Chapter 103 - :)CH103

"LET'S DO THIS!" Yosaku shouted before he noticed someone off in a clearing. "Big Bro!" he shouted. Johnny looked as well to see Zoro standing there with his arms crossed and a grin across his face. They both approached him with equal smiles. "Still competing with brother cook?"

"I bet you'll win hands down big bro Zoro!" Johnny said. Zoro just stayed quiet, causing them both to frown in confusion. "Uh...big bro?"

"You okay there?" Yosaku asked as he poked Zoro's head, causing him to fall backwards and land with a thud, still standing at grinning with his arms crossed. Both of them stared before they went for their swords, not realizing it was too late as a blob of wax came at them.

-With Luffy's group-

"LUFFY!" Usopp shouted as he ran out into the clearing and up towards his crewmates.

"Whoa whoa! Easy Usopp!" Nojiko said as Usopp was now hunched over trying to catch his breath. "What's wrong?" "It''s...I'm so sorry Nojiko!" Usopp said as tears were running down his eyes. "Nami...she got eaten by a dinosaur!" Nojiko just stared at him. The thought of losing her sister was something she dreaded since Nami first set out and started robbing from pirates. She just stood there before Vivi held her hands up.

"Hold on you guys!" Vivi said. "Just because she disappeared doesn't mean she was eaten! There could be many reasons why she's not here."

"It...might've been Mr. 5." Valerie said in a quiet voice, feeling guilty that she used to be part of the people that are now hunting them. "He might've captured her...or worse."

"Luffy." Nojiko said in a quiet voice as her hands were gripped into fists and now shaking. "Can you...sense Nami?" she asked. Luffy looked at her shaking form and was about to use his haki to search the island, but stopped when he sensed two people approaching them from the jungle.

"She's alive...for now." came a voice. Everyone looked to see Mr. 5 standing in the clearing with a beaten up Carue. Behind him was a girl who was munching away on a rice cracker. "This duck wouldn't call for you. Oh well, he's useless now." he said before throwing a bloody Carue towards them.

"Mr. 5." Valerie said before she recognized the girl standing next to him. "Miss Goldenweek?!" she said with a hint of dread in her voice.

"She's another agent?" Nojiko asked, now feeling calmer at hearing her sister was alive.

"Yes." Vivi said as she got out her peacock slashers. "And she's partnered with Mr. 3."

"Mr. 3?" Usopp said. "Then he's stronger than this guy?!" "Yes." Valerie said.

"Miss Valentine." Mr. 5 said. "Looks like you really have defected. Only you could've recognized my handiwork with that liqour."

"Yeah, I stopped that bomb from being used." she said with a forced smile.

"Mr. 3's pissed about that." Miss Goldenweek said in a neutral tone.

'Mr. 3.' Luffy thought as he remembered him helping him to save Ace before standing up. "Where are our friends?" he asked in a calm voice.

"Doesn't matter." Mr. 5 said. "You'll be joining them the afterlife."

"You monster!" Vivi shouted as she, Usopp, Nojiko, and Luffy all got ready to fight.

"Miss Golden Week." Mr. 5 said. "Take care of Straw Hat." "Right." she said as she got out her paints and paintbrush.

"No you don't!" Luffy shouted as he ran towards them both. He stretched out his fist as he ran. "Gum Guuuum...PISTOL!" he shouted as he shot his fist...straight into the ground.

"WHERE ARE YOU AIMING AT?!" Usopp shouted.

"Look at the ground!" Valerie said. Everyone looked to see a strange red symbol on the ground.

"Colors Trap: Bullfighting Red." she said.

"Huh?" Nojiko said.

"She uses paint to mess with people's emotions." Vivi said.

"So it's like hypnotism?" Usopp said. "Oh fantastic. That simple minded idiot can't fight against that!" He was proven right as Luffy threw out more punches, only for them all to go after the red symbol on the ground.

"Come on Luffy!" shouted Nojiko. "They're right in front of you!"

"I'M TRYING!" he shouted as he looked back at her before he start laughing. "But I THINK I'LL LAUGH A BIT!" he said before falling to the ground and rolling around in laughter.

"HUH?!" his friends said before they saw a yellow symbol on his back.

"Colors Trap: Laughing Yellow." Miss Goldenweek said. "Having fun?"

"Oh for the love of-" Nojiko started saying before she, Valerie, Usopp were both hit with explosives, knocking all three of them out cold.

"YOU!" Vivi shouted as she ran at Mr. 5, only to be tripped up by an explosive kick. Soon, she and Nojiko were both in his arms as they started walking towards the jungle. "I'll deal with you three and that duck later." he said. "Right now, Mr. 3 wants these two ASAP." Both agents then walked off with the two girls, leaving a smoking Usopp, a bloody Carue, a laughing Luffy, and a quiet Valerie behind.


Deep in the jungle, Sanji had come across Mr. 3's wax house and began enjoying some tea.

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