Chapter 112 - :)CH112

"Hey." mumbled Grace as she looked at them all from the bed. "Why are you all yelling?"

"Oh Grace." Sanji said before forcing a smile. "Sorry for waking you up." "It's okay." she said. "But can you all please yell somewhere else? I'm tired."

"Okay." Sanji said before glaring at the rest of boys. "You heard the little lady! Everyone out!" he said as he kicked them towards the stairs, leaving Vivi and Grace alone.

"Are they always like this?" Grace asked. "Huh?" Vivi said after looking at her, not realizing what she said.

"Are they always likes this?" she asked again. "Loud and stupid?" "Something like that." Vivi said with a force smile.

-Up on deck a moment ago"What were you looking at?!" Nami yelled at Zoro, who was put in charge of guiding the ship. "What? We're going straight." he said in a bored tone as he pointed forward.

"We gotta follow the needle moron!" Nami yelled.

"I know where we're going since I've been following that big cloud." Zoro said.


"Stop shouting Nami and get back to bed!" Nojiko yelled.

"I'm alright!" she yelled back.

"Just let me handle this already." Zoro grunted.

"How can you do that when you can't tell one direction from another!?" Nami said as she complained her head was hurting from yelling before looking out at the sea. "The's different." Nami said as the others were soon kicked out onto deck by Sanji. "Great timing guys." she said. "Turn the helm south, now! Lower the sails and catch wind portside!" "Why?" Gin asked. "What about Alabasta?" "Do what Nami says!" Sanji barked.

"Got it!" Usopp, Johnny, and Yosaku said before running off to follow Nami's orders. "Nami?" Nojiko asked as Nami looked out at sea.

"I've got a feeling...a strong wind is coming from ahead." she said.

"Okay, change direction to Nami's liking." Luffy yelled out.

"AYE!" everyone yelled as they began to turn the ship around "And Nami, get back to bed." Luffy said. "Captain's orders!" "For the last time, I'm fiIIIOOW!" she yelped as Nojiko finally grabbed her by her ear and glared at her.

"Bed!" she yelled as she started dragging her back down stairs, finally losing her patience with her sister's stubbornness. "You heard Captain Luffy!"

"Ugh. Fine!" she said as she crawled back into bed next to Grace. "But make sure they turn south!"

"I will." Nojiko said as she left again to tell everyone Nami's directions.

"What's going on?" Vivi asked.

"Everyone's telling me to get some rest when I don't need it." Nami said as she covered herself. Vivi just looked at her like she was crazy before walking out out and above deck.

"Everyone." Vivi said. "I've got a favor to ask of you all. I'm only a passenger so it's not my place to ask, but I have no choice but I must get home as quickly as possible. The longer I'm away, the more homeland and people are in danger of killing themselves. We need to get to Alabasta immediately." Nojiko was walking out on deck and looked ready to have a few words with Vivi, but stopped when Vivi said with a smile "So let's please find a doctor for Nami and Grace as quickly as possible. It's only when Nami is at her best can this ship move at it's full speed."

"Exactly!" Luffy said with a grin as Nojiko looked on with a smile. "No one can move this ship like Nami can!"

"What about your home and all it's people?" Usopp asked.

"I need to get there, but we'll only get there quicker after Nami's okay. And I also wish to help Grace as well." Vivi said, which was approved of by everyone else. "So we're hunting doctors now huh?" Greg asked.

"Looks like it." Alvida said before everyone noticed the weather getting a little choppy.

"HOLY CRAP?!" Johnny and Yosaku shouted. Everyone looked in their direction to see a massive cyclone.

"WHERE'D THAT COME FROM?!" Usopp shouted.


"YES!" Gin hollered. "MAN, THAT WAS A CLOSE CALL!"


"What?!" Vivi shouted. "Nami said that the wind changed!" Nojiko yelled over the storm. "That's why she told us to change direction!"

'No way!' Vivi thought. 'Grand Line weather of this magnitude is almost impossible to predict...yet their navigator sensed it by the slightest change!'

"Alright everyone!" Luffy yelled. "It's time to find a doctor to heal our ill crewmates, so keeping heading South! YOU WITH ME?!"

"YEEEEAH!" they all shouted.