"If it was really nothing, you wouldn't be crying would you?" he asked. She didn't say anything as they both sat there in the dark. The sound of the waves rocking the ship was all they heard for a few moments before Luffy closed his eyes sighed. "Alright, I'll leave." he said as he started walking away.
"I thought it would end." she said. Luffy stopped walking and looked back at her. "End?" he said. Alvida looked back at him with a sad look and sighed.
"Remember when our paths first crossed?" she asked.
"Yeah." he said, remembering seeing her as a giant ball of fat with legs.
"After you sent me flying, I landed in the ocean." she continued. "It took awhile, but I had managed to swim to an island."
"Wow. You must've been a good swimmer." Luffy said.
"Every pirate should be able to swim." she said in a deadpan voice. "After I finally got to shore, I couldn't stop thinking of you and how you defeated me so easily. If it hadn't been for your rubber powers, I'd have killed you instantly."
"Not likely." Luffy said. "Rubber or not, I wouldn't have been beaten so easily." "Hmm." she said. "Still, after I got to that island, I wondered around aimlessly while breaking everything within range of my mace. I hated you for defeating my crew, for defeating me, for..." she said, looking like it was difficult to keep talking.
"For...what?" Luffy asked.
"For insulting me!" she snapped.
"Insul...oh." Luffy said. 'That's a lady Coby?' he remembered as she regained herself.
"That really hurt you know." she said.
"Sorry about that." Luffy said. Alvida just shook her head.
"Forget it. You're not the first one to insult me about that." she said. Luffy just looked at her with a blank look again before he realized something.
"Hey, wait a minute. Does that mean you knew that you were...well..." Luffy said. "Kid, I couldn't even see my own feet." she said. "I couldn't deny it, no matter how many times I had my crew tell me otherwise...I knew I was fat."
"Ah." Luffy said. "So, what happened on that island again?"
"Well, I kept on attacking everything that was closeby while cursing your name." she said. "After a few hours, I finally got tired and sat down to rest. I started planning my revenge on you, but something caught my eye. It was under some shrubs, but I saw it. A mango, blue in color with swirls all over it."
"A Devil Fruit." Luffy said.
"Yeah." Alvida said. "I thought it might be, but I wasn't sure. I'd never seen one before until that moment. I just kept staring at it, wondering if it was the real thing. At that moment however, all I could think about was you and how it was a Devil Fruit that helped you beat me. That was when I decided that if I ever wanted to beat you, eating that fruit was my best chance."
"So you ate it?" Luffy knowingly asked.
"Right then and there." she said before she had a grim look. "But the moment it hit my tongue..." she said before shuddering.
"Tastes like shit right?" Luffy said, remembering the taste like he ate it just moments ago.
"That's an understatement. It was rancid!" she said in disgust. "Nothing happened at first, but then I felt it. Never before had I felt so strange in my entire life. As fast as the feeling came, it left. I looked down at myself and nearly had a heart attack. I just couldn't believe it, but I had become slippery...and beautiful."
"I'll say." Luffy said. She smiled at him for saying that. 'Wait, where'd that come from?' Luffy thought before he remembered why he came down here in the first place. "So...why are you sad?" he asked. She just looked at him before standing up and picking up her mace.
"Those bounty hunters at Whiskey Peak...really pushed my buttons." she said.
"You have buttons?" he asked. "Like a robot?!" he asked with a hint of excitement. She just stared at him before laughing at his stupidity.
"No you idiot." she said. "When I was fighting them, one of them asked if I had a sister named Alvida."
"Huh?" Luffy said. "But you're Alvida."
"I know...but they didn't believe me, even when I told them I was." she said before she tightened her grip on her mace. "But they just laughed before one of them brought out my wanted poster. You know what they said to me?" she asked, looking a little angry.
"No. What?" "He said 'You're actually admitting to being this fat sack of crap?' before laughing again!" she said. "The person...in that poster..." she snarled before lifting her mace into the air. "IS NOT ME ANYMORE!" she yelled. Luffy took his hat off before the mace smacked him to the other side of the room. He knew what she was gonna do thanks to his haki, but let it happen since it lacked killing intent. She was now breathing hard and was trembling before she dropped her mace and dropped to her knees. Luffy looked up at her from where he lay to notice her eyes were starting to well up. "Even though," she started as Luffy stood up and walked towards. "I'm finally beautiful, nothing's change." She sat there and let the tears fall before she felt herself caught in a hug. "Huh?"
"Forget the past." Luffy said. "Who you were back then was back then." They both stayed that way before Alvida slowly hugged back and buried her face in Luffy's shoulder and quietly cried. She cried while Luffy gently rubbed her back until she stopped. "Feel better?"