As Ayame's Imaginary canvas lost it's effect Sadan stood up once again, many wounds and damages around his body from the continuous attacks, fuming with anger, in the next second the gods arrived, standing face to face in front of Sadan, without saying a word they started to swap the soul currents
- "You annoying pests never give up do you?" Said Sadan
- "We are gods, we are the guardians of existence, and things that threaten it have to be exterminated" Said Jazar
- "You don't know the first thing about existence, who do you think you are, i will destroy it as i please, only thing that is keeping you all alive is because i didn't feel like doing so back then" Said Sadan
- "You couldn't do so, there was a certain entity that would have stopped you from destroying it, and we are here to live on his legacy" Said Azrael
- "Perhaps there was, but his ideals aren't much different from mine, wouldn't depend on him if i were you" Said Sadan
- "Like Bybis would ever share ideals with the likes of you" Said Sahaten
- "You think i am talking about that radical prick? he did cause me a little trouble in the end but he died like an animal" Said Sadan
- "Oh ye? who else would be stronger than Bybis, such entity doesn't exist" Said Sahaten
- "You think i am here to educate you?" Said Sadan as he unleashed his soul current as the strings from before, each string moving with extreme speeds and cutting everything in it's way, as the sight was overwhelmed with the sheer amount of it, gods started acting to defense themselves, Azrael deflecting some and dodging some, Jazar flying up in the sky and
outspeeding the strings to dodge them, Sahaten transformed his body into cloud and swiftly squeezed into tiny gaps of the strings, As he kept moving this way he reached Sadan and hit him with quick release of cxyv, after the impact the strings scattered as Sadan lost control over them for a second, as soon as the gods saw the opportunity, they lunged at Sadan and landed
Devastating blows on him, the impact further destroying the surroundings as it shook the entirety of the void realm, Sadan was sent flying from the blow but quickly regained his posture and stopped as he said:
- "I already knew something was up with you from the beginning, you are much stronger than i remember, you fused with your past selves didn't you?" Said Sadan
- "You are damned right, our powers have been multiplied by two" Said Sahaten
- "Two? i don't think so, i would say more like, twenty" Said Sadan
- "What have we got to hide Sahaten, we might as well just tell him" Said Azrael
- "We did not fuse with our past selves, we only took their powers, as for their souls we kept for a different purpose, there is one spell that requires soul of a god, it can permanently increase your strength by your mentioned twenty times " Said Jazar
- "And guess what, we fed the potion to Samuel Nygoz too, he will demolish you now" Said Sahaten
- "No you did not, he is not pure blooded, the potion will reject him" Said Sadan
- "No it will not, this potion can be absorbed by any being as long as they have a soul"
- "Do not teach me how it works, i was the one who made it, that is why i destroyed realms, to get your attention and then take your soul" Said Sadan
- "Your lust for power is almost frightening" Said Azrael
- "One can never have too much power" Said Sadan as he dashed towards the gods once again
Azrael standing in the middle looked at Jazar and Sahaten and nodded as he signed them something, as he received nod of approval from both of them, something happened, it suddenly went all black for Sadan, he stumbled on the ground as combined duro of gods overwhelmed his soul, in the next second ground around Sadan started cracking as he started violently
banging on it, in the next second he let out yet another monstrous roar as he yelled afterwards:
Suddenly Sadan's soul current started increasing, the body starting to melt down and burn away further as missing parts of skin were filled in with Sadan's souls true form
- "LET'S GET THIS OVER WITH BEFORE THIS THING COMPLETLY BURNS DOWN" Yelled out Sadan as he lunged at Azrael, duro no longer having any effect on him, Jazar and Sahaten barley managing to react but not act in time, Sadan instantly dug his hand inside Azrael's chest as it came out from the other side, as Sahaten and Jazar tried to punch him from the other sides, he
grabbed both of their hands and ripped them off, without wasting a second all three of them backed off, barley breathing, in order not to let Sadan dash in once again Azrael started charging up cxyv beam, Jazar and Sahaten also started doing the same as they combined their cxyv beam together, as Sadan saw this he smiled as he started charging up cxyv of his own, as gods
released, Sadan playing along released at the same time, clash releasing devastating explosion started shifting the reality around, nothing looked the same anymore as this kept going on for minutes, as everything calmed down, only one standing on the battlefield was Sadan, all three of the gods dropped on the ground with their bodies all mangled and burned away, as Sadan
turned around and started walking away he heard familiar voice from behind that said:
- "You don't think it's over already do you?"
- "Yeah i figured" Said Sadan as he turned around
When he did, he was facing Jazar now on his feet
- "As you are aware, gods can heal themselves, these two might take a while but, i quite good at it" Said Jazar as he snapped his fingers and all of his wounds healed with a flash of yellow light
- "So you are either dead or at your peak until you run out of soul current" Said Sadan
- "You aren't the only one who is unkillable so let's get this over with" Said Jazar
- "I already see two ways of killing you so not very unkillable" Said Sadan
- "And what would they be?" Said Jazar
- "I can either keep damaging you until you run out of soul current and can no longer heal or i can just kill you with a single blow, i think i will go for the second option, i don't want to waste all of my time here" Said Sadan
- "You will find that task to be much harder than it sounds to be on paper" Said Azrael
Suddenly huge spikes popped out of the ground below Sadan's feet as he leaped in air to dodge them
- "You remember my ability don't you? after all it was the one that dealt the finishing blow last time" Said Jazar
- "Manifestation, am i right?" Said Sadan with a grin on his face
- "Absolutely, i can create any object with my soul current" Said Jazar
- "Like that would help you" Said Sadan as he started evading all sorts of attacks that were manifested through Jazar's technique
- "You know, we were really holding back minutes ago, if we all unleashed our full powers, the soul radiation would put our allies in danger but, only one god at a time, they should handle it" Said Jazar as he removed the limiter from his soul
in the next second the overwhelming amount of soul current surrounding his body started decaying the surroundings, as Sadan had closed his distance and was centimeters away from Jazar's face with deadly punch ready, Jazar calmly snapped his fingers as huge cxyv beam came flying down from the sky, slamming Sadan to the ground and impaling him on the spikes below
Sadan filled with fury slammed his fist on the ground as he blew all the spikes away, then summoning his soul current strings and plunging towards Jazar, evading more spikes and obstacles using them, Jazar snapped his fingers once again as massive rain of cxyv beams begun, within the chaos the two clashed, throwing devastating punches at each other,
Sadan dodging and deflecting Jazar's spikes and cxyv beams, as Jazar was dodging Sadan's soul current strings, as this kept going on for minutes Sadan finally backed down, Jazar smirked as he said in his mind:
- "he has given up on hand to hand comb-"
But before he had any more time for thoughts Sadan jumped back at him, going in a straight line it was an easy target, Jazars smirk widened as he concentrated huge cxyv beam on Sadan's path and said in his mind:
- "He will not have time to go around beam this huge, when he stops on one place to avoid it, i will attack him with thousands of spikes and finish him off"
But his thoughts and plans were short lived once again as Sadan did only not stop but went through the beam, the devastating power started tearing apart his body, all parts of it flying around but he did not stop, as he emerged from the other side of the beam with his body all mangled and half destroyed, he punched Jazar right in the chest with his one remaining arm
as he was sent flying towards the ground, the immense pressure from the speed he was flying with made Jazar unable to move nor see properly, before he had chance to do anything Sadan quickly caught up with him mid air as he wrapped his strings around him and put his palm on his stomach, unleashing devastating cxyv beam, instantly ripping Jazar into two as he plummeted
to the ground, as a few seconds passed he spoke:
- "You split me into two, good job but, as you said yourself i am either dead or at my peak and as you can see i am still alive "
Without a second delay Jazar's soul current connected his upper and lower halves as it started regenerating, in a blink of an eye his body was whole once again
- "You got to try harder than tha-"
Jazar suddenly lost his speech due to shock of what he had just witnessed, Sadan's body completely regenerated, even in better condition than it was at the beginning, then he looked back and saw Sadan's strings attached to him as he instantly blew it off, Sadan smiled and said:
- "Just as i expected, now let me tell you how i see this picture, when you start to regenerate you lose your speed by a lot, in that state i can easily attach my strings to you and steal your healing current, in another words, if you heal i heal too, now there are two options left for you, heal over and over till one of us runs out of soul current, you know well that you can not outlast me, or
second option, do not heal and die"
Jazar, playing it cool smiled and said:
- "I go for the third option, Imaginary canvas: grand creation"
As Jazar's chants and hand signs were completed a barrier was created around him, containing himself and Sadan inside, as barrier closed up Jazar's appearance started changing, his hands were set on golden fire, additional glowing eyes emerged on his face and massive wings grew on his back, in that instant he dashed towards Sadan with extreme speed, Sadan still managing to
block as he slid across the ground, he swung his arm to throw the Jazar away and said in his mind:
- "This imaginary canvas increases his overall power but what is this barrier, is it supposed to trap me?"
After a moment of thought Sadan plunged towards Jazar but in the midway he felt sharp pain in his stomach, as he looked down he had been impaled by a spike, he broke it off and dashed away as he said in his mind:
- "What was that, i didn't sense it coming in any ways, it just appeared out of nowhere, i will run around with high speed so he doesn't predict where to summon spikes"
As Sadan started picking up speed it became nearly impossible to predict where to summon spikes, or so he thought, after another intense pain all around his body, he was suddenly impaled by hundreds of spikes, Sadan broke off the spikes once again and said in his mind:
- "I understand it now, inside this barrier, everything is created instantaneously, if he has time to react to it he will create it, it's practically undodgeable"
- "I see you have figured it out, now what will you do?" Said Jazar
- "I just have to go faster than you can react to" Said Sadan
Jazar smiled as he knew Sadan was incapable of that in his current body but his happiness was short lived as Sadan started overflowing the body with soul current again, he kept impaling him with spikes but without any success, in the next flash of a moment Sadan dashed towards Jazar with unreal speeds, same expression frozen on his face as he was still unaware just yet
Sadan almost instantaneously closed the distance between them and delivered a devastating blow to Jazar right in his chest as his imaginary canvas and barrier faded away in that instant, Sadan's legs half destroyed of soul current overload, Jazar on the ground with a massive hole in his chest, Sadan walked up to him and said:
- "Come on, regenerate"
- "I refuse" Said Jazar
- "Then die" Said Sadan as he put his hand on Jazar's forehead and started overflowing his body with soul current,
Jazar doing everything he can to stop Sadan's soul current as he started fighting back with his own, soon he completely ran out as his soul started burning away, as he was about to let out his final breath something deflected Sadan's hand as Jazar fell to the ground unconscious, Sadan looked to his left with anger as he saw Azrael standing with his body completely regenerated
- "We can play that game, one god down, two more to go" Said Sadan as he charged up devastating punch and threw it towards Azrael.