"It seems we've made a mistake." Igaram said as he looked up at Zoro as well. "That swordsman must be the captain."
"Indeed. Though it's strange to think the Marines would give a high bounty to such a weak person as that bloated kid." Vivi said.
"Either way, we must capture him." Igaram said. "Hey!" shouted a voice. "You forget about us?" Everyone looked to see Gin, Johnny, Yosaku, Nojiko, and Alvida smirking at them all.
"Hmph." Vivi said with a grin. "Don't think that we'll be easy as easy to beat as everyone else."
"We're number agents." Mr. 9 bragged. "We're a cut above the rest of the fools you've brought down. And the smaller the number, the higher the rank and power they have."
"Shut up and fight already." Gin said, tired of hearing them talk too much. Igaram looked annoyed as he brought his saxophone to his lips.
"Watch out!" Zoro yelled.
"IGARAPPA!" Igaram shouted as he blasted at them. All but Alvida moved to escape the bullets, which slid off her body. "Huh?" he said in confusion. "Nice try." Alvida said as her cowboy hat shadowed her eyes. "But attacks like that can't even touch me."
"Tch." Igaram said. "We'll deal with you later. After the rest of them!" he shouted.
"Come Carue!" Vivi shouted with a whistle.
"Quack!" Carue said from a distance.
"I meant get over here!" she shouted before mounting the giant duck. "After them!" she said, only to hit him for sitting down.
"Are you guys serious about fighting?" Zoro asked.
"Shouldn't you be keeping an eye on your opponent?" Mr. 9 asked from above him before backflipping down the building towards him. "Get ready for my BLOODY BATS!" he shouted as he tried to hit Zoro with a metal bat. His tone changed however when Zoro kept him on his toes with only one sword. "Is that all?" he asked.
"I'm just getting started!" he shouted before jumping backwards and off the building by accident. "AAAAHHHH!" he shouted before falling and crashing into the ground.
"That was it?" he asked.
"There's more." Vivi said as she appeared on the roof of the building and was standing on Carue.
"Hey, don't forget about us big bro!" Johnny shouted as he was joined by all the others.
"Oh, a bigger audience huh?" she said in a conceited voice. "No matter. Behold," she said as she started dancing with perfume coming out of her hands. "My perfume dance." Everyone watch in either boredom or confusion before they were all on their knees at the smell of the perfume. "And now, Peacock Slasher! Go Carue!" she shouted as she spun a blade on a string on her pinky. Carue ran toward them, then past them. "You're going too far Carue!" she shouted before they both fell of the building.
"Are they even fighting anymore?" Gin asked.
"That was weird." Nojiko said before they all heard a horn sound and jumped out of the way of Igaram's attack. Everyone jumped off the roof either through a hole in the roof or off the roof directly.
"They got away, but it won't save them." he said.
"That horn makes things worse." Zoro said as he and the others were hiding behind the same building.
"Any ideas big bro?" Yosaku said.
"GYAAAAH!" Mr. 9 shouted as he popped out of the rubble he landed in and glared at them all. "I've had enough of being humiliated by you pirates!" "You jumped off yourself." Zoro said in a bored tone.
"Eat this! Homerun Sneaky Bat!" he shouted before launching the tip of his metal bat towards Zoro and wrapping one of his arms in a chain. "Whatcha gonna do now?" he asked with a grin.
"Kick your ass." Zoro said.
"Looks like we get to sit this one out." Alvida said with a frown. Johnny and Yosaku looked at her, knowing that she was still on edge about earlier.
"Don't try anything." Vivi said as she held a knife at Luffy, who was 'sleeping' away peacefully. "One move out of you and he dies." All of them looked at him as she and Mr. 9 laughed.
"That idiot." Zoro said before he noticed Luffy open his eye at him and smile before closing it again. "Big Bro! Wake up!" shouted Johnny and Yosaku in unison. Luffy sat up with his eyes half opened as he looked around, then at Vivi.
"I wouldn't move if I were you." she said as she held the blade at him. Luffy looked at her, then at his crew before a smile came across his face.