Chapter 3 - Sashe

 Sashe watched as Kath loaded his pistol, the banging continued. Kath looked at her and pointed to an area where Sashe could hide. She got up to walk over there, her knees burnt with pain even just from walking. Kath clicked the magazine into his 9mm then walked to a corned. Waiting for the shelters door to open he aimed at the concrete steps.

 The door crashed open as Kath honed in on the person entering. A man who seemed middle aged came bursting through the door. When he saw Kath with a pistol pointing at him he quickly held up his hands. "Listen man I mean no harm I'm just from this organi-" organization the moment he heard the guy say organization Kath shot the guy right through the chest.

 "Sashe, we need to go." Kath looked at the frail girl his espression remaining indifferent even after he just killed a man. Meanwhile Sashe was visibly shaking while she stared at the man whose blood was piling onto the floor. "Kath, you... you didn't need to kill that man." Sashe said remembering who that man was. He was her friend Sarah's father. He was a very sweet man always making sure his daughter was well off, and more importantly happy. "I wish we could go back in time."

 ...5 Years ago

 Sashe loved the beach. She hadn't gotten to see it very much since her family moved to the city. So she was thrilled when Sarah had invited her to go to North Carolina with her family. Her and Sarah had been childhood friends so Sashe knew her parents well. Now the 4 of them walked the beach while watching the setting sun over the ocean, It was beautiful.

 Later that night, back at the beach house Sarah's dad made pancakes for everyone to eat. He didn't know this but pancakes were Sashe's favorite. "I can't believe that wave took both you girls out today." he laughed warmly while reminiscing about the previous day. "Sarah you should've seen your mother's face, she was terrified." Sarah's dad smiled remembering the day. Soon they were all laughing, remembering all the crazy things that happened that day.

 As Sashe laid in bed later that night she was exhausted, buy it was the good exhaustion , the happy kind. She needed to tell James about her day, so she got out her phone and started texting.

 "So who's the guy?" Sarah said. Too busy smiling at her phone to even register Sarah had said something, "Oh," Sashe finally responded exasperatingly. "I'm not talking to anybody." She let a soft giggle ride from her lips. "Oh that's so bs let me see." Sarah replied as she jumped for Sashe's phone. "No give it back!" Sashe screamed as Sarah snatched the phone from her hands. "Wish you were on the beach with me." "we could hold hands and frollic into the sunset." "You probably looked lovely as ever." Sarah mockingly read Sashe's texts. Sashe bluyshed continuing to get more embarrassed as Sarah went on. "Ooh a heart emoji you two much be in love." Sarah laughed as Sashe's face grew a ruby red color. Finally after a minute or twi of trying Sashe snatched her phone back. "Next time I'm reading your texts to Charlie." Sashe smiled as Sarah started blushing, "how did you know?" Sarah asked, shocked. "c'mon it was so obvious." Sashe replied, smirking mischeviously. 


 ...Present Day

 Staring at the body wasn't going to make him come back. Sashe knew that from experience. Kath was saying something buy Sashe wasn't listening. She just kept remembering all the bodies. Her former classmates all laying on the ground, jagged pieces of debri poking out of their crippled, dead, bodies. Sashe had only been hit in one knee, it still hurt to walk but she did live. Today was her eighteenth birthday, she wished she was dead and hadn't lived this long. Out of all of her classmates she was the only one alive. Sashe had tried to look for Sarah but she never even found a body. Why must she have this inexplicable luck? She should be laying dead with the rest of them, not being a burden to Kath.

 Sashe's school was in the range of the first bombing, when the first set of bombs went off her school was forced into lockdown. 2,200 students all crouched down in a building where bombs were going off on buildings next to it. Out the windows there were only 2 things anyone could see. Men and women alike screaming for their life and smoke from falling debri.

 The first torpedo hit the school instantly collapsing part of the east side. 8 more torpedos would follow crushing over 2,000 children. Sashe had just started highschool and things had been going well. She watched, eyes wide with horror as the roof of her classroom collapsed, her being on the edge of the group was the only one who survived the roof collapsing. Her dead classmates broken bodies laid infront of her and still scar her memory to this day. Sashe waited there for 3 hours for some sort of rescue team, some person or thing, anything to come and save her. Nobody ever showed up. That was because on november 25th, half the world went into war, and the United States was the main target.

 Sashe watched as Kath ran around swiftly packing all of their necessities. He fit them all into 2 camping backpacks, of course the lighter one being Sashe's. Even though Kath was rushing around he still seemed as composed as ever. As he realized he forgot to scavenge water earlier Kath looked at Sashe, as if to say 'you should've said something.' Of course now Sashe's throat was parched as hell, but she figured she'd live.

 Soon Sashe got up to help Kath pack. She would carry the water bottles and 2 robes incase something happened to one of their clothes. She mainly just wanted the water bottles though because she'd seen how sometimes he forgot to drink water. Being in this shelter for 2 months really worked out.

 Before going Kath looked at a map of New York City the shelter had. Locating where they were he figured they should go west and reach New Jersey. It would be about a months journey but Sashe wouldn't last that long so Kath would just have to hope they'd come across another shelter, or at least some place that was habitable.

 As Sashe and Kath looked at each other, they both understood each others eyes, and they stepped out into the open road ready for the journey ahead.