Chereads / B.R.E.A.C.H: BROKEN REALITY / Chapter 3 - 2: No longer lost

Chapter 3 - 2: No longer lost

The rain isolated the busy sounds of the neon city away from the back alley apartments that Maya and her "savior" arrived towards. It wasn't that extravagant to say but it was more than a feasible place for someone to live in. The stranger walked passed her as he walked up the stairs.

"Come on. My room is above." He gestured as he pulled a small key from his long coat pocket and inserted it through the key hole and opened the door. Maya came along side as the she passed him through the doorway and he turned the light on. It was well spacious and very tidy. Maya drank in the sight before closing her umbrella.

"For a stranger your place is tidy. Can't say that...."

Maya felt her vision blurred and she fell on the floor.

"Too easy, way too easy little girl." He said as a snake sigil on Maya's hand disappeared.

Maya could barely move until she blacked out. She awoke tied up to a chair in what looked like the basement surrounded by snake sigil's. She tried breaking her hands free before her assaulter appeared. Slightly silhouetted by the shadows that hid his face, Maya could only see snake tattoos moving along his neck in the bare light.

"Who are you really, little girl?" He asked. Not a question but a command.

"Who do you think, am just a girl who so happened to get lost." She said without hesitation.

"I don't believe you." He said walking along the shadows. His face still hidden but the green gleam of his eyes still held that petrifying effect. Maya just sat there all knowing she wouldn't want him on his bad side. But she needed to know how she would have to get out of this situation. She thought as he asked her.

"Where are your from?" He asked coldly.

"Nowhere." She answered.

"Everybody knows where their roots are. Even in this city so I don't believe you". Maya could've sworn she saw his eyes narrow.

She swallowed before saying.

"Not really. I've had memory loss for a while so I can't recall who my parents are or where I was born." She lied.

"Liar, under normal circumstances here your Mana shows you what type of family raised you and which province your from. And I'm sensing no more Mana flow from your body. Who are you and why are you here." He finally asked. His eyes having a harsh petrifying force on Maya.

"Your the elite breacher aren't you?" Maya finally asked boldly.

Her interrogator twitched a bit. Maya could see it and wondered whether she'd press on. He let out a breath and finally stepped into the light. His face was more paler in well lit light. His green eyes still hold the stone cold glare. With a well aligned jawline and a scar from his cheek down to his neck.

"What makes you think I am the elite breacher?!"

"For a guy who questions my past. Your dress code." She said nodding at him as he stared at what he wore. " I stayed out in the city for quiet some time and noticed that the people here wear neon lit clothing, even the middle class and lower class people. You however had no neon clothing on you. Which made me suspicious."

"Hmmm, good insight but not enough, anything else." He said crossing his arms.

"You helped me out. Which is an unlawful act here. Once you are to pick anyone of a lower class from the street immediately a Mana barrier is supposed to appear around the area. While you said you didn't see Mana flow in me, you didn't have Mana to trigger the alarm. Meaning you were also a breacher like I am." She said.

He leaned down towards her and her hands were untied. She looked and saw snakes slither into the shadows behind her. He stood straight and lifted one of his white brows. "I have to say, your observant and pay attention to detail. Your smart kid, that's something alright."

"Not really, I just based on everything I was told before I came here." She said a bit skeptical.

"None the less, you did figure out who I was so I'll give you credit for that. Am a Fabled Breacher." He said

"Fabled? So your the elite breacher am assigned to follow?" She asked.

"Yes and no. Your not assigned to me. All rookies have to find their way to the elites." He said walking upstairs.

"And for those who don't?" She asked following behind him.

"Well let's just say Mundus be with them." He said opening the door to a hallway.

Maya didn't want to know what would've happened if she didn't find him at all.

"Sit there, I'll tell you so far what's happening."

He gestured to a chair in the living room. She went over and sat staring at the apartment. He came over and sat at the opposite side and looked at her as his expression turned grim.


"Nothing am just looking that's all." She said hiding her intent.

"Ofcourse you are." He said sarcastically as one of his tattoos started moving.

"So far this world was scheduled for a dimension breach that was supposed to happen at 10pm. But it has already happened."

Maya's face turned bitter as she stared at the clock

"It's only 9:46, it happened earlier?" She asked

"Around the time I picked you from the street side. It happened across from where we were and can't say there weren't any casualties even for a world filled with mana powered beings." He said.

"But a few elite breachers arrived and handled the situation, though that leaves out a few Diabolus that are in hiding." He said with a hint of disbelief behind his voice. Maya noticed and asked.

"You don't think so do you?"

He lifted his brows before saying "Ofcourse, if it were just a raiding party the forces would have been significant. But these ones sent two B ranked Diabolus and one A rank."

"So it's not a raid but a scouting operation. Right?" She asked quizzically.

"Exactly that and if it is, what is it that they are looking for in such a world that isn't a primordial planet?" He said staring at the table.

"But that's all for now, I do have one question for you though?" He asked laying back on his chair.

"What is it?" Maya asked puzzled.

"Why did you become a breacher? And don't say it's regret." He said sitting upright focused on her only.

Maya didn't know what to answer, her entire purpose was filled with the that one word he said but she felt it was something more. A force driving her not to find herself but know what role she plays in this war.

"Honestly I don't know. I thought it was regret over something I didn't do in my previous life. But my soul unwavers not knowing who I am or what am to do or change for this war. But I will know my roots, it may be better to forget but once I know who I am, I know what I can change for my current self." She said

"Alright, am guessing your eyes haven't been opened yet?" He said raising up.

"What do you mean my eyes haven't been opened?" She asked looking up at him as he raised his finger and placed it on her forehead.

"Don't dwell much thought on it. You'll know once you get there." He said offering his hand for a shake. Maya took it and they shoke.

"My name is Yama. I'll just call you kid." He said with a faint smile.

"Alright Yama I'm under you wing." She said as she returned with a smile.

The bustling city lights and the smoke from the disaster area proved even in the world's beauty chaos still proved a sight to behold. Especially for the three figures staring at the city from a vantage point.

"How long before we know this world can turn?" One asked.

"It wouldn't be long we are still waiting on Typhon to give us this world's view point." One answered.

"Trust in the abyss and the one who leads it all. He Who Fell will have this universe and it's puny resistance of the so called Saint's." Another said. As the moonlight came over to them, they lurked back into the very shadows that they call home.