"No one's taking my sword from me." he said before he tried to walk away.
"Why are you letting me live?" she asked. "Is it because I'm a woman?" Zoro stopped at those words as she went on about how just because she's a woman that he takes pity on her. She kept going on before Zoro snapped.
"IT'S YOUR EXISTENCE I CAN'T STAND! NOT YOUR GENDER!" he shouted before he said that she looked and sounded like a friend he once knew. Soon, both were in a screaming match as the marines looked on with a few sweatdrops on their heads.
Luffy and his crew were running away before Johnny noticed they had one more with them.
"Who's that?" he asked. Everyone looked at Alvida and Luffy.
"She just joined our crew!" Luffy said smiling. "Her name's Alvida."
"Alvida?" Yosaku asked.
"HI LADY ALVIDA!" Sanji said as he went into love-mode. "We got company!" Gin said as they all stopped in their tracks.
"So you came, Straw Hat Luffy." Smoker said. He was standing in front of them all, blocking Luffy and his crew from continuing onward.
'Smokey! Crap! If I show him I have Haki or know the Six Powers, the Marines might send tougher guys. All I can do is dodge and hope to escape.' Luffy thought. "Go on ahead guys. I'll handle this."
"Not happening!" Smoker said as smoke came out of his arms before turning into a sort of barrier across the street.
"What?!" some of them screamed out.
"The Smoke-Smoke Fruit." Smoker said. "As a captain of the Marines, I vow not to let you leave this island!" he said before a smoke fist came towards Luffy. Luffy dodge it easily while his crew tried to take a chance and run past the smoke that vanished when he attacked at Luffy. "No one's getting through!" he said before his smoke caught them all.
"I can't move!" Gin said as he tried to hit the smoke with his tonfa.
"And I can't slip out!" Alvida shouted. While they were struggling, Smoker tried to attack Luffy again, but Luffy kept up just enough to dodge every single attack. Soon, both stopped before glaring at each other.
"Let my friends go!" Luffy said in a low voice.
"Not a chance." Smoker said. "48,000,000 berries is your bounty? Eh, doesn't matter. I've never let any pirate make it through this town, and I never will." he said as he reached for his jutte.
"There's a first for everything." came a voice from behind Smoker as a hand reached out and grabbed the jutte, keeping Smoker from using it. All of them turned to see a tall man in a green cloak step out of the shadows. "You?!" Smoker said as lightning flashed, revealing the face of Dragon for a moment. Some of the crew freaked at seeing him, while the other half didn't know who he was.
"Who are you?" Luffy asked. Dragon merely smiled at him before looking back at Smoker.
"Now the Government can have your head." Smoker said.
"The world is still waiting for our answer." Dragon said before an green light filled the area, along with a powerful gust of wind. Luffy looked at Dragon before he and his crew were blown away, leaving Dragon and Smoker where they stood.
"Why'd you help them?" Smoker demanded.
"Why do you wish to keep a man from sailing?" Dragon asked back.
"This storm's getting worse!" Nami shouted. "Hey guys!" Luffy screamed as he and the others came running up to them. "We're here!" "Get on the boat guys!" Nojiko yelled.
"And hurry!" Usopp hollered. Everyone gathered up on the boat before the unfurled the sails and sailed away, with the wind helping them along.
"Who's that?" most of them asked as they looked at Alvida.
"Our new crewmate." Luffy said.
"Name's Alvida. I'll be joining you guys from here on out." she said.
()()()() A moment later, Smoker and the marines arrived at the harbor.
"They got away." a marine said. "I'm sailing after them." Smoker said, shocking most of the marines. "I'm not letting him get away.
"I'm going too." Tashigi said. "I can't let that man get away with that sword!"
"There's a light up ahead!" Nami said. Everyone was staring at it with excitement, or worry in Gin's case, as they all felt themselves getting closer to the Grand Line.
"Never thought we'd be heading for the Grand Line." Johnny said with a smile.
"Me either. I can't help but feel excited!" Yosaku said.
"I'm going back to that sea again." Gin said with a grim look.
"Relax Gin." Nojiko said. "This is going to be fun." "She's right." Nami said with a smile.