny had fallen asleep in the middle of the lesson.


A perplexed expression painted itself across Nephis features as she rubbed her head with her palm in frustration. 'He looks so cute when he sleeps, but I have to wake him up.' She argued with herself.


Eventually, she made a decision.