"Sleepy." he said before he rolled over onto Vivi and started snoring.
"KYAAA!" she screamed as her legs were now under a giant ball called Luffy. "Get off me you bloated buffoon!" she yelled as she went to stab him with her knife.
"Iron body." Luffy whispered as Vivi's knife broke off in her hand. Carue just looked on and quacked in anger. Everyone just stared at the scene for a long time before Johnny and Yosaku burst into laughter.
"Even asleep, big bro Luffy's winning this fight!" Johnny said as tears were forming at the edge of his eyes. Yosaku laughed alongside him while the rest just rubbed there foreheads. Still, none of them could fight the smiles that came to their faces. Vivi was now turning red at this humiliation before looking at her comrades.
"Mr. 8! Mr. 9! Do something!" she shouted.
"After we take care of that swordsman." Igaram said as several guns came out of his hair. "He's the one we should must kill before we can attack the rest. Firing squad ready!"
"Kill him Mr. 8!" Mr. 9 shouted.
"IGARAPPAPPA!" he shouted as his hair guns fired at Zoro. "More guns?!" Zoro grunted as he pulled the chain, flinging Mr. 9 into the way of the bullets. He then swung him around like a wrecking ball before throwing him back at Mr. 8, causing him to crash into him and end the fight.
"Nice shot big bro." Yosaku said as Zoro walked over and sat with them.
"It was boring." he said. "They couldn't put up a decent fight. Still, you guys look like you've had your fair share of fights." he said as he looked at Johnny and Yosaku's bleeding bodies and Alvida's bloody mace.
"GET OFF ME!" Vivi shouted, now sounded a little desperate.
"We'll help you." Nojiko said as she walked up towards her. "But you're not going anywhere." she said before they heard a faint boom in the distance. 'Wonder what that was?' she thought.
()()()() Two minutes later, Mr. 8, Mr. 9, Miss Monday, and a tied up Vivi were now surrounded by the winning Straw Hats who were now wondering what to do with them.
"You cursed pirates." Igaram said as he struggled to get up. "We will not...be beaten so easily."
"Stop yapping already." Gin said. "You've lost."
"Hey Luffy." Zoro said to his captain, who was still pretending to sleep. "What should we do with them?"
"Why are you asking me?" he said as he sat up. "You guys were the ones who beat them."
"You were awake?" Johnny asked.
"Why didn't you fight?" Yosaku said.
"And take all the fun from you guys?" Luffy said with a grin before he noticed Alvida's grim expression. "You okay?" he asked. She just looked at him before looking back at the ground.
"I'm...fine." she mumbled. Luffy just looked at her confused but didn't ask why when he noticed Johnny and Yosaku waving their hands and shaking their heads, clearly telling him to drop the subject.
"Well now, isn't this a sad sight." someone said. Everyone looked up to see a man in a brown trench coat with a five on it, sunglasses, and his hair in dreadlocks.
"Kyahahaha." laughed the woman next to him. She had blond hair, white heels, an umbrella, a yellow hat covering her hair, and green eyes.
"Who are you two?" Nojiko asked, but got her answer from someone else.
"Mr. 5. Miss Valentine's Day." Igaram croaked out. "Why are you here?" "This is perfect." Mr. 9 said. "With you two here, these pirates won't stand a chance."
"Indeed." Vivi said. "Help us show them why it's foolish to mess with Baroque Works."
"Stop with the jokes." Mr. 5 said.
"You really think we came all the way here to the front of the Grand Line to hold you hand?" Miss Valentine's Day said.
"If you're not here to help, then why are you here?" Igaram asked.
"Simple. The boss sent us here on a mission." Mr. 5 said. "He said 'Someone's found out my secret.' And you all know that it's against our organization's code to know anything about anyone else in Baroque Works. I don't know, nor do I care about the secret's that our boss has."
"So we decided to investigate and you'll never guess what we've leanred." Miss Valentine's Day said with a smile. All of them listened while Nami listened from the shadows.
"We've learned that two of Baroque Works number agents are spies from a distance kingdom."
'He knows!" Igaram thought as Mr. 9 stated his crown was a hobby. He then jumped up and started firing at the two of them. "IGARAPPAPPA!" he shouted. "SO LONG AS I IGARAM, CAPTAIN OF ALABASTA'S ROYAL GUARD BREATHE, YOU WILL NOT HARM THE PRINCESS!"
"Igaram, Captain of Alabasta's Royal Guard." Mr. 5 said as the smoke cleared with him holding a picture of Vivi. "And Vivi Nefertari, Princess of the Royal Kingdom of Alabasta. By order of Mr. 0, both of you are to die."
"Run Princess Vivi!" Igaram shouted as he kept up his attack. "Igaram!" she shouted. Everyone was watching the cloud of smoke, which was all the distraction that Mr. 9 needed to untie her. "Huh?"
"Run." he whispered before Igaram was blown away by a bomb.