Chereads / Reversion | / Chapter 15 - The final angelic duty

Chapter 15 - The final angelic duty

- "Alright, Let's swap our soul currents and let's go at it" Said KyoWithout saying a word all four of them swapped their soul currents with each other in order not to take damage from each others techniques- "Watch out guys, he is releasing much more energy than he was before, he will be much stronger" Said NaomiIn the next second Sadan disappeared from sight, as everybody lost their grasp of reality from the fear that he might appear from anywhere and attack them, suddenly they felt a huge tremor from the ground followed with a huge blast wave and a few seconds later a loud bang too, next thing they knew they were standing in a different place as they look at Sadan with his fist in the ground, just where they stood, making eye contact with each other as Sadan disappears once again, In the next moment same thing repeated as all of them figured out what happened this time, in Sadan's sight they were still clueless but all part of good acting not to give their strategy away- "You think i wouldn't figure out? it's that little angel over there, every time you move i see her soul current burst out" Said Sadan as his anger was slowly fading away - "So what if you figured out that we can teleport, what do you plan on doing about it?" Said Naomi- "Oh please, your technique is not teleportation, it's acceleration, it accelerates people with billions of times faster than speed of light, i almost missed it the first time, it seems like you also control the direction and range, but one need you need to know before you die, there is no such thing as teleportation" Said SadanNaomi's expression was taken by surprise as even she did not know that about her technique but tried to keep her cool as she said:- "And what, you think knowing that will change anything?"- "All i have to do is outspeed you as you use your technique" Said SadanUpon hearing this Naomi panicked as she started dashing around with her technique to appear invisible, in the middle of her yet another high speed dash she suddenly felt a tingle in her chest, as she stopped at her destination and looked forward she saw Sadan with his hand stuck down in her chest with his iconic malevolent grin, in the next moment he pulled out his hand out ofher chest as she fell on the ground - "NAOMIII, NOO" Yelled out Ayame in tears- "Bastard" Said LilithWithout saying a word Kyo dashed towards Sadan, after seeing yet another Kyo's attempts to reach him his grin widened but in the next moment Kyo's speed increased significantly as even Sadan was taken by surprise, before Kyo made a contact with his face he barley managed to dodge in time, before Sadan could turn back from the dodge Kyo stopped his acceleration mid air, then turned around and followed his dash with a huge barrage of punches, causing great tremors and shattering the ground as it started shifting, although Sadan bit surprised he still turned around in time and started blocking all of Kyo's punches with a single finger, in the next moment he followed it with a downslam, knocking Kyo out on spot and leaving amassive crater in the ground as he started approaching him, before he could strike he heard a voice from behind:- "Ever head of "The fall" from billions of years ago? an event where angels from all around the world started dying and their essences fell to the earth? of course you have, after all you are the one that caused it" Said Naomi as she stood up with the huge hole in her chest - "It's called "Saboloo " isn't it?" Said Sadan- "You are right, technique only experienced angels can use, it breaks down our soul and mixes it with our soul current, each little soul particle that is broken off has ability to amplify our energy potential by 100 times, Saboloo's isn't technique that makes us strong, it's a suicide technique that is supposed to unleash all of your soul as a massive explosion but we found a way to modify it and make it break down our soul instead of exploding it, just imagine how many little particles will be in my soul, this is where both of us die, Sadan" Said Naomi as her mouth started bleeding fom the injury- "Let me ask you one thing, what do you think those so called "fall" effects? once the angel dies there is nothing left from them to fall, the fall effect is created if the angel dies before the technique ends, there were over billion falls, how many of them do you think were more experienced and stronger than you? go ahead use the technique, i will wait" Said SadanSweat ran down Naomi's forehead, after hearing Sadan's words her confidence shattered but she decided to proceed anyways as she made hand signs and chanted:- "The final breath, been together for long, must say goodbye, lend me your strength, the one above all, self destruction technique, path two: Saboloo"As Naomi finished her chants her body started glowing yellow and light from inside made her organs visible as her wings became much bigger than before, her soul current increased immensely as she started outputting duro, although Sadan unfazed he smiled and said:- "I must compliment not your strength, but your bravery, you had decided that you would die as soon as you opposed me, that is the reason you didn't use your imaginary canvas, if you used it your soul would burn and you wouldn't be able to use Saboloo, a superior technique" Said SadanNaomi knowing well that she was very limited in time did not dare to waste a second thinking about Sadan's words and dashed in immediately, the speed was overwhelming in anyone's eyes but Sadan's as he effortlessly grabbed her by her throat and choke slammed her to the ground, creating yet another massive crater, in the next moment Naomi disappeared from her sight as she suddenly appeared behind Sadan and kicked him with her full might but Sadan blocked it effortlessly and swung his hand as she was sent flying to the wall near, Sadan smiled once more as he said:- "You have no hope of defeating me, i've only taken damage two times in this battle and there are reasons for both of them, first time that radical's cxyv on my face, and second time his full chant cxyv, on the first time i was barley outputting any soul current and second time my soul current was restricted by that angel from increasing but now, i am not being held back, i will tell you what, go ahead and use your most powerful attack, i won't defend myself in any way nor dodge it" Said SadanNaomi hesitating whether to trust Sadan's words or not but then she sighed as she said in her mind:- "I have nothing to lose if he is lying, i will die either ways, might as well take my chances" Naomi got got on a single knee and pointed both of her palms towards Sadan, then started up charging cxyv beam, as the beam begun forming ground around started shattering, as she started forming more and more her body started breaking down more and more as she was dripping blood from everywhere- "GUYS TAKE COVER, THIS ONE WILL BE MUCH STRONGER THAN BELLIATHAN'S FROM EARLIER, I CAN TELL" Yelled out Lilith As everybody else started running away to take cover Sadan stood in front of Naomi with his malevolent grin once again, as Naomi finished charging up her beam there was a moment of silence as energy gathering sounds went away, Sadan's grin widened as he spread his arms to embrace the attack, in the next moment sight was completely overwhelmed by a blinding light as ground melted and vaporized from the heat before it even had a chance of being blasted away, Naomi barley breathing still stood her ground, then she gazed upon the cxyv beam and her confidence and hope was shattered in that instant as she saw Sadan completely unharmed making his way towards her with slow walk as if the cxyv beam was not even there, Naomi pushing her body to the limit in despair, bleeding harder and harder but Sadan still unfazed by her desperate attempts, as he finally closed the distance he put up his fingertip to Naomi's forehead as he started charging up cxyv of his own and concentrating it in the tip of his finger as Naomi realized there was nothing she could do, she closed her eyes and said:- "Forgive me Ayame, i swore i would never leave you but, this is how things had to go, i just want you to promise me that you will take care of yourself and take good responsibility of your ultimate techn-"Before Naomi could finish her words Sadan released the devastating cxyv, smaller in size compared to others but as the light from it faded away, lower half of Naomi's body dropped as other half was completely gone- "More refined the cxyv, the smaller it is, it's about fitting destructive power in concentrated attack, not the size fool, that was nothing but a mere wind" Said Sadan- "NAOMI, NOO" Cried out Ayame as she fell on her knees and then ground after witnessing everything- "Fuck this, First Deygon, now Naomi, this guy doesn't plan on stopping, get it together Ayame, Naomi wouldn't want to see you like that, we must beat him while we still have the chance"- "Imaginary canvas: Hellspawn Ignition" Said Lilith as she transformed into her canvas form without wasting a timeAs Kyo was trying to get Ayame up, Lilith dashed in and clashed with Sadan to buy some time- "And you are supposed to oppose me?" Said Sadan- "You think i can't just because i am a woman?" Said Lilith- "Well, that one was also a woman, and those two earlier were men, be my guest if you will" Said SadanLilith started throwing her arms towards Sadan with high speeds and barrages but without any good as Sadan copied her movements in greater scales and easily overwhelmed her as she was being nailed down in the ground from the pressure, Sadan playing around with Lilith as he was holding back his attacks, then he smiled once more and said:- "Now that you have brought it up, i don't get women in this times, back in my days they would never dare to go in the battlefield, only sitting where they belong and doing their stuff, what they were made for" Said Sadan- "Oh ye? and what would that stuff be?" Said Lilith- "Taking the fucking of course" Said Sadan - "Oh so you were doing that kinds of stuff too?" Said Lilith- "Well you do have my descendant behind you so use logic" Said SadanLilith still continuing to block Sadan's attacks but slowly getting overwhelmed, she as her performance started to slow down she took afew hits- "I am bored of you now" Said Sadan as he used greater strength to strike down Lilith, Lilith attempted to release a huge beam of cxyv to slow down Sadan's hand but even with it, she got hit by so much force, yet another crater was made in the ground, as the dust cleared Lilith was on the ground, her shoulder blown off and barley breathing, as Sadan raised his hand for another blow suddenly it exploded, ripping his hand into two pieces as he rolled his eyes and looked at Kyo and said:- "You used my own soul current to bypass my durability right there, didn't you?" - "It wasn't that easy, first i had to enhance microscopic explosives that i had on me with your soul current, then i had to sneak it inside your body, when i clashed with you, your body might be durable but the microscopic explosives don't damage your body, they just adapt to the atom pattern and slide through them, there is your technology from future, with my technique i was able to amplify the explosion power by a lot" Said Kyo as he smiled with determination- "You know, even though this is not my body, whenever i possess any body, i still feel their pain and i don't like it so i will just kill you now" Said Sadan- "Brace yourself for the impact" Said Kyo as he moved aside and pointed backwards at Ayame with his thumb- "IMAGINARY CANVAS: WRATH OF THE MOTHER NATURE" Said Ayame as fierce tremors emerged once again - "You think a mere earthquake will harm me?" Said Sadan- "No but, there is one important thing Azrael told us about this realm, the natural disasters are a bit harsh here compared to any other realm or planet, which might include hyperconcentrated energy beams lost in time that are impossible to detect until they land" Said KyoBefore Sadan even had a chance to say another word, he got hit by something as he was buried down to the ground, followed with a massive explosion - "Wanna know the best part? any of those beams do not affect us any of us because we shared our soul currents with each other, the beams that are constantly falling on you are at least 2 billion years old, those kinds of beams constantly travel in the void and gain immense power for each passed second, as they evolve they become impossible to detect, as they are now, for the Ayame is stronger than ever inside this realm and for the duration of her canvas, you are vulnerable to any of our attacks and there is nothing you can do, oh and one more thing, all this time as i was talking, i charged up this cxyv beam, have taste of some of your own medicine" Said Kyo as he pointed his finger towards Sadan and Released a small cxyv beamUpon impact the cxyv beam pierced Sadan's heart as it left a huge hole in his chest, in the next moment Kyo fainted as he used up all of his soul current that was substituting his already burned out stamina, he looked towards Ayame and said:- "Take Lilith before we still have time , when your imaginary canvas burns out we are in huge trouble, this won't kill him but it will anger him very much, don't worry about me, just find Azrael and tell him that we stalled him for as long as we could"  - "Ya like i'd leave you here" Said Ayame as she used her technique to summon a flock of birds from earth through already opened portals, the birds amplified by Ayame's technique flew with great speeds and picked up both injured Lilith and Kyo as all 3 of them started flying away, mid flight they suddenly went through invisible barrier, on the other side there were Azrael, Sahaten and Jazar, Ayame dropped the injured Kyo and Lilith and said:- "We stalled him for as long as we could, my imaginary canvas will run out soon, he killed Naomi, we Lost Deygon and Maonz in the battlefield and i couldn't find them in the mess, i don't know if they are alive" As Ayame released the birds she fell on the ground exhausted from the battle as tears broke out from her eyes, clearly devastated about Naomi's deathAzrael with saddened expression put his hand on Ayame's shoulder as he said:- "You have done more than enough, and you did it quite well too, you bought us enough time and now we are ready to strike"In the next moment, effect of Ayame's imaginary canvas wore off as the blasts stopped raining, the gods walked through barrier, leaving Ayame and Kyo alone with unconscious Lilith and Nygoz near, Jazar had already healed Lilith's wounds and repaired her arm, Ayame still sobbing after Naomi's death sat near Kyo and put her head on his shoulder as she grabbed his arm, Kyo noticed her unusual behavior but didn't say a word as he knew that she was in a lot of pain - "So, what do you think it will be now" Said Ayame- "We are going to win, we got the gods themselves on our side after all" Said Kyo- "I hope you are right" Said Ayame as she closed her eyes and dozed off to sleep from exhaustion - "Ya, i hope i am right" Said Kyo to himself as he looked up to the sky.