Chapter 113 - :)CH113

-The next day-

Nami and Grace's condition slowly worsened as they everyone kept looking for an island with a doctor on it as the weather became cold and snowy.

"Hey guys!" Zoro called from the crow's nest. "Do you think it's possible for people to stand on top of the ocean?"

"What are you talking about big bro?" Johnny asked as he and most of the boys were outside either playing in the snow, training, or bored. Sanji was with Vivi, Carue, and Nojiko taking care of Nami and Grace while the rest of the girls were trying to get warm in the cabin.

"Look out there!" he said as he looked in his binoculars. They all looked too and saw what looked like a jester standing on the ocean. Luffy looked on in thought as the rest of them rubbed their eyes as their ship sailed closer to the strange man.

"Cold today, isn't it?" he asked. All of them started agreeing before they looked at him again with sweatdrops on their heads. 'That guy.' Luffy thought before a rumbling beneath the ocean was heard before a massive dome rose up from under Chess.

"HEY?!" Sanji shouted from inside as he kept Nami and Grace's bed from recieving any shock. "Watch it up there! If they get sicker, you'll answer to me!"

"Is that a ship?!" Zoro asked as the dome opened to reveal a massive ship.

"MAHAHAHA!" came a laugh. Luffy's eyes narrowed as he remember this guy. His anger at this fraud of a pirate resurfacing as Wapol was bragging about his ship.

"What are you all doing?!" Sanji shouted when he ran outside to check things. He looked around before calmly lighting up a smoke. "So what's happening?"

"We're being invaded by other pirates." Gin said as their ship was now holding tons of men in similar uniforms who were pointing guns at everyone.

"So that's what caused the shaking huh?" Sanji asked as Alvida and Valerie joined them out on deck.

"They didn't get hurt down there, did they brother cook?" Yosaku asked.

"Nah, they're good thankfully." he answered as a fat man enjoying a slab of meat on a knife came onto their ship.

"Let's see." he mumbled through his chewing. "4...7...I count 10 of you." he said. "Seems like a decent amount for a ship this size." he said before biting down on the blade before chewing it as well. "Ah who cares. I got something to ask you all."

"Did he just eat a knife?" Gin asked in bafflement as a few crewmembers grabbed their mouths in pain from watching. "We seek Drum Kingdom." Wapol said before eating the handle of the knife. "You wouldn't happen to have an Eternal Pose or Log Pose would you?"

"No." Sanji said.

"Never heard of Drum Kingdom anyway." Greg said. "Who are you?"

"Me?" Wapol said before grinning. "My name is Wapol."

"If you're done asking Wapol, then leave!" Luffy said. Zoro eyed him, not missing the hidden anger in his tone.

"Now now, no need to get so angry." Wapol said in a calm manner. "If you don't have either, I'll just take your treasure and sh-"

"NOW!" Luffy shouted. Faster than any of them could blink, Luffy appeared in front of Wapol before kicking him far away with a haki infused foot. Wapol kept flying until he was a star in the sky.

"LORD WAPOL!" his entire crew shouted before retreating to their ship and sailing off after Wapol. While they did, Chess and another man named Kuromarimo were shouting that they'd get their revenge and for them to please remember them. After a few moments, everyone went back to what they were doing as Luffy stormed off to the men's quarters.

"No one bother me!" Luffy grunted before slamming the door. All of them looked at each other in confusion at that statement, but left it alone...except for one.

"Luffy." Zoro said as he opened the door to the men's quarters. He saw Luffy lying in his hammock with his straw hat covering his eyes.

"I asked not to be bothered." Luffy said in low tone. "I know, but this is important." Zoro said as he walked over and sat in his hammock. Both said nothing for a few moments as the ship sailed on. One had questions, and the other had the answers...hopefully.

"You sounded angrier than usual." Zoro finally said after a good 5 minutes. "Usually, you don't react like that. You wait until they do something before you decide to be their friend or kick their ass. What gives?" Luffy tilted his head to the side to look at Zoro from under his hat before looking back at the ceiling.

"If I tell you, then you have to promise me that no matter what happens, you will not tell anyone else." Luffy said in a rare, serious tone. "Understood?" Zoro looked at him for a moment before closing his eyes.

"Understood." he said as he looked back at Luffy. Luffy jumped off his hammock and sat in the hammock next to Zoro's. "I will warn you though." Luffy stated. "What I'm gonna tell you isn't going to be good."

Luffy unbuttoned his vest to reveal a jagged, x-shaped scar on his chest to Zoro.

"How'd you get that?" Zoro asked. Usually he didn't care, but after seeing Luffy's strength, anyone who could leave a scar that big had to be trouble.

"I got this...from the same guy that killed all of you." Luffy said.

"Killed...all of us?" Zoro asked in confusion. "Can you start making some sense?"

"I am." Luffy said as he buttoned up his vest and sighed. "This is gonna sound crazy."

"It can't be any crazier than what I've seen meeting you." Zoro said. Luffy looked at him with a blank stare.

"You've seen a lot of different people with Devil Fruit powers." Luffy stated. "Yeah. We've got a few of them on this ship. Including you." Zoro said.