After the incident with the SpiderClaw search parties have been going into the woods more frequently. Quicksilver and Elizabeth scolded Amelia but Alexander stood his ground pleading that she still saved his life. His parents were embarrassed after it was all said and done. They apologized in various ways but in the end, Amelia apologized for being too slow and promised never to let it happen again. After the argument between Quicksilver and Elizabeth, everyone steadied themselves, stating that they would love her to continue teaching their son.
After the discussion things blew over fairly quickly with things going back to a somewhat regular schedule with Alexander's training and learning with Elizabeth until one day Alexander's parents gave Amelia a mandatory paid 7-day break. Amelia thinks the worst and Quicksilver is making matters worse by not confirming or denying her feelings. Alexander witnessing the whole thing watched as Amelia left shattering his little heart. Alexander chased after her in disbelief but his father blocked the exit. This enraged Alexander said in a low voice how could you father? Quicksilver looked at the ground and said in a solemn tone the incident from the other day was not simple. After investigating further into Amelia's past. That was the first monster Amelia had fought since having her party wiped out. She needs time to herself. Alexander felt guilty understood feeling guilty for his misstep now. Alexander said sorry Dad I just assumed. Quicksilver walked over to Alexander and calmed his hands through Alexanders hair grabbing the back of his head and pulling him closer into a brief embrace. Quicksilver said now let that be a lesson on perspective. Things look differently depending on your position. Which is why it is difficult for us to grasp Amelia's point of view. Such a talent living here teaching you. We can't keep her here forever and we have even less time now that she has taken the first step forward. Come with me outside my boy. Quicksilver took Alexander to the back of the house and said our family will serve lord Manaheart until we are no longer needed. We owe a Duke a favor and his only request was that we serve lord Manaheart. For what he has done for our family this favor is hardly enough. I will serve lord Manaheart with the very depths of my soul. I pray my ambitions wash over you as well.
Pick up that sword my boy and follow after me. Alexander began heaving as the warm-up took all his energy. Quicksilver said now let's go for a little run as they ran down to the river which must have only been a couple hundred meters away. This little run broke Alexander who was starting to lose his motivation. Alexander thought back to his old life and could only think of his dad as one of those drill instructors for the military. Alexanders legs aching in agony with his arm sore from swinging the wooden sword around. Alexander honestly wasn't invested in learning how to swing a sword or even fight for that matter. Quicksilver said let's run back home and we will be done for today. When they got home an aroma gripped Alexander guiding him straight to the dinner table. Alexander ate everything and passed out at the dinner table. Quicksilver proud of his son's efforts picked him up from the dinner table as Elizabeth came into the room she walked up to Quicksilver hugged him from behind and kissed them both before Quicksilver could escape to carry Alexander into his room. Alexander woke up exhausted from the day's events to look outside only to see his father hard at work striking with precision in a smooth motion. The sweat glistened off his skin. Quicksilver had his hair fashioned into a ponytail. Quicksilver sported a thin muscular build. Alexander never noticed how ripped his father was until now scars covered his body like tattoos. Alexander was done gawking at his father knowing that he still had work to do himself.
Alexander went outside and cast wind torrent succeeding in his first cast and producing fair results doing this 2 more times reaching his limit and meditating for a long period still struggling to calm his inner mana sea. When Alexander went back into the house it was dark outside he had washed up and prepared for bed. When Alexander went to his window he could see his father still training heaving deep breaths with every swing not breaking pace. His father was truly a sight to behold as every motion was a flurry and the dance only picked up intensity as his training progressed. Alexander lay there, thinking of his father's passion and devotion to his craft. What drives a man to spend every hour in a day training? Nothing is worth working that hard for.. surely? A sentence from their conversation resonated throughout his mind as he drifted off into slumber I will serve lord Manaheart with the very depths of my soul.
Alexander woke up fixated on understanding his father better. Seeing someone so driven was foreign to him but as he lay there pondering his father's voice could be heard at the doorway smooth and still as water met me out back like yesterday. Alexander replied yes Dad. On the inside, this training was torture for him. The drive to learn swordsmanship just was not there and the very thought of running or swinging a sword till his arms fall off did not appeal. Alexander went out back unenthused to begin training. When he came out back Quicksilver gave his son a pitying glance as he just chuckled. Quicksilver said Son have a seat before we begin training today. Life is not fair. Everyone's starting point is not the same. Some people are born rich while others are born poor. Some people are born with amazing skills while others are less fortunate. But you were born my son so I will teach you how to be a man. I will teach you how to live. I will teach you how to protect everything you love. You are frail and young now but I want more for you. Life is not kind to anyone and once misfortune strikes life will deliver the final blow if you let it. When you pick up that sword and you practice today remember that one day this might not be practiced anymore any given moment can turn into a dire situation. Alexander's heart skipped a beat as he remembered the SpiderClaw attack. Quicksilver realizing he dove a little too deep said Son it might not seem like it now but this hard work will pay off.
Let's go. On this note Alexander and Quicksilver took off on the run and began training today seemed insanely more difficult than the last time the run felt like it doubled in length. When they got back they were greeted with a delightful smell welcoming them home. Elizabeth was happy to see they ate everything it was like she was watching her little man grow before her eyes. Elizabeth brought more food out for the boys. Alexander finished his 2nd bowl of the food which was a blend of eggs rice and meat that appeared to be chicken. His father however was an abyss as he ate 7 bowls and was the first to leave the table.
His father went back to training. Alexander needed some rest he wanted to train his magic but his father put him through the wringer today. Alexander took a nap and he woke up to see his father still training. Alexander went on to train his mana again today and this cycle continued for the rest of the week. Finally, Alexander couldn't take it anymore and said why do you do this Dad? Why do you swing your sword? Aren't you strong enough already? I don't understand you, Dad. Quicksilver answered Alexander with no hesitation I do this because I want to. I do this because there are still things I can't protect the people I love from. I want more for our family and as long as I am alive I will always want more for us.
This answer lit the flames of ambition in Alexander and his father could sense the words he had given his son stoke the flames of ambition. This made him proud as he began striking again but knowing Alexander was watching he unleashed a golden shine around his body striking swiftly with his sword sending a barely visible wave of energy forward. Alexander was shocked and excited at the same time. What was that Alexander exclaimed His father sat down and said that is called Aura and it is complicated but let's just say it's similar to magic but it's completely different at the same time.
Alexander knew his dad was trying to show off with that last move but it was still pretty cool his dad was like a super cool main character from a book.