A year went by in the blink of an eye.
The entire city of Amravati had been fortified by virtue of Nripathi's growth in power. The smithy was running in full steam under the efficient hand of Suraj and so much had already been recorded by Shreya yet so much remained to be recorded.
The other members were busy with exploration. One of them had gained powers too. The powers of an explorer.
Nripathi would often go out and hunt demons and bring back materials. The temple that Biswanath had mentioned was one that had faced the vandalism of the demons but it had somehow survived.
Repairs were done and some of it could be restored, although not all of it. It was a temple that had no deity. The walls were smeared with vermillion and dried hibiscus flowers hung from them.
Nripathi had the dried flowers cleaned and the floor mopped and cleaned. They however could not figure out to which deity the temple was dedicated to.
Nripathi could make the assumption that it worshipped a Goddess back in the day but what form of her was what he could not figure out.
There was peace inside Amravati but the outer regions were hellish. The demons ran rampant outside. There were frequent slits that appeared and more and more demons poured every day.
Nripathi was sitting in his office, fiddling With the quill in his hand. It had Taken some practice but he had Gotten Used to writing with it.
A blank Paper lay in front of him on the table waiting. After some thinking Nripathi started scribbling and the only sound that filled the room then was the sound of the paper being scribbled on with the metal nib.
To the next King,
I don't have much to educate you about. You will find all the necessary information in the Archives.
All I will tell you is that, as the first king my position was not easy and it won't be any easier for you either because you will have to carry on the legacy.
The age that you will be leading will be tougher than the one that is being led by me.
Some big events will transpire in the future and I may not be a witness to it. Maybe even you will not be a witness.
The prologue to this Story of humanity has been full of blood and gore but there were no significant changes. We have opened a new chapter and you will continue it and yet another will end it.
Someone is certain of the epilogue but we, as humans, are clueless about it. Work towards the end, not because it may turn out To be beautiful, but because you must. That's your role.
No more. Try to live each day better even in this mess.
The 1st King.
"Haha…I always dreamt of writing something like this. It's a bit disappointing that I won't be on the other side of this time capsule." Nripathi smiled.
He put the letter in a wooden box and put it in one of his drawers.
It was dark and cold, amidst which a towering castle stood. It stood in a field of blue flames that rose high enough to kiss the black skies of the place.
Painful screams, begging for respite resounded from these flames surrounding the entire castle.
There was no moon, no star nor any constellations in that black expanse which they called sky.
The only source of light was that which came from the flames and among these walked a man, making his way to the castle.
He was tall and stout. He complexion was dark as the deadly void. He wore a black dhoti and a golden girdle. No bones adorned his being yet he looked terrifying. His black hair was tied in a knot.
He wore a golden head piece on his temple and his ears sported two large golden earrings.
His build was muscular and his eyes bloodshot and tucked in his belt was a foot long sheathed sword.
Upon reaching the castle he Made his way to the throne room, where a man sat, his head leaning back.
The long throne room was lit by the flames that raged outside, bathing the room in a sick blue hue that streamed in through the large windows.
The one on the throne could hardly be seen. But even in the shadows it was understandable that he had long hair, long limbs and a muscular dark body.
His feet were covered in a blueish black exoskeleton and so were his hands.
The demon that had entered the throne room kneeled before the one sitting on the throne and spoke.
"Hail the mighty Naranidhanasura!! I bring news from the above world.
"Hrrmm." came a low growl from the man on the throne.
"Members of the Indrasabha have decided to intervene."
"Ghora…you know what to do. It means we must start as well." the demon sneered."Yama has fallen, death doesn't exist, only eternal suffering does. Hehe…hehehe…hahaha haha…aaahhahahahaha….The three worlds will soon be ours."
End of Prologue -- The Origins.