Chapter 77 - :)CH77

"Let's mark this occasion with some words!" Sanji said as he rolled out a big barrel.

"I agree." Usopp said as he let go of the mast before they all gathered around the barrel. Sanji put his foot on top of the barrel, with each of them placing a foot on afterwards.

"I'm going to find the All Blue." Sanji said.

"I'm gonna be King of the Pirates!" Luffy said.

"I'm going to be the best swordsman!" Zoro said.

"We're going to be the best swordsman duo-" Johnny started. "The whole world has ever seen!" Yosaku finished.

"I'm be a brave warrior of the sea!" Usopp said after some thought.

"I'm going to draw a map of the world!" Nami said.

"I'm going to help you see that dream come true sis!" Nojiko said.

"I"m going to captivate the world with my beauty!" Alvida said. Everyone then stared at Gin, who's eyes were shadowed as he stared at the barrel. He then smiled before placing his own foot up there.

"To never run from the Grand Line again!" he said. All of them smiled as they looked at the barrel. Each feeling their resolve harden before Luffy shouted out. "And now," Luffy yelled before they raised their feet into the air, then brought them down to smash the barrel. "TO THE GRAND LINE!"

"YEEEEAH!" they all shouted as they sailed onward to the Grand Line.

It was a crazy trip just getting to the Grand Line. Meeting Apis, the encounter with the giant sea kings in the calm belt, the Millenium Dragons. All leading up to the entrance to the Grand Line.

"There it is!" Johnny shouted as they all looked ahead of them to see a giant rock wall that was taller than the clouds in front of them.

"That's the Red Line!" Gin said.

"I can't see the top!" Usopp shouted.

"No way. It's true." Zoro said as he looked through some binoculars. "The water's really flowing up the mountain!" "Then let's head for that gate!" Luffy said.

"Just head on through and let the current do the rest!" Nami said. They all then began to sail towards it before they started shifting to the left.

"Turn to the right!" Luffy shouted.

"RIGHT!" Sanji and Usopp yelled as they tried to turn it, only for the steering mechanism to break.

"ARE YOU KIDDING ME?!" they shouted as they were on a collision course with one of the gates.

"We're not even there yet and we're about to die!" Gin shouted.

"Hang on!" Luffy shouted before he jumped straight off the boat with Zoro grabbing his hat as it flew off his head.

"Luffy! Are you nuts?!" Nami shouted. "I got this!" Luffy shouted back before he did something that made them all stare in surprise. Luffy had kicked the air and was sent back at the ship.

"WWWWWHHHHHHAAAATTTTT?!" they shouted as Luffy hung onto the side of the boat before using moon step at a rapid pace to push the boat back on course. He then jumped on board before everyone started celebrating as they began sailing up the mountain.

"WE'RE GOING UP THE MOUNTAIN!" Luffy yelled as the wind whipped past them all as he held onto his hat.

'I'm going back to this sea!' Gin thought. 'Even after seeing the horrors, why am I excited?' He then turned to see everyone else smiling before he looked ahead. 'These guys are rubbing off on me.' he thought before he couldn't help it and smiled as well. Despite the sudden arrival of Eric, and his departure thanks to Nami, nothing happened as they all soared up the mountain. Each of them were now thinking of the dreams they had set out to achieve as they soon entered the clouds, then sailed above them.

"We're above the clouds!" Sanji said. They all looked to see water from all four seas collide at the top as they sailed upwards. Everyone was watching in excitement as they hit the top and went sailing into the sky for a few moments.

"GOING UP!" Johnny yelled before the ship pointed at the waterway that led to the Grand Line.

"GOING DOWN!" Yosaku screamed as they slammed down and started sailing down with a deafening roar.


"This is amazing!" Usopp yelled from the mast.