A boy, no older than five, with delicate features, his round face framed by a cascade of dark curls that bounced slightly with every step.
His large amber eyes, like his father's, showed remnants of sleep but quickly sharpened with curiosity as he took in the tense atmosphere.
He looked at his parents, their expressions still weighed with grief, and without hesitation, he walked towards them.
"Mama? Papa?" he mumbled, his voice laced with confusion, "Why does everyone look sad?"
Seraphina immediately crouched, opening her arms as Lucas ran into them. She held him tightly, running a soothing hand through his curls, "Grandpa left us a message, love. A very important one."
Lucas peered up at her, then at Bennet, then at Boy, then at the room. His small face scrunched up in deep thought and confusion as he spoke, "But grandpa isn't here."