The eastern continents were in graver trouble. What they experienced was much like the westerners but much worse than theirs.
Numerous slits appeared within a span of an hour, more than what the government or army could handle. Not only did demons come rushing out, but also various creatures. Each slaughtering people in their own way.
Govindapur was a proper city. It was not anything exceptional as a city but it had a huge population. Despite the population, there was still a forest that the residents had dared not encroach. It was the forest that housed an ancient Krishna temple, and hence people did not want to cut down the forest.
There were many four-storeyed apartments and one-storey houses. It was the afternoon, following the incident in America.
Nanu, a ten year old boy lived with his mother in one of the one-storeyed houses, located near the city outskirt. He was having lunch with his mother.
"Following we have the international news. There have been severe casualty reports from the city of Ogden Utah, with more than ten thousand dead bodies reported. A red fluid has been reportedly seen flooding the entire city, which appears to have acidic properties."
"Some movements have been noticed but so far access into the city is severely restricted due to unknown reasons…." the lady on the TV continued speaking, but her voice was drowned.
"Quick, we need to pack." Nanu's father burst in through the main door. "We need to leave. We are not safe here."
"What happened? Why are you in such…?" Nanu's mother began. She had been visibly startled.
"No questions woman, pack up and move. Our lives are in danger." he paused. "Th-Those things…they kill humans …" he slapped himself out of it. "Quick move move move!!!"
Within a few moments, they were ready with two small bags. Lila, nanu's mother took with her a small brass idol of Lord Krishna and kept on muttering prayers. She was badly shaken.
Nanu did not utter a single word. He could understand something was very wrong. He had never seen his parents acting so strange. Nanu's father grabbed him by his small tender hands and looked at him. "Nanu, never let go of my hand…*stops to think*… even if you have to, grab your mother's hand and take her far away, ok?"
Nanu nodded innocently.
"Hahaha…that's my brave little prince."
"Dear…at least…tell me…wh-what's wrong?" Lila got those words out of her mouth with much effort. She was holding back tears and did not know what to feel other than fear. She didn't even know what she should do right then. She knew that her husband had seen something and was not letting her in on it.
"Nothing. Just stay beside me." he looked at her tenderly. "Just so you know, i didn't mean it last night, when I said that, i could not stand you always finding fault with me." his eyes quivered ever so slightly. "I love you very much". He mumbled, inaudibly.
"Huu…let's move. No time." Jotish said, before his wife could speak.
They moved out. The outside was sunny and hot, filled with blood curdling screams and animalistic and hostile growls. They were walking fast and Nanu struggled to walk at the same pace. Many people ran past them in the opposite direction and many in their direction.
Most of them were maimed and injured. Blood had stained their clothes and skin. Their eyes filled with fear and uncertainty. Lila saw the people and her eyes widened and she gasped in disbelief and fear. Her eyes had welled up and now the tears rolled down as she observed the people and their condition.
Nanu was still trying to keep pace and was almost on the verge of tears out of frustration. Jotish realised his son's troubles and lifted him to carry him while running. That would be more efficient.
Suddenly they heard a dangerous growl very close to them and by the time they realised the direction of the source, something pounced on Lila. the little brass idol of krishna slipped from her hand, as she fell and landed on the ground above her head.
"LILAAAA…!!!" Jotish shouted. Jotish attempted to help Lila and as he was trying to put Nanu down, he saw.
It was a four legged beast. It had four sharp pointed tails, sharp claws and a pointed mouth. A sword wielding rider was sitting atop it and the rider looked at them and smiled cruelly. The beast's claws had dug deep into Lila's hands and blood gushed out. Its hind claws were of Lila's thigh and stomach and blood flowed freely out of the wounds.
"JOtISh…" her scream drowned in the blood that had risen to her throat. "Run…Save…" she lipped. And without a warning, the rider brought his sword down, beheading her. The blood splashed the golden hued idol of krishna.
"AAAAHHHHH!!!!! NOOOO….!!!!"Jotish screamed before dropping all the luggage and running away, carrying Nanu, holding him close to himself.
"MAA…MAA…save us Maa!! SAVE US!!! Jotish shouted as he ran down the road towards the outskirts of the city, before taking the forest path.
He ran blindly, through the forest. He felt weak and tears streamed down as he remembered his wife, but he held his son close to his chest and continued to run. Then he heard the growl again. This time even nearer.
"Help! help! Someone please help!" he thought. "Oh Krishna! Oh Madhava help, I beg you. Save my son! Save him!"
He felt frustrated at his powerlessness and desperation and cursed Krishna, "You either save my son or I swear I am gonna kill you." he started sobbing again.
"ACK…ow…"he tripped on something and fell head first into a pile of dried leaves.
"Nanu…nanu…you alright, beta?"
"Nanu nodded.
"Oh! Thank God!" Jotish brushed off the leaves from his son's face and kissed him tenderly. It was then that he noticed that he had reached the Krishna temple that had been the forest for who knows how long. Feeling both thankful and guilty, he got up. Surprisingly, he was not hurt at all, even after that fall.
Just as the feeling of safety started setting in and hope rose, he heard the angry growl again. This time even nearer. His limbs froze and his tired heart started pumping again furiously.
He looked at Nanu, whose big dark eyes were set on his father and shone like two crystals, with the water that had accumulated in them.
"Listen Nanu, go into the temple. Lord Krishna is there. Be a good boy and stay hidden behind him, ok? No matter what, do not come, do not come out of there, no matter what. And always know that your papa-mama loves you very much."
Nanu obediently followed his father's instructions and ran into the temple and hid behind the statue of Krishna.
The sound grew closer and more fierce. Jotish picked up a few stones and stood prepared for the creature. Nanu observed his father from behind the statue.
Suddenly there was a loud roar and he saw the beast pounce on his father.
The collected stones proved to be of no use.
"AAHH!!…AH!!...IT HURTS!…FUUUUCKK!! Hah! Hah!" Jotish saw the beast, inches away from his face.
It looked like a diseased wolf, bluish black in hue reeking in the smell of blood and flesh.
It's claws had dug deep into his hands, incapacitating them.
Its snout-like mouth split into four parts, revealing a jagged oral cavity, full of sharp teeth.
A transparent liquid dripped from its mouth and fell on Jotish's face and he screamed in agony.
Just then the beast bit off his head.
The rider laughed as he spoke in an extremely gruff and rough voice, an ancient language, "OH! HoW diD YOu KnOw iT's HeLL?"