Chereads / tml heronine / Chapter 8 - 5

Chapter 8 - 5

Melonbooks Special

Something More Important than Appetite

After school, in the club room, I sat across from a girl with a box of snacks between us.

"When I came into the club room, this box was open. And at that time, the only one here was you, Yanami-san."

The girl staring back at me without changing her expression is Anna Yanami, a classmate and a first-year member of the Literature Club, like me.

"...Nukumizu-kun, it's true that this box of is open. I'll admit that much, okay?"

"Ah, so you're admitting that you-"

Yanami slowly shook her head.

"Do you have any proof that I was the one who opened it? Or that I was the one who ate it?"

...So she's trying to weasel her way out of this. I propped my elbows on the table and, hiding my expression, covered my mouth with my hands.

"I placed this box in the club room this morning. It was for everyone to share during the club meeting after school."

"Wait, hold on. Hypothetically, and I really do mean hypothetically, if I did eat some, what's the problem? I'm a club member, too, right? So it's fine if I ate a little, isn't it?"

"Sure, I don't mind. I really don't."

I said, pointing to the box as I counted the empty spots. Five in total.

"But still, eating five all by yourself seems a bit much. Honestly, I'm amazed you could even manage-"

"Wait! It wasn't five, it was four! The one on the end had a moisture absorber in it-"

Yanami froze mid-sentence, then threw her head back as if realizing something terrible.

"I've been caught…! I fell for such a vicious trap…"

"…You falling for it is on you, really. And this just proves it was you who ate them, Yanami-san."

Yanami quietly nodded. She slowly opened her hand, and a crumpled daifuku wrapper fell onto the table.

"I ate them. Yep, I definitely ate them. They were soft, sweet, and delicious."

She really owned up to it so shamelessly.

"But you know, Nukumizu-kun, I ate four, and there are six left. Isn't that exactly the number of people in the club?"

"Exactly? Including me, Prez, Tsukinoki-senpai, Komari, and Yakishio, that makes five, doesn't it?"

Without hesitation, Yanami picked up one more daifuku and placed it in front of herself.

"You're planning to eat one for yourself on top of all that, huh…"

Just then, from the half-open door to the clubroom, a small, nervous face peeked in.

It's Chika Komari, another first-year member of the Literature Club.

"What's wrong, Komari? Aren't you coming in?"

"I-It's just… y-you're doing something weird, so… it's kind of h-hard to…"

"Weird? No, we're just dividing up the daifuku. Look, there's one for you, too."

"O-Oh… it's so soft and fluffy…"

Komari carefully wrapped the daifuku in a handkerchief and tucked it into her bag as though it were a treasure.

"Wait, you're not going to eat it?"

"I-I's just that my grandma's coming to visit tonight… and she really likes wagashi…"

At those words, Yanami froze with her hands mid-motion, about to unwrap a daifuku.

I slowly shook my head, reached over, took the daifuku from Yanami's hand, and handed it to Komari instead.

"W-Wait, hold on, Nukumizu-kun! Wait a second!"

"Yanami-san, just this once, why don't you let her have it-"

"Nukumizu-kun, no, you don't get it. I feel like I've just lost something more important than the daifuku right now!"

"Yeah… I can see how you might feel that way. Maybe take this chance to reevaluate your life choices."

"…Nukumizu-kun, could you try to be supportive here?"

Watching our exchange, Komari nervously glanced back and forth between the daifuku in her hand and Yanami's expression.

"Uh, um, is it r-really okay for me to take t-this?"

"It's fine, take it! It's Nukumizu-kun's share, so don't hold back!"

"...Huh? Wait a second. The one you just gave her was my share?"

Animate Special

The First Screening Begins

At dusk, in a campsite, Kaju Nukumizu peeked out from beside the storage shed, watching the back of his older brother walking with a grocery bag in hand.

Next to his brother was a girl, the two chatting as they walked.

"Onii-sama… you've finally done it… you've made a friend…"

Overcome with emotion, Kaju dabbed at her eyes with a handkerchief.

But this isn't the time to just get emotional. More importantly, the other person is a girl. As his sister, it's her duty to determine whether this girl is worthy of her brother.

Taking a notebook out of her uniform pocket, she licked the tip of her pencil.

…First, her appearance. On top is a simple, plain T-shirt, and on the bottom are cropped, tapered pants, a casual outfit. Yet even with that, just a glimpse of her profile is enough to make it clear how strikingly cute she is. And with her feminine figure, a style that is practically the polar opposite of her reserved demeanor, she seems like the type guys would adore.

Kaju marked an "O" under the categories of "Looks" and "Style."

The girl, while munching on something, gestured animatedly as she chatted with her brother.

(...What could they be talking about? Could it possibly be… words of love?)

Ah, her brother has finally reached the point of sharing sweet conversations with a girl…

She couldn't just sit back and watch. Kaju stealthily closed the distance, moving to where she could hear their conversation. This isn't eavesdropping. It's a necessary investigation to understand her brother's new "friend".

The girl's lively voice carried clearly into Kaju's ears.

"Nukumizu-kun, I was thinking during the beach trip. Aren't you a bit too skinny? You should eat more."

The girl pulled a green object from the bag and bit into it with a satisfying crunch.

"Still, I don't think snacking on bell peppers like that is the solution."

"No, no, bell peppers can totally be eaten raw like this."

…Snacking? Kaju reflexively stared at the girl's hand in disbelief.

She had assumed it was some kind of snack food, but the girl was munching on a raw bell pepper. Whole.

"Bell peppers have that fluffy white stuff inside, though. Isn't it bitter?"

"It actually makes the texture more interesting and tasty. My family eats bell peppers whole, seeds and all."

Kaju paused before jotting down "Loves vegetables" in her notebook.

There's nothing wrong with loving vegetables. If the girl were to one day take charge of her brother's health, nutrition knowledge would be essential.

(...First, she needs to learn the flavors of the Nukumizu household properly. We'll start with miso soup.)

Kaju's inner monologue continued as she schemed. Her brother's favorite is a simple katsuobushi-based soup made with Hatcho miso, tofu, and aburaage-

"Wait, Yanami-san, you can't eat all the bell peppers!"

Her brother's panicked voice snapped her out of her thoughts. He hurriedly snatched the bag of bell peppers out of the girl's hands.

"Whoa, there's only one left!"

"Isn't it fine if there's just one left? Nobody likes bell peppers anyway, right?"

"I like bell peppers! And no, that doesn't mean you can eat the carrots instead!"

"You think I'm a horse or something? I'm not about to start munching on raw carrots, geez."

…It didn't sound like a romantic conversation at all.

Quietly, Kaju slipped away from the pair and hid behind a pile of stacked firewood. She opened her notebook, drew a big "X" under the "Romantic Feelings" category, and snapped the notebook shut with a satisfied expression.

"It seems that onii-sama still needs Kaju, after all."

Gamers Special

The B to E of the Girls' Conference

Remon Yakishio stretched out her arms, now even more tanned after just one day under the sun.

"Yana-chan, it really stings, doesn't it?"

"Totally, Remon-chan~"

It's the first night of their training camp. Remon Yakishio and Anna Yanami sat side by side in the large bath, gazing up at the ceiling.

The steam condensed and dripped down, landing on Yanami's sunburned shoulder.

Yanami let out an involuntary groan, prompting a concerned glance from Yakishio.

"You okay? I've got a really good lotion I can lend you later."

"Thanks. I slathered on sunscreen, though… guess it wasn't enough."

The lukewarm water seeped into their tired bodies, soothing them. It's late, so the bath is completely theirs, free of distractions.

As their cheeks started to turn a light cherry blossom pink from the heat, Yanami, her eyes fluttering with drowsiness, murmured softly.

"...I liked him for such a long time, but getting rejected happened in an instant, didn't it?"

"Yeah… it was over in a flash for us."

As Yanami nodded in agreement, she suddenly turned to Yakishio, splashing the water slightly in her haste.

"Wait. Didn't I actually make it pretty far? I don't think it's fair to call mine a quick rejection."

"Well, if we're being fair, I didn't even get a chance to fight. It was more like I forfeited… forfeited…"

Either way, they have both lost. Quietly, the two sunk into the water until their shoulders were submerged.

"...Sosuke's always liked girls with big chests, you know. When Karen-chan transferred in, it was game over in a second."

"No way, Yana-chan, you're no slouch yourself! I heard you ranked first in the Hidden Big Chest Ranking that the first-year boys came up with."

"...That doesn't make me happy at all. If Sosuke doesn't like me, then it's pointless. A total waste…of boobs."

"A waste of boobs…"

Yakishio repeated the phrase quietly, then glanced down at her own body, which sadly hadn't even made the rankings.

"But you know, Mitsuki probably wouldn't care about chest size. I mean, his girlfriend isn't even that big-"

She abruptly cut herself off and sank halfway into the bathwater, blowing bubbles under the surface.

"Remon-chan, you're not supposed to submerge your face in the bath."

With her lungs emptied, Yakishio resurfaced with a dramatic sound.

"…So, I guess I lost out in other areas then, huh?"


The truth is always just a little bittersweet.

"Yana-chan. This is getting depressing. Let's drop the subject."

"Good idea. Should we talk about breakfast instead?"

"Isn't that a topic better suited for, you know, the next morning?"

Yakishio's reasonable retort earned a silent stomach-holding gesture from Yanami.

"…I really need to get serious about dieting."

Yanami muttered, pinching a small bit of flesh on her stomach discreetly with her fingers.

"You're not even fat, Yana-chan. A little's fine, isn't it?"

"Even if I got rejected, I still don't want the guy I like to see me in an unflattering way."

"...Ah, yeah, I get that."

The two sat in silence, their mouths slightly ajar as they gazed at the fluffy, drifting steam.

"Yana-chan, you really are such a romantic."

"I am a romantic! And so are you, Remon-chan!"

"I'm a romantic, too, huh…"

The sound of insects chirping drifted through the window.

These losing heroines, soaking in the steam and their bittersweet emotions, quietly surrendered themselves to their thoughts.

Toranoana Special

Swimsuit Girls Etcetera

In the changing room at Shiroya Beach, Remon Yakishio tied the straps of her swimsuit and gave a quick twirl in front of the mirror.

The pale skin peeking out from beneath the edges of her orange bikini felt a bit embarrassing, a stark contrast to her sun-kissed tan.

"Hey, Yana-chan, are you done changing? Let's go already!"

"Hold on, Remon-chan. …Okay, I'm good."

Yanami, checking herself in the mirror, gave a small nod before snapping her shoulder strap with a flick of her finger.

"I was worried about fitting into last year's swimsuit, but it looks like it's fine."

"I'm wearing an old one too, so don't worry about-"

Yanami's swimsuit is a floral-patterned bikini, simple but with a design that leans a bit on the revealing side.

Although it's last year's swimsuit, the growth she has experienced over the past year is very apparent. The fabric seemed to struggle to contain her, making its limits clear.

Remon found herself staring at Yanami's chest without meaning to.

"Yana-chan, are you… sure it actually fits?"

"Huh? Remon-chan, is something wrong? Is it not covering enough?"

Panicked, Yanami tugged her bikini bottoms higher in an attempt to adjust, her expression growing more anxious.

"Ah, yeah, everything's covered. Covered for sure."

Well, as long as it's technically "covered", there's no issue. When Yakishio nodded, Yanami let out a sigh of relief, placing her hand on her chest.

"Good, then. Hey, what about Komari-chan? Is she still changing?"

"She's still in the stall here. Hey, you okay in there? You didn't pass out or anything, right?"

Yakishio, unbothered, rattled the doorknob with no hesitation.

"U-Uh… I-I'm fine… y-you can go ahead without me…"

Just then, the door of the neighboring changing stall opened, revealing Koto Tsukinoki, the Literature Club's vice president.

"You two are lively, as usual. Are you all set?"

At the sight of her, Yanami and Yakishio couldn't help but gasp in admiration.

Koto's swimsuit was a sleek black one-piece. While it isn't overly revealing, the lacy design covering her chest gives it a striking, elegant look. Yanami tilted her head up, squinting at Koto's mature figure.

"Wow, so this is the power of R18…"

"Wait, Tsukinoki-senpai is rated 18+? Am I even allowed to look at her?"

Unbothered by the attention of her two kouhais, Koto swept her hair back gracefully.

"Go ahead and look all you like. Even at R18, as long as it's just the cover, it's not breaking any rules."

The two kouhais nodded fervently, clearly impressed. Koto clapped her hands decisively.

"Alright, leave Komari-chan to me. You two head out to the beach first."

Yakishio, now somehow holding an inflated beach ball, lit up with excitement.

"Thank you, senpai! Let's go, Yanami-chan!"

"Yeah! Senpai, we're heading out!"

With that, the two girls dashed off energetically. Watching them leave, Koto turned and knocked gently on the door of the changing stall.

"They are gone now, Komari-chan. You don't need to be shy."

The door creaked open slowly, and Komari peeked out timidly.

"B-but… the school swimsuit… it's… k-kind of embarrassing…"

"That's precisely what makes it great! Bold swimsuits are embarrassing, sure. But even school swimsuits can be just a little embarrassing! That delicate balance of shyness and charm is what makes a maiden's heart shine the brightest!"

"S-Senpai… that's k-kind of… g-gross…"

Komari's blunt words froze Koto's expression. She turned completely serious.

"I'm not gross. Your senpai is not gross."

"Uh… you're… k-kind of… oh, w-wait, uh, yeah… y-you are…"

Nodding silently, Koto took Komari's hand and stepped out toward the beach.

"So… I was a little gross, huh…"

"Y-yeah… k-kind of… actually, um, pretty gross…"

Seibunkan Special

It's Always Available

Located near the station and boasting the largest retail space in the Tokai region, Seibunkan Bookstore Toyohashi Main Store is a place of habit for me.

Since entering high school, stopping by three times a week on the way home has become part of my routine.

Today, I decided to start my browsing from the third floor. As I wandered, I spotted a petite girl gazing intently at the cover of a book in the new releases section.

It's Chika Komari, a fellow first-year and member of the Literature Club. She's also a frequent sight here, known for her fondness for reading on the sly. Usually, she would hunch her shoulders and move furtively to avoid the staff's gaze, but today, she seems to be standing a little straighter.

"Komari, another day of sneaky reading? You know the manga's shrink-wrapped, so you can't open it."

"Ueh…?! N-Nukumizu? D-Don't just start t-talking to me out of nowhere."

Her tone was as sharp as ever, but there was an unusual confidence in her expression today.

"You seem pretty cheerful. Did a new volume of your favorite series come out or something?"

"Heh… h-hehe… Today, I-I'm not the same as usual!"

She rummaged through her bag and triumphantly pulled out a single card.

"M-My uncle gave me a 3,000-yen b-bookstore gift c-card!"

"Ah, I see. So you're planning to splurge today, huh?"

"N-No… not today. I-I've decided not to b-buy anything."

"Huh? Why not?"

I gave her a puzzled look, and Komari shook her head dumbfoundedly.

"I-I can buy it anytime… A-And walking around the s-store with that in mind… i-it's fun."

"If that's the case, aren't you always able to buy it anytime?"

"I-I only have a little cash in my wallet… and u-usually only after the day I get my a-allowance..."

She can't buy it, after all.

Come to think of it, I also buy my books with my limited allowance. Luckily, I get lunch money, so I skimp on food to save up for books. Whenever a new release comes out, I spend ages debating whether to get it or not-

"Oh hey, the new volume's out."

I grabbed a copy of the manga stacked on the display table. Komari frowned as she peeked over at the cover.

"D-Damo… toyo?"

"You know, that local manga about Toyohashi: <'Cuz I Love Toyohashi, Ya Know!>. See? There's even a special display for it."

"S-Something like that e-exists?"

Looks like today's pick is decided. I tucked the book under my arm, making sure to check if there were any bonus items included.

"A-Are you actually g-going to buy it?"

Komari looked up at me with a glare in her eyes.

"Yeah, I'm buying it."

As I answered casually, Komari leaned in closer, grumbling in frustration.

"I-I'm holding back… and y-you're just going to buy s-something right in f-front of me?"

Wait a second. Why am I getting scolded for buying a book in a bookstore?

"Okay, how about this? I'll let you borrow it later. Deal?"


Her mood instantly brightened, and she reached for the shelf eagerly.

"D-Do you have the f-first volume? I-If not, we s-should get it too."

"I've got it already. Hey, stop shoving me."

As she pushed me toward the register, I suddenly realized this would be the first time I had ever lent a book to someone other than my sister.

Just another ordinary scene from an after-school outing.

Sanyodo Special: Ordinary Books as Souvenirs

After school, it was just Yanami and me in the clubroom. I was leisurely reading a light novel when Yanami, who had been looking at her phone, suddenly glanced over at the book in my hands.

"Hey, isn't that a Sanyodo book cover? Does Toyohashi have one of their stores?"

"Oh, no, I went with my family to visit some relatives recently, and we stopped by one."

I closed the book with a soft snap.

"By the way, Yanami-san, how did you even recognize it was a Sanyodo cover?"

"Because I also visit Sanyodo whenever I go see my relatives! It's kind of nice, right? Going to a store you don't usually visit feels like a mini trip. It's like ordinary books become souvenirs."

Ordinary books as souvenirs, huh? For Yanami, that was a surprisingly poetic observation. She must have had seconds at breakfast this morning.

"Nukumizu-kun, you have relatives in Toyokawa too? That store has a pretty good stationery section. I bought a new mechanical pencil there once-"

"No, mine's from a Sanyodo in Nagoya."


Yanami froze mid-motion, her hand buried in her pencil case.

"Like I said, my relatives are in Nagoya. I bought this in Nagoya, too."

"…You're totally bragging."


Yanami has started saying weird things again.

"You're bragging. Like, my relatives are in Toyokawa, but yours are in Nagoya? You're totally taking a superiority stance. But Toyokawa has Toyokawa Inari Shrine, okay? It gets a ton of visitors for New Year's."

"I'm not bragging. But doesn't Nagoya have Atsuta Shrine? Pretty sure it gets even more visitors for New Year's than Toyokawa Inari does."

"W-well, yeah, but… but I have a cousin in Omiya! That's the Greater Tokyo Area!"

Omiya…? That's in Saitama, right?

"Wait, isn't Nagoya's population bigger than Omiya's? Are you sure you're actually 'flexing' on me here?"

"W-What?! B-But, Saitama is practically Tokyo! And Tokyo is the capital of Japan!"

"Ehhh… that's kind of a stretch, isn't it? Maybe try reconsidering Saitama's appeal. I mean, it's got to have something good going for it, right?"

"U-Uh, let's see… Oh! The food's delicious?"

You could find good food anywhere if it were up to her.

"…Yeah, you're right. The food in Nagoya is great, too. I kinda wanna have some Yabaton miso katsu." [TL: Yabaton's the restaurant, and miso katsu is Nagoya's specialty.]

What even is this conversation? I don't really get it, but it seems like Yanami is satisfied. I turned back to my book.

"Yeah, Nagoya's gotta be eating kishimen on the station platform, then grabbing some Yabaton miso katsu… You can't get that in Kanto, after all…"

Listening to her muttering beside me, I thought to myself.

…Actually, there is a Yabaton in Tokyo.

Tsutaya Special

It All Started at a Sweet Shop

It's only the third day of the summer vacation, and the clock's hands are pointing to 3 PM.

Yanami has called me out to the Apita Mukaiyama shopping mall, supposedly to buy supplies for the Literature Club.

"It's been a while since I've been here… Oh, hey, coffee beans are on sale."

Shopping was usually the responsibility of the first-years, but today, it ended up being just Yanami and me. As I wandered past store displays and browsed without much interest, I headed toward the designated meeting spot in the food court.

The food court and Yanami. The combination alone gave me a faint sense of unease. She had specifically chosen this place, which made it hard to imagine she would stay out of trouble.

When I reached the second-floor food court, it didn't take long to find her.

Lunchtime has long passed. Standing motionless in the middle of the nearly empty space is Yanami.

"Sorry to keep you waiting. Yanami-san, what are you doing just standing there like that?"

"Nukumizu-kun, something… kind of serious has happened…"

When I looked closer, I saw that Yanami was holding a soft-serve ice cream in one hand and a tray with ramen in the other. She's trembling ever so slightly, her body teetering as if on the verge of collapse.

"...What are you even doing?"

Her hands were full, and a shoulder bag precariously dangled from her narrow shoulders, looking like it could slip off at any second.

Reflexively, I reached out to grab the ramen tray, but Yanami shook her head quickly, her movements as small as possible.

"No, no, you can't! If this miracle of balance is disturbed, the ice cream will fall! Take both the ramen and the ice cream together! Carefully!"

"Ah, yes."

With a half-hearted response, I carefully took the tray of ramen and the ice cream from her hands.

"Finally… I can move. Thanks, Nukumizu-kun."

She took a bite of the ice cream I was holding before reclaiming it and plopping herself down in a chair at the food court. I placed the tray with the ramen in front of her and sat down diagonally across the table.

"I skipped lunch, and when I saw Sugakiya, I just couldn't resist."

She began to eat, skillfully handling the uniquely shaped ramen fork. Between slurps of ramen, she would take occasional bites of the ice cream in her left hand as if it were her drink.

She really knows how to enjoy her food…

For a moment, I found myself captivated by how much she seemed to savor it. But then I remembered why I was even here today, shopping. Snapping out of it, I glanced around the food court.

"Today's errand was to get a new curtain for the clubroom since the old one tore, right? Hurry up and finish so we can go."

"Oh, I came early, so I already bought it. Look."

She gestured with her ramen fork toward her shoulder bag, where I could see the edge of a blue curtain package sticking out.

…So why was I even called out here today?

I was about to complain, but before I could say a word, Yanami stuffed a piece of chashu pork into her mouth and smiled at me with her cheeks full.

"Why are you staring at me, Nukumizu-kun?"

Faced with that smile, I couldn't bring myself to say anything.

"Nothing. Just finish your ramen before it gets soggy- wait, you're already almost done."

Well, I guess this is what it means to hang out with friends. I gave a wry smile and shrugged.

Bookwalker Special

Curiosity Kills the High School Boy

Late July, the first school day of summer vacation.

Homeroom ended just before noon, and I was enjoying a peaceful moment in the clubroom.

The wind flowing through the open window made the curtains billow softly.

The rainy season has passed, and summer is in full swing. Yet the dry breeze feels pleasant, cooling down the lingering heat on my body. Feeling the wind on my cheek, I leisurely opened the latest volume of .

As I picked up the story where I had left off, the clubroom door suddenly flew open with a bang.

Remon Yakishio walked in, a jelly drink clasped in her mouth. She squeezed the packet with her hand, finishing it off in one gulp, before tossing it into the trash bin with perfect aim.

"Hey, Nukkun, just you here today?"

"Yeah, the third-years don't have school today. And Yanami-san said she's out eating with friends."

"Hmm, kinda lonely, huh?"

Saying that, she dropped her bag onto the table with a heavy thud.

"Yakishio, what about track practice?"

"It's after this. I got called to the staff room, so I didn't have time to stop by the track team's clubroom. I figured I would head straight to the field from here."

Now that I think about it, the sports clubrooms are on the opposite side of the field.

"The Literature Club's room is in a surprisingly convenient spot, you know? It's close to the back gate, perfect for grabbing snacks or whatever."

As she kept chatting, Yakishio began untying the ribbon on her blouse.

"Hey, wait."

"On days when I practice alone, I just use this room because it's convenient. So, anyway-"

She pulled off the ribbons and started unbuttoning her blouse.

"Hold on, if you're going to change, let me know so I can leave! And at least close the curtains-"

As I rushed to close the window in a panic, she gave me a puzzled look.

"Huh? It's fine. Don't worry. I'm already wearing my practice gear underneath. I'm just taking the top off."

Oh… so that's how it is. I felt pretty stupid for getting worked up over nothing.

But still, having a girl undressing in front of me, even if she's wearing something underneath, is definitely not something a teenage boy can just ignore.

"Either way, I'm stepping out. I'll close the curtains, too."

"Nukkun, you're such a gentleman! But honestly, if you do that, it's even more embarrassing, so just stay put."

"Why would me leaving while you're changing make it embarrassing?"

"Because I told you, I've got my practice gear on underneath. Just act normal, okay?"

...Hmm. I guess it's kind of like taking off a jacket. Maybe I'm overthinking this.

Underneath the blouse she tossed aside was a cropped top that left her midriff bare. I instinctively looked away.

"Huh? Nukkun, what's wrong?"

"Uh, sorry, it… kinda looked like… a sports bra or something."

"I told you, there's no need to make a big deal about it."

Well, yeah, she did say it was her practice gear.

Trying to calm myself, I took a sip from my bottle of tea.

"Right. I mean, there's no way someone would just wear their underwear in front of others."

"Eh? But this is a sports bra."

I spat out the tea. Coughing and choking, I felt her hand pounding my back. Hard. It hurt.

"Hey, Nukkun! What's up with you all of a sudden?"

"Hold on! So, that means it's not practice gear. It's underwear, right!?"

"This is the bra I wear when I practice. I usually wear a tank top over it, so together, it's my practice gear."

What kind of ridiculous logic is that?

"Alright, alright, I'll step outside-"

Before I could finish, Yakishio quickly pulled on her tank top.

"There, see? Problem solved."

"Uh… yeah, I guess…"

"Nukkun, you really have no tolerance for this kind of thing, huh? Wanna join the track team?"

She chuckled and patted me on the shoulder.

"No thanks. And, Yakishio, you better not be letting the guys on the team give you weird looks or anything. Don't go into the boys' club room alone, either."

"I would never do something that improper. Besides, the guys on the team aren't looking at the girls like that anyway."

Yeah, right. There's no way. If even I am struggling to keep it together, there's no way those healthy, athletic track guys aren't sneaking glances at their cute, carefree girl teammates (totally not biased).

While I stewed in my thoughts, Yakishio glanced at the wall clock and let out a small yelp.

"Shoot, practice is about to start!"

She unzipped her skirt in one swift motion, letting it drop straight to the floor.

"Wait, hey!"

"Sorry, Nukkun! Can you tidy up my clothes for me?"

"Huh? Wait a sec-"

"Thanks, sorry!"

And just like that, she bolted out of the room.

I stared at the pile of discarded clothes and let out a deep sigh. Cleaning up a girl's clothes? What kind of weird event is this supposed to be...?

That said, leaving her stuff scattered around would just make things worse if someone happened to walk in. I grabbed the blouse hanging off the back of a chair and folded it neatly, then picked up the skirt lying on the floor.

There I am, in the empty clubroom after school, holding a classmate's skirt in my hands.

I'm not having any weird thoughts, of course, but… surely it wouldn't hurt to inspect it a little, right?

It's a light gray pleated summer uniform skirt. It has an adjustable waistband on the side to accommodate different sizes.

Absentmindedly, I compared it to my own waist. If I extended the adjuster all the way, then-

"I think… this might actually fit me?"

…Let me clarify something right now. It's not like I'm actually planning to wear it.

I don't have a cross-dressing hobby, nor am I interested in a girl's used clothes.

The only thing I can say is that humanity's progress has always been driven by an insatiable curiosity for the unknown. The adventurers who sailed out into uncharted waters armed with nothing but that curiosity are the ones who shaped the world we live in today.

Compared to the deeds of those nameless heroes of the past, what I'm about to do is mere child's play. All I'm doing is holding up some clothes in front of a mirror to check their size.

That said, there's no mirror in this room, so I'll have to use my phone to take a picture. I adjust it on the table to capture a full-body shot at just the right angle.

"Alright, the 'mirror' is set. Now, how does this ribbon thing work…?"

I don't have to go so far as to wear Yakishio's blouse, but the biggest difference between male and female uniforms besides the skirt is the ribbon.

As the saying goes, "in for a penny, in for a pound". Backing out now would be meaningless. Driven purely by intellectual curiosity, I loosen my necktie and attempt to mimic how the ribbon is tied, draping it awkwardly around my neck.

…Okay. Now, all that's left is to hold the skirt up to my waist. I lift it in front of me.

Oh, wait, better make sure the curtains are closed. In anime, it's a cliche for the curtains to be open and someone to walk by at the worst possible moment.

Alright, the curtains are securely shut.

The door is closed, too. Everything is going according to plan-

"N-Nukumizu, uh, g-good work…"

"…Ahh. Good work to you, too."

Except for one thing: Komari is standing just inside the door, her mouth slightly agape.

"…How long have you been standing there?"

"S-Since you were putting the r-ribbon… a-around your neck."

Ah. I see. Honestly, it might have been better if she had seen everything from the start.

Alright, time for some damage control.

"Wait, Komari. This isn't what it looks like. This is purely out of curiosity-"

"I-It's fine. C-Continue."

Ignoring my frantic protests, Komari sat down in a chair, calmly pulled out her phone, and began tapping away on it.

"Komari? I don't have that kind of hobby. It was just a moment of curiosity-"

"I-It's okay. P-People are d-different…"

With a soft, understanding smile, Komari nodded gently.

No, stop. Don't be kind to me at a time like this.

I slowly removed the ribbon and carefully placed it back on the table. Then I moved to the seat next to Komari, clearing my throat with a cough.

"Komari, listen to me. This is all because Yakishio asked me to clean up her clothes, alright?"

"F-Fine, I get it. J-Just don't s-sit next to me…"

"Do you really get it? Look, the ribbon, it just caught my attention because I wanted to figure out how it works, not because I wanted to actually wear it or anything-"

As I leaned in slightly, Komari pushed my face away with her phone, her movements hurried and flustered.

"W-Wait, d-don't get so close to me… t-this is not the dynamic I s-signed up for…"

"I'm not getting close! What kind of dynamic do you even think we have?"

"A-Are you making me s-say it? D-Do you want to h-hear it from my m-mouth?"

"…No, I'm good."

"Y-Yeah, that's for the b-best…"

With an air of smug wisdom, Komari nodded and turned her gaze back to her phone.

I sighed and returned to a chair farther away, reopening the latest volume of that I had been reading before this all started.


"W-What now?"

"Just to reiterate, I don't have a thing for cross-dressing, alright? That's important to clarify."

Komari glanced at me with a knowing, almost pitying look.

"I-I understand. I-It's important to adapt to your m-man's hobbies, after all."

"I don't even have a partner like that! And why is my supposed partner a guy?!"

"T-That's why I t-told you not to s-sit next to me!"

And thus, any semblance of grace I had hoped for on this summer day was utterly obliterated.

Melonbooks Novel Festival Summer 2021 Special

Another Day, Another Loss

Summer vacation supplementary classes wrapped up before noon today.

It feels like a waste to just head straight home after coming all the way to school…

Wandering over to the Literature Club's room, I found someone had already beaten me there.

Her name is Anna Yanami. Just before summer break, she got rejected by her childhood friend, officially earning her place among the ranks of losing heroines.

She sat slumped in her chair, her upper body sprawled across the desk as she listlessly stared at her phone.

"Hey, Nukumizu-kun. Good work."

She said, too drained to even raise her hand, lightly slapping the desk with her palm instead.

"Good work. Yanami-san, don't put your face on the desk. It's dirty."

"But it's cool and feels nice."

Tap, tap, tap. This laid-back, despondent scene is exactly what you would expect from a losing heroine.

I pulled out the chair across from her and sat down.

"Hey, Nukumizu-kun. You noticed that even though today was a school day, neither Sosuke nor Karen-chan came, right?"

"Hm? Really?"

I replied nonchalantly.

The "Sosuke" Yanami was referring to was her childhood friend Sosuke Hakamada, the one who had recently dumped her. He had started dating the transfer student, Karen Himemiya, not too long ago.

In other words, if their names came up, it usually meant trouble. I mentally prepared to shut down my emotional shop for the day.

"So, you know, I heard Sosuke's going on a trip to the Chita Peninsula today and tomorrow. He's going to learn wakeboarding or something."

"Wake… what? What's that?"

Damn. I reacted without thinking. Yanami, still lying on the desk, twisted her head to look at me.

"It's, like, where you ride this snowboard-like board on the water, and a boat pulls you around."

Sounds like some modern version of waterskiing or something.

"…And, apparently, Karen-chan's going on a trip starting today too."

Yanami mumbled. Here we go. This is where the painful part of the story began.

"Where's she going?"

"Dunno. I didn't ask, but she said she'd bring me back some kaeru manju as a souvenir."

Kaeru manju, cute and delicious frog-shaped sweets, a specialty of Nagoya. And the Chita Peninsula, where Hakamada was headed, is just south of Nagoya.

"So… basically, they are traveling together?"


"On an overnight trip?"

"…Could just be two separate day trips, you know."

"That's wishful thinking."

Yanami glared at me with an irritated expression.

"Those two just started dating, okay? Isn't it a little too soon for, you know, something to happen?"

"Still, if they are dating, it's only natural for something to happen sooner or later."

"Even though Sosuke and I were together for 12 years and nothing ever happened?"

Well, that's because you aren't his girlfriend.

I couldn't bring myself to say that out loud, so I kept silent. Yanami, meanwhile, resumed poking at her phone.

"Ugh… here it is. They are totally hinting at it. So obvious…"

She kept glancing at me as if silently demanding my attention.

"What happened?"

"They have been posting pictures of the beach on Instagram. Isn't that, like, totally a hint?"

"You should really stop looking at their social media. I mean, it's bad for your mental health."

"Yeah, but I can't help it, you know? The moment someone says 'trip', I'll check their posts 50 times a day, hunting for any hints."

As she muttered, Yanami continued tapping away at her phone.

It's not exactly a praiseworthy hobby, but… this is just one of those things people do while gradually coming to terms with reality. In short, she can do what she wants.

…But wait a second. This trip is an overnight one, right?

Let's say Yanami keeps obsessively monitoring their social media.

As the sun sets, their posts slowly dwindle. Then, around 9 PM, both of their accounts fall completely silent-

Gulp. My throat involuntarily tightened.

…This isn't good. Even if Yanami's somewhat used to enduring a mild version of hell, plunging her into the real deal might be too much for her.

I cleared my throat and started speaking, trying to sound casual.

"Uh, Yanami-san. You're calling their posts 'hints', but, like, they are dating, so it's not really hinting at anything. It's more like-"

"More like…what?"

"-You know, showing off? Like, a humblebrag or something."

"…Showing off?"

Yanami stared at her phone screen for a long moment, then suddenly slapped it down onto the desk.

"…I'm done looking."

Good call.

At least, for now, I have managed to protect one girl's fragile heart. Relieved, I pulled out my book.

Time to finally dive into the latest volume of .

The last one ended with the explosive revelation that the siblings weren't actually blood-related, causing a massive uproar among fans. Rumor had it that the new volume would take the story in even more shocking directions, and I had been itching to read it.

Having apparently given up on her social media stalking, Yanami began idly slapping the desk with both hands.

"But, you know, I'm really looking forward to those kaeru manju. Eating a whole box in one go would probably give you heartburn, though, right? But if you alternate sips of tea and milk, it actually works out pretty well."

"Ah, yeah. Totally. That works."

I nodded absentmindedly, flipping to the next page of my book.

The series' usual bath scene illustration is particularly well done this time. This is going to be good-

"Talking about manju made me hungry. I'm going to buy some bread. What about you, Nukumizu-kun?"

"Bath, huh? What?"

"That's my line, Nukumizu-kun. What's with the sudden creepy comment?"

Creepy? That was uncalled for. I was just debating whether to sneak a peek at the illustration of the bath scene where the characters were washing each other.

"Never mind, it's nothing. You're going to buy bread, Yanami-san? Perfect timing. The school store's closed today, after all."

I started reaching into my pocket for my wallet.

"…Wait a second. Are you trying to send me to buy it for you?"

Well, yeah, I am. What's the problem?

"Listen, girls want someone to go with them to buy bread, or at least for someone to go and bring it back for them."

She's making things unnecessarily complicated again, but it doesn't seem like she's going to go alone.

"Fine, I'll go buy it."

Yanami suddenly sat up straight.

"Actually, let's go together. Kondo Bread's stock should still be great at this time of day, and I want to pick something for myself."

As she said this, she raised her phone- then froze.


"I saw it. Those two even have matching swimsuits. Matching swimsuits. Who does that…"

"I told you to stop looking."

"I didn't want to see it. This isn't my fault."

Yanami slumped over the desk again.

"Yanami-san. What about buying bread?"

"…I'll just stay here and eat dust in the club room. Don't mind me."

As much as I appreciated how clean the clubroom might get from her sulking, I wasn't heartless.

"Hey, don't be so down. I'll treat you to some bread."

"Wait, really?"

Yanami's face lit up, and she practically jumped to her feet. Her mood shifts fast. Still, if a piece of bread could fix things, it was a cheap price to pay.

"Thanks! How many can I get? Four? Five?"

"Wait, how many are you planning to eat? No, two! Two at most!"


I messed up. I had been thinking based on my standards. One piece of bread is plenty for lunch. But this is Yanami we are talking about.

I was already regretting it, but seeing Yanami's beaming smile made it impossible to complain.

Then, she turned to look at me.

"What? Why are you staring at my face? Am I that cute?"

"You've got desk marks on your cheek."

"No way! Really!?"

Panicking, Yanami started patting her face with her hands. I chuckled wryly as I opened the club room door.

Summer vacation has just begun. It's going to be another hot day-