"Why?" Mr. 3 asked in calm voice. "Remember that we're professionals. To lose and let our targets live means risking our organization being known to the world. That's why our orders must be completed without fail. Still, since you're here, we'll give you 30% of our work." he said before giving Mr. 5 a dark look. "I suggest you take it before I make you vanish along with those pirates and that traitor Miss Valentine." he said, making Mr. 5 gulp in nervousness. "Calm down. Here, have some tea." he said as he handed him a cup before explaining that it's for a special occasion. "On this island, we have yet another job to add to our list."
"Another job?" Mr. 5 asked.
"Indeed." Mr. 3 said before showing him a wanted poster of Dorry and Brogy and explaining about how 100 years ago, both were captains of the Giant Pirates who wreaked havoc over a century ago and that both are still wanted by the government, and that each was worth 100,000,000 berries each, making the reward 200,000,000 berries.
"200,000,000?!" Mr.5 said in shock before he noticed his legs were being covered with wax. "Hey, what are you doing?!" "Simple." he said. "I'm a little...upset that the bomb you planted failed to go off." he said as a bit of wax came toward Mr. 5's neck before morphing into a sort of blade and stopped just inches from killing him.
"Hey man, it's not my fault!" he said as sweat started forming on his face. "I put the bomb in the rum like you asked!"
"Indeed you did." Mr. 3 said before making the wax disappear from around Mr. 5. "That's why I'll be taking care of the giants now. As for you," he said before finishing his tea. "Only one person could've figured out and stopped that bomb from doing it's job. So Mr. 5, your new objective...is to kill Miss Valentine yourself and retrieve Princess Vivi for me." he said with that same dark look. "Understood?"
"Yeah. I got it." he said, still nervous.
-At Brogy's home- Everyone was chatting with Broggy until the volcano erupted.
"Time to go." Brogy said as he stood up and grabbed his gear.
"Already?" Alvida asked.
"But you're still wounded." Nami said.
"So is Dorry!" Brogy said before leaving, laughing all the way.
"Go Master Brogy!" Usopp shouted.
"GO! FIGHT! WIN!" Johnny and Yosaku shouted in unison.
"Men and their pride." Alvida sighed before she and the others all got serious looks on their faces.
"So," Nami started. "You think what Valerie said was true?" "About that rum being booby-trapped by that Mr. 5 character?" Gin asked. "I don't know. She took awhile to come back up with a barrel of the stuff."
"That just means she really is on our side." Yosaku said.
"Yeah. If she wasn't, she wouldn't have told us about it in the first place and let it blow up inside one of the giants." Johnny said before he noticed Usopp with a serious and angry look on his face. "You okay big bro?"
"Huh?" Usopp said after snapping out of his thoughts. "Sorry. Just the thought that someone would want to tarnish their duel makes me angry." None of the men could disagree to that as they all had equal looks of anger as well.
"Speaking of Mr. 5," Alvida said. "If that bomb was there, that could mean he's here as well."
"Could be." Gin said before some trees were pushed out of the way, revealing a hungry dinosaur growling at them all. "A d-d-d-dinosaur?!" Usopp stuttered before it roared at them, sending them all scattering in a panic. Usopp and Nami in one direction, Johnny and Yosaku in another, and Gin and Alvida in different directions as well.
"Shit! Keep running Nami!" Usopp yelled as he ran through the jungle at full speed. After a full minute of running, he stopped to catch his breath. "I...I think...we lost it...Nami...Nami?" Usopp said before opening his eyes and looking around to see that Nami wasn't with him. "Oh no...she didn't get...?" he said with a nervous smile.
"Usopp!" Nami yelled as Usopp had taken off and left her alone. "Oh great! Usopp's gone, along with the others." she said as she looked around, wondering which way to go until she spotted a familiar figure. "Luffy!" she said with a smile as she approached him. "There you are. Am I glad to see you." she said as Luffy still stood there with a smile. After not answering, she spoke again. "Hey Luffy, what's wrong?" she asked before a blob of white clouded her vision before she could scream.
"Man this thing's a pain to carry." Zoro grunted as he was dragging a dead dinosaur behind him before spotting Nami leaning against a tree. "Nami! Perfect timing. Which way to the ship?" he asked. He pegged her again with questions after getting the silent treatment before he found himself shackled in white. "What the-?!"
"Stupid overgrown fossil!" Gin grumbled as he was now trying to find his way back. After the initial shock wore off from the dinosaur's sudden appearance, he was now hoping to either find his way back, or find that dinosaur and kill it. Which ever came first was fine with him until he spotted someone sitting in the shade. "Huh? Yosaku? How'd you get here?" he asked as he approached his sitting crewmate. "Hey, say something. Helloooo!" Gin said before he suddenly found himself waist deep in trouble. "WHAT?!"
"We have got to get off of this island!" Alvida said, irritation lacing her tone as she glanced around. "Dinosaurs, Giants, Assassins. I've had it!" she shouted before walking around and grumbling to herself. After a minute of walking, she sat down to rest for a moment. She looked around with a scowl until she saw a smiling figure in the shade.
"Oh. Hello Nojiko." she said as she stood up. "Where's Luffy? I thought you left with him, the princess, and the duck." She walked over towards Nojiko until she was within arms length of her. "Nojiko?" she said before she heard a twig snap behind her. She went for her mace, only to have her arms restrained.
-Johnny and Yosaku-
"FUCK!" Johnny shouted as he punched the ground. "How could we run?!"
"We should've faced that stupid dinosaur!" Yosaku said in equal frustration. "If big bro saw us, he'd be ashamed."
"That's it!" Johnny said. "We're gonna find that dino and kick it's ass! You with me?!"