"Is there anyone here with any medical knowledge?" Vivi asked. Usopp, Luffy, Johnny, and Yosaku all pointed at Nami. "I do too, but only for things like cuts or colds." Nojiko said, her voice full of worry.
"What do we do?!" Johnny asked as tears fell down his face as well.
"Maybe she ate something bad?" Yosaku suggested before recieving a quick kick to the head from Sanji.
"Nothing she eats would do this because I cook all her meals!" he yelled before calming down and looking back at Nami. "I put extra effort in the ladies meals so that they'll stay healthy. Only the freshest ingredients go to them while you dumbbells get whatever looks spoiled or is close to expiring.
"HEY!" shouted Usopp, Johnny, and Yosaku while Luffy said it still tasted great.
"The point is, so long as I'm the chef, problems with malnutrition won't happen." Sanji said. "If they're still sick, then it's due to something else. Without the knowledge of what it is, I can't cook the right meals for them." Luffy just looked down at them in worry.
"Feed them everything?" he suggested, hoping something would work even if it was what he said last time.
"They're too weak to eat stupid!" Sanji said. "104 degrees!" Vivi gasped in shock after looking at both of their thermometers. "They're both getting worse!"
"Worse?!" Johnny and Yosaku shouted while Nojiko started trembling.
"There should be doctors in Alabasta Vivi." Usopp said. "How much longer until we get there?" "More than a week I'm afraid." Vivi said. "This looks worse than when I had scurvy." Yosaku said. "Big sis must be in a lot of pain." "I wouldn't know. I've never been sick before." Sanji and Usopp said in unison while tilting their heads.
"Are you all freaks or something?!" Vivi yelled out at them. "It's painful! A temperature of 104 degrees is dangerous. It's enough to prove fatal to them both!"
"WHAAAAAT?!" most of them shouted in utter horror. Soon Sanji was crying his eyes out, Luffy was shouting, and the other boys and Carue were running around the room like morons.
"THAT'S NOT HELPING EITHER OF THEM!" Vivi shouted at them all.
"We gotta find Nami a doctor NOW!" Luffy shouted before Vivi tried to calm them down.
"No." Nami mumbled quietly before sitting up. "I'm okay guys."
"Nami?" Vivi said in surprise. "No you're not." Nojiko said, trying to get her sister to lie back down.
"In my desk...there's a newspaper." Nami said. After some quick searching, they found it and gave it to Vivi to read.
"This...this can't be!" Vivi gasped.
"Something about Alabasta Vivi?" Sanji asked.
"300,000 royal soldiers...have defected and joined the rebels!?" she said in horror before telling them all that now the war shifted into the rebels favor before Nami dropped a bigger bomb onto her.
"That newspaper...is 3 days old." she wheezed out. "I'm sorry for not showing you. I didn't want you to worry any further since we're sailing as fast as we can. Understand Luffy?"
"Things are getting worse." Luffy said with his arms folded across his chest.
"Right." Nami said. "Glad you understand." "But we need to get you to a doctor!" Usopp stated.
"She's right big s- er Nami." Yosaku agreed.
"I'm okay. That thermometer's broken." Nami argued as she got up out of bed before blaming it on heatstroke. "No one can get that sick. I'll be fine, so we don't need to see a doctor."
"Nami, stay in that bed!" demanded Nojiko as she tried to keep her from leaving the bed.
"I told you guys, I'm fine." she said. "It's Grace who needs help, not me. We'll head to Alabasta as planned...but thanks for worrying about me." she said as she looked back at them all before heading up the stairs to the deck.
"She is so stubborn!" Nojiko said with a sigh before following her.
"Nami." Luffy said before Vivi started speaking again. "At this rate, a lot of needless bloodshed will happen!" she said as she stared at the newspaper. "If I can't stop this, then it's all over for Alabasta! Crocodile will take over!" she said before crumpling up the newspaper. "Getting home safely isn't good enough! If I don't get home soon, a million of my people will kill each other for no good reason!"
"A MILLION!?" Johnny and Yosaku shouted in panic. "THAT'S A LOT OF PEOPLE!"
"And a huge burden." Sanji said before they heard a soft voice stirring.