"I wouldn't trust these two." Gin said. "Don't sweat it." Luffy said. "And as for our route, we don't like it, we'll pick another one next time."
"Good plan." Sanji said as he puffed on his cigarette. "Once we get to the end, we'll have to find something else to do."
"Yeah." Luffy said. "Now that me and Laboon have an understanding, I can leave without worrying about him.
"Who...are you anyway?" Vivi asked.
"The man...who will become King of the Pirates." Luffy answered with a grin.
'Stupid pirates.' Vivi thought as she and Mr.9 fought back a laugh while Crocus smiled widely at that. Soon they were all onboard the Merry as they prepared to sail.
"It should be pointing to Whiskey Peak." Crocus said as he pointed at the Log Pose on Nami's wrist. "Right." Nami said.
"I'm off Laboon!" Luffy yelled. "You better be ready for a fight when I get back!" he said, to which Laboon made a soft sound in understanding. "Next Stop! Whiskey Peak! Let's go everyone!"
"YEAH!" they all shouted as they sailed away. Crocus and Laboon stared at them as Crocus spoke.
"They may be the pirates we've been waiting for." Crocus said. "That man had a mysterious air about him. Don't you think so? Roger."
The crew was sailing on in the Grand Line, even with the weather changing from sunny to snowy in a matter of seconds. Nami, Nojiko, and Alvida were inside the cabin with Vivi and Mr. 9 while the rest were outside in the snow. Sanji and Gin was shoveling the deck, Zoro was napping, Johnny was in the crow's nest on the lookout for Whiskey Peak, Yosaku was keeping an eye out for trouble in any direction, and Luffy and Usopp were playing in the snow.
"This weather doesn't make any sense." Nami said as she, Nojiko, and Alvida were in winter clothing.
"Doesn't this ship have a heater or something?" Mr. 9 asked, as he and Vivi shivered in their blankets.
"I'm cold." Vivi said.
"Behold! The man who came from the sky! Mr. Snowman!" Luffy said after making a funny looking snowman.
"Nice job big bro!" Johnny said from up in the crow's nest as and Yosaku clapped their hands.
"Ha ha ha!" Usopp said. "Amateur. Behold, the beauty of my soul. Snow Queen." he said after making a sculpture of a woman out of snow. All of them clapped at that before Luffy shot one of Mr. Snowman's wooden arms at her, smashing it's head and pissing off Usopp.
"Why'd you do that, you jackass?!" he screamed as he kicked Luffy's snowman's head in.
"YOU BULLY!" Luffy shouted. Soon they were throwing snowballs at each other while Johnny and Yosaku watched and laughed. "CATCH!" Luffy shouted before throwing a snowball at them both, nailing them both in the face.
"Oh yeah?" Yosaku shouted as Johnny jumped from the crow's nest before they both chucked snowballs at him.
"THIS MEANS WAR!" the four shouted before throwing snowballs at each other. While this was happening, the women inside were watching from the window. "How can they be so energetic?" Nami asked.
"Look on the bright side." Nojiko said. "Never a dull moment."
"My lovely ladies, are you happy with all my shoveling?" Sanji asked with hearts in his eyes.
"Yes." they said.
"Please keep shoveling Sanji." Alvida cooed, causing Sanji to start shoveling at a rapid pace.
"Hey, make sure that gets thrown off the ship at least!" Gin shouted as he noticed Sanji was just tossing it everywhere. One of the piles hit Luffy, which caused him to throw snowballs at Sanji and Gin. "YOU BASTARD!" he shouted. Soon all six of them were going at it with their little snow war.
"Really?" all the people in the cabin asked with sweatdrops on their heads before lightning flashed in the sky. It didn't seem to stop the snowballers from having fun until they heard Nami screaming from inside the cabin.
"What's wrong big sis?" Johnny asked.