"Turn the ship 180 degrees now!" she shouted.
"180 degrees? Why do you want to go back?" Usopp asked. Luffy smiled, knowing that this was their first brush with the Grand Line weather.
"We got turned around! We're heading in the wrong direction!" she shouted. "I took my eyes of the pose for a second! I thought the waves were calm."
"You sure you're a navigator?" Vivi asked in a conceited way, making both Nami and Nojiko want to slap the shit out of her. "Nothing can be trusted on these seas. Winds, waves, clouds, nothing but the Log Pose. Everyone knows that." she said.
"IF YOU KNOW SO MUCH, THEN SHUT UP AND HELP US OUT YOU JACKASSES!" Nami and Nojiko shouted as they kicked both her and Mr. 9 out the door. They began to turn before the weather changed again into a spring gale. Nami kept shouting out orders as the weather kept having mood swings on them. Sanji made food as everyone was now helping to keep the ship on track and out of harms way. All except Zoro, who was sleeping through it all even with everyone yelling at him from time to time to wake up. After what felt like an eternity, the weather finally calmed down as everyone was getting a second wind. Luffy was smiling under his hat, not only from the rush of doing all this over again, but the fact that Merry made it through with lighter damage this time around. Gin was having violent flashbacks to when he first came to the Grand Line while Zoro had finally woken up and stretched before looking around at everyone on the deck.
"Just because the weather's nice doesn't mean we should drop our guards guys." he said.
'Can it you shithead!' all but Luffy, Johnny, and Yosaku thought as Zoro turned to see their guests were still there.
"Why are you two here?" Zoro asked.
"You just noticed?!" Mr. 9 asked.
"We're taking them home." Luffy said.
"Is that so?" Zoro said. "So tell me," he said as he knelt sat down at eye level with them and gave them an evil grin. "What were your names again? Cause you don't look like you can be trusted."
"M-my name is Mr. 9." Mr. 9 said nervously. "I'm Miss Wednesday." Vivi added with a bit of sweat on her forehead.
"Right." Zoro said with his thumb on his chin. "Those names sound familiar to me, and that's what's bothering me. In fact, the more I think about it, the more I think I've heard those names before. Both Vivi and Mr. 9 looked terrified at that, thinking that they'd been found out.
"Really big bro?" Yosaku asked. "Where?"
"Well, I can't be too sure but-" he said before Nami hit him in the back of the head so hard it smacked into the deck.
"Have a nice nap?" she said with an evil glare as she appeared to glow with a dangerous aura. "Next time you leave us to do all the work, your ass is fish bait!"
"Huh?" Zoro said as he glared back with an aura of his own, but that quickly faded when she hit him over the head three more times. 'She's crazy!' thought some of the crew as Nami stood tall.
"Listen up everyone!" she shouted. "We have no idea what's gonna happen next. During the terror that MOST of us experienced," she said before sending another evil look at Zoro. "I came to an understanding why this sea is called the Grand Line! My navigation skills are useless here! Anything can happen! But mark my words, I will guide us through!"
"Okay? How?" Usopp asked as they all stared at her.
"Don't worry." she said. "Just wait and see. Besides, we're here. Our first journey on the Grand Line ends." she said as she pointed to an island shrouded in mist. Everyone looked on with different emotions.
"Our first island here in the Grand Line." Gin said with a grim look. "Look at those cacti." Johnny said as Yosaku nodded.
"Wonder what we'll find." Nojiko said.
"We thank, but we must go now." Mr. 9 said as he and Vivi were now standing on the railing of the ship.
"It's been fun while it lasted." Vivi said. "Maybe our paths will cross again one day." Mr. 9 said before they both looked at everyone and smirked.
"Bye Bye Baby." they said before jumping off and swimming towards the island.
"That was fast." Nami said.
"Wonder what those weirdos were up to." Usopp said.
"Who cares? We're landing!" Luffy said as they all looked back at the island. "There's a waterway that leads to the shore. We'll use that." Nami said.
"You think...that monsters might be on this island?" Usopp stuttered.
"Man up already." Gin said.
"It's possible."
"We'll be more than a match for them." Luffy said.