Chapter 97 - :)CH97

"Yeah." she said as she wiped her eyes. "Thank you Luffy."

"Shishishishi." Luffy laughed as they both stood up. She smiled at him before they whole ship was rocked around, knocking them both off balance and onto the floor.

"Luffy!" Gin shouted as he ran down to the storage room. "There's a giant dolphin-" he shouted until he saw Luffy on his back and Alvida lying on top of him. "Am I interrupting something?"

"You saw nothing!" Alvida said as stood up blushing. Luffy got up and picked up his hat before looking at Gin. "What's wrong?" he asked, causing Gin to shake his head.

"We need some help up here, that's what!" he shouted. "A huge dolphin came out of nowhere and now we're trying not to sink!"

"Alright. Let's go Alvida!" Luffy shouted as he ran up the stairs. Alvida just stood there looking at the doorway before a smile crept up to her face.

"Forget the past huh? That's what I'll do then." she said before running up and joining her crew in trying to keep the ship from capsizing. Everyone was running around and keeping the ship afloat while riding the wave the giant dolphin created. Nami shouted out orders and everyone obeyed before an island was seen in the distance.

"Look everyone!" Usopp shouted. "I see an island!" "And the Log Pose is pointing towards it!" Nami yelled. "That must be Little Garden!"

"Our second island in the Grand Line!" Luffy shouted. "Let's go!"

"YEAH!" everyone shouted.

'To think I'll be able to see a warrior's battle again!' Luffy thought with excitement before he remembered what happened. 'Hope I can keep 3 from butting in this time.'

-A few days earlier on Holiday Island-

"Mr. 3." said a young girl with pig tails.

"One moment." said a man with his hair fashioned to look like a 3 on top of his head. "Ah, Earl Grey truly is a grand tea."

"I'm bored." said the girl.

"You're bored, yet you do nothing." Mr. 3 said. "You also find work boring as well. Why not enjoy your free time from your duties like me? Also, don't call me by my codename Miss GoldenWeek. If you do, people will discover I'm Mr. 3."

"Is that so?" Miss GoldenWeek said in a bored tone.

"By the way, you've been staring at that paper for a few days now. What is it?" he asked

"Orders from the boss." she said holding up a piece of paper.

"TELL ME THESE THINGS SOONER!" he shouted before taking the orders. "So Mr. 5 was defeated huh? And Miss Valentine has been marked as a traitor and is to be eliminated as well. Ah, if only Mr. 2 could've been wiped out.

"Then we'd be promoted." Miss GoldenWeek said in the same tone.

"Quite. Still, nothing to be worried about if it's only Mr. 5. He was overconfident in his abilities. Without proper training of one's Devil Fruit, one is nothing but complete garbage." he said as he finished his tea. "Only a true criminal uses his mind to carry out his orders. Let us show them what it truly means to mess with a criminal organization."


Everyone was looking around at the island's thick foilage as they sailed inland down a river.

"Looks like a freaking jungle." Gin said as some of the crew were looking around.

"It's all humid as well." Nojiko said as she fanned herself with her hand.

"They got the 'Garden' part right." Alvida said. "But what part about this place is 'Little'?"

"Who cares?" Luffy said as he was jumping in place. "Let's go and explore!"

"So who's going to watch her," Nojiko said as she looked at Valerie. "And who's going to watch him?" she asked as she pointed towards a grinning and very jumpy Luffy.

"I'm not going to do anything." Valerie pouted. "I promise."

"See?" Luffy said looking at them all. "She promised, so let's go."

'He's way too trusting.' most of them thought.

"Sanji! I need a pirate's lunch. No veggies!" Luffy said.

"Alright." Sanji said. After Sanji made lunches for everyone, they all thought about who did what. It was decided that Luffy, Vivi, Carue, and Nojiko would explore, Zoro and Sanji would get/compete to get the food, and the rest would stay with the ship and watch Valerie.

"Why would you want to go out there Vivi?" Nami said.