Chereads / Twin curse / Chapter 2 - Chapter II: The Hero's Party

Chapter 2 - Chapter II: The Hero's Party

My name is Jayce Middler, and I am now the leader of the Hero's Party!

So many things have happened these last few weeks. After Elijah brought Jayce back into the kingdom, news spread of a certain, peculiar appearance of a strange man. At the same time, a prophecy appeared. The bishops and priests all ran in circles like headless chickens at it's sudden arrival. How could this be? After years of peace, a prophecy has been delivered! And with the appearance of this strange man from out of this world, could there be something god is trying to tell them? This event brought both the King and the Counsel of Ministries together. As they all argued what these certain events could mean, Jayce happily accepted the blessings the king offered. He bathed in warm water and bubbles, a luxury that he now knew of after learning people rarely bathed in this world. He ate hearty meals and meat, and slept in a huge, soft mattress. In all his life, he had never experienced so much luxury. The closest he had were the times he still lived in his parent's house until the day he was kicked out.

What a score! He never thought he would say this but dying was the best thing to ever happen to him. In this world, his mere existence was celebrated. In here, he is a blessing from god. A miracle! He could live like this for the rest of his life. And what's more...

The door to his room unexpectedly opened and a tall maid appeared, "Sir Middler, the king asks for your presence. Please follow me to the throne room,"

A beauty like her served him day and night!

The throne room filled with silent chatter as they waited for Jayce's arrival. The king, sitting anxiously at his throne, tapped his finger on the arm chair, each finger adorned with bold, thick golden rings, the Princess, his only daughter, stood by his side and held his hand to calm his down. The Bishop, an elderly man, stood by the side and discussed the prophecy with the priests. Even Elijah was present in the room, staring at everyone with all seriousness. Being suddenly called by the king only screamed nothing but important matters. The presence of the Counsels didn't ease his anxiety one bit. Whatever it could, he can only pray for Jayce's safety. Only when the door creaked about did the chatter silence itself as Jayce stepped into the throne room. The king immediately stood up, a confident and arrogant smile crossed his face.

"Jayce Middler, the Hero of our Kingdom! How have you faired these days?" The king spread out his arms wide open as a welcome as Jayce walked to the center of the room with everyone's eyes all focused on him, but he wasn't worried one bit. If god chose him then that must mean god knows he is truly the hero of this world! He bowed, in courtesy, towards the kind, returning the confident smile he proudly wore on his face.

"I have been well take care of, and it is all thanks to His Majesty's kindness that he took me in." Such refined response surprised everyone in the room, even the king wore a thrilled expression on his usually stoic face. "No need for such formalities. You are one of my people now, consider me a friend of yours! Come, tell me more about yourself."

The Bishop stepped forward, casting a truth barrier around Jayce. It glowed a fiery blue, casting a calming effect on Jayce as incantation carved itself magically on the floor around Jayce. Wow! So this is what magic looks and feels like.

"Please don't mind the precaution. Our High Bishop is always so strict with these procedures. It's a given rule that any discussion within the throne room will be taken with seriousness. I hope you don't take any offense." The King explained, yet Jayce didn't take any offense in this, instead he smirked. I've seen this multiple times in games before! My years of work playing RPGs has taught me everything I need to know and exactly what to say in these situations! Situations like these are mere childs play!

"I'm not offended at all. In fact, it fills me with great pride that the Bishop takes things very seriously. It reflects on the King's wise decision making. Your Majesty truly has a wise mind and such loyal people, this is what has kept the kingdom safe for so long." Everyone in the room fell silent, all eyes were widened in surprise. Most in shock, most in astonishment. The king was the first to break the silent as he burst into laughter. "You praise us too well, Chosen One. We accept your praise with open arms!"

The Bishop, embarrassed at the praise easily thrown at him, coughed and ignored the compliment. "Just answer the question, tell us who you are and where you are from!"

"Me? I am not but a humble man. But if you must know, I come from a different world, in a place called Tagum where I worked as an office worker day and night. One day, as I worked very late into the night, a terrible disaster struck my town and caused many casualties. It was tragic, and I lost many things in that life. When I awoke from that disaster, I was already here." Jayce said, a solemn expression twisted right across his face as he placed a hand on top of his chest. The Princess looked at him with pity as she raised a hand to her lips. How truly upsetting.

None of what he said had been a lie. Hence, the magic circle remained blue. The Bishop took note of this and hummed in deep thought. Even the King was intrigued as he combed through his beard.

"Do you know why god could have sent you here? What could be the purpose of your appearance in our world? What do you represent?" The Bishop demanded, his tone becoming more and more wary. No one could blame him. If calamity had struck and killed this man, everyone's first thought would be him to be a sign that calamity would soon befall the kingdom. Jayce picked this up very soon and remained calm.

"I believe God has sent me here to help you. Because there was nothing I could do to save my world, I wish to be able to save yours." Jayce replied to the Bishop before turning to the king. "Your Majesty, trust that you have my best interest at heart. I wish to be able to do for your kingdom what I couldn't do for my own!" And marry the princess after all this!

By the side lines, Elijah could be seen smiling at Jayce's declarations. It seems god has sent the right person. Even those who have been doubting Jayce this entire time have began to turn. The King smiled, now fully convinced. "Now that we've set this cold wall between us aside, I wish to tell you of something that has recently threatened the peace of our kingdom— and most likely, the entire continent."

Jayce stood straight as the barrier faded into stars. "You have my full attention,"

A very distant long time ago, god created the world, and created the skies, and created the earth. Then created animals, and then created humans to care for the world. But the absence of day is night, and the absence of life is death. And god created good.

Then the devil existed. Although, god has banished the devil to the pits of hell, the devil's influence spread across the world. And thus sin continues to exist.