Chereads / ||The Messenger|| / Chapter 1 - ||01||

||The Messenger||

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Chapter 1 - ||01||

'Some things are better left Unspoken.

I shouldn't have tried to be the so called hero.

Sure I won but at what cost?'


"You're still reading that?" Laughed Harris as Jim punched him in the arm to shut him up.

"Sorry Axel, we didn't mean to intrude ya know?" Jim added as Harris glared at him Rubbing his right arm.

"It's fine guys, I'll finish it later. What were you guys doing?" Axel enquired as he closed his journal.

Seeing them grin he had a bad feeling what he'd asked in the first place.

"Oh you know, talking to some babe's, no big deal" idiots they were.

Rolling his eyes he sighed, "You didn't do anything stupid right?" He was not confident in the answer though.

"We did YOU a soild man, have some faith, damn!" Harris playfully spat his words as he slung an arm around Axel's neck.

'I don't like were this is going'

Jim shook his head, "Why you gotta play with his emotions like that man, essentially we have a spot in Mason's party"

"Yeah fucken right we do!" Yelled Harris as Axel grimaced at his tone right in his ear as he basically swung around tugging Axel a bit.

"H-How in the world did you manage that?" Axel stumbled a bit as Harris let go and faked being on stage.

"You're looking at UNO of playing the ladies~" Harris grinned as he bowed waiting for an applause which he eventually got from them.

"I hooked up with Ella" Harris gloated as Axel's eyes widened.

The ice queen herself, if that woman even had a heart to begin with!

"I'm not buying it" Axel crossed his arms but Jim confirmed it with a pat on his back. "Then, by hook up- you mean?"

"Oh hell nah, I just kissed her that's it. It's not like this is ALL for one gal ya know" Of course, Harris was a dickhead. A major player but he was talented in field and music. Ella was just a challenge and he loved that he won.

'Pathetic' Jim and Axel thought as Harris began flexing his muscles at them.

"If there's any hope in humanity, it ain't him" whispered Jim to Axel as they both laughed. But Harris took that as them fuelling his ego rather than laughing at him.

Walking out of college Jim stopped and looked up but Axel and Harris took no notice.

That wasn't until the sound of screaming had the two turn around to see their decapitated friend.







Humanity fears the unknown, it's why greed, ambition and will is so strong. But it's also why hope and faith exists.

"Run you fucken idiot!" Shouted Axel to Harris as they darted away from their dead friend as the sky above suddenly started to cave in on itself.

God exists in more forms than one, it's established through the word of God. But those don't ever see, simply hear him.

The mortal body is too weak to observe such raw power. Too greedy to be at peace with just words enough.

That's why there's always a Messenger.

But there's not always a God.


"Many have lost their lives and more on the rise as strange beings slaughter countless innocence. Is this a terrorist attack? Are these aliens, the supernatural? What is the government doing to prevent this?"

News stations flooded with mass execution live as people driven to Insanity tormented themselves that they would be next.

Suddenly the screaming stopped as a reported on scene looked up and the camera followed.

A human!?

Raw power was never supposed to be given to a mortal. But a dream can determine the extent of how one will go forward.

"A-am I seeing this correctly!? Is a human killing the strange beings!?" The reported in shock fell to her knees, a breath taking sight was forming.

A miracle.

Those in rubble, cars, in hiding, listening to the radio or watching through darkness.

The extent on humankind is formidable because it's unpredictable. How far one will go isn't as much determined by fate anymore but by actions.

A new age was upon them.

To survive.

"What is this!?" Questioned a person as a strange tab appeared.

But it wasn't just for her but for.many others, confused they accepted the contents without hesitation.

The strong survive and the weak die, that was the will of humans. Only a handful good but the rest fall short, people never realise the truth.

Ignorance is bliss until it isn't.

"Kill them!" Roars from countless people sounded as they charged into a war.

"Protect the weak! Evacuate the ones who can't fight!" Shouted a woman as she used a crowbar to detach a creatures arm out of it's shoulder.

Blood was the least of people's problems as they ushered the weak and injured to safety.

Everyone does their part on the battlefield but some shine more brightly than others.

True warriors, hero's... Gods.


[17 years later:]

"Please Toni, just let me work the night! I need the money, please" begged Axel as the owner Toni sighed.

"You know I would if I could man but business is tight and I can't afford another hire." Toni really did feel bad but had no way of helping this man.

"Please, I've already lost my apartment..." Axel begged everything, his pride, dignity, it didn't exist. He was ruined, he watched his friends die and had extreme survivor guilt from it.

Jim died painlessly but Harris, he was eaten alive, opened up like a packet of chips. Consumed right in front of his eyes.

There's was nothing he could do, he couldn't help Harris, not even him self...

He was 35 and had no job and now, and since two months ago, no home.

"I'm sorry Axel" Closing the back-door to the restaurant, Axel dropped to his knees.

He wanted to cry, to scream, to yell, anything at all but it was all gone.

Soaked in his bed to night terrors and his many sleepless nights or depressive episodes.

He'd used up all of his grief and lost himself in the process as the lights of the night glowed around him.

Getting up slowly he felt nothing, no anger, no fear, no pain. Just numbness.

Nothing mattered at this point, not even he did. This was the lowest a human goes before giving up. But Axel wasn't even strong enough to do that.

He tried asking for help.

Rejected so many times he lost count.

The people who were in his college class either developed abilities through what was known as the 'System' or they had died during the first ever purge.

According to the new Government governed by Users, what people call those who use the System. Not everyone was lucky to be called upon, fate, destiny, everyone had some excuse. Some excuse to justify why they weren't 'chosen' by the System.

But why did it matter so much?

Because while those with abilities grew in numbers and Factions appeared to habour those talents. Normality was frown upon and considered less than even a dying dog.

There was nothing one could do to change the outcome either. Only lie down and wait for death if your flesh wasn't ripped apart by a hideous creature first.

No talent, No future.

Factions would spit upon the bare food a minimum wage worker would accomplish.

God forbid that when there was 9 of them.

"Hey! Watch it" Shouted a man that Axel had accidentally bumped into.

But Axel didn't say anything and as a rebuttal he was grabbed and punched in the face. The taste of the curb was a welcomed sensation to the numbness he felt.

"Fucken weirdo" spat the other man as onlookers simply passed with no decent morals being shown.

He just wanted to rest here a bit...

'Just for a little bit...' He thought as his eyes closed slowly.

He never had a family, nor even a lover. He really did try... it was just not something he could do. Not after the things he'd scene.

His fear had eaten him alive.

Maybe if he had been chosen too, it might have been different? But he despised it all.

Eventually he got up, by then it was well and truly close to midnight.

He wondered aimlessly until he started to go through an alley way. He could smell the rain, any moment it would start bucketing down.

But something ahead of him caught his attention, a person?

Approaching closer the figure suddenly morphed and what was slight curiosity turned to dread.

There, a hideous creature was with a massive spear through it's body. But that wasn't all, it seemed it was fighting its own!?

They both looked worse for wear as the one before the other behind it collapsed first. The one now left standing saw Axel, it was too late to run.

He was going to die, fear rooted him to the spot as the creature started to walk forward almost robotic like.

Only instead of tearing him apart when it was in front of him, it stayed motionless with him.

The rain gradually started to pour down as everything became drowned out around them.

What went from a second or two continued to minutes. It hadn't approached further, in fact it simply had kept it's eyes on Axel.

It's own wounds becoming more and more evident as time went on.

'Is it letting me kill it?' He wondered as it didn't move at all from where it stood. Reaching into his pocket, he with all the effort in his fear, he gave a final blow. With a small pocket knife to the middle of the creatures it's head.

It's body than dropped to the ground like the other, as blood seeped into the already disgusting gravel floor.

It hadn't even tried, it had welcomed death!? Why!? It may have been in rough shape but Axel was no User, he was an ordinary man.

Looking closer at it, it's body was tightly compacted with muscle from head to toe. Built to take a beating and had quite a sharp edged bone structure that stuck outwards. It would have been fast and agile.

It was strange though, he swore it had eyes but there wasn't any? Nor a mouth like the one behind it?

'Did it not eat? Where did it's eyes go?' He questioned to himself as it's body began to disintegrate into white ash. However the one behind, did no such thing.

Had he killed something else? If so, was it worse than a calamity?