Chereads / Last Night of the Fireflies / Chapter 6 - The Black Dress

Chapter 6 - The Black Dress

 They were being followed, Kath could feel the beady eyes watching and the tension from whoever was following him. It had been a bit over a day since they'd departed from the subway system. Kath had worried that one of those boys would follow him, maybe they had.

 Sashe seemed to be feeling much better today. Her limp wasn't nearly as bad as it had been the day before and she hadn't complained once since they'd started their hike today. Although she didn't seem to be anchored in reality today. She was all ditsy, randomly smiling and looking into the smoky air above. Once she even started staring at Kath, the moment he glared back at her she started giggling and turned her head away. Kath, although he didn't show it, was worried about her. Sashe had this glow about her, this glow that only meant one thing, she was feeling hopeful. The only way to be hopeful in this dreadful, cruel, and unfulfilling world, was to go mad with the world. To lose your sanity and give in to the cruelty. There was no hope for this unforgiving world and there was definitely no hope for them.

 Tall and monstrous buildings surrounded the two as they trudged down the broken and cracked street. The buildings were torn apart with holes protruding from every wall. Entire sections of skyscrapers had fallen into the street and dead foliage had grown all through it, intertwining their roots into the ruins of the fallen city. There were no souls to be found, most were dead, the few that remained were hiding. The air is still filled with ash and debris from the bombings which must've last happened nearby the area about a week ago. A few buildings were on fire, a dark red flame bursting from the empty, decimated walls. Chaos flowing through the unpredictable and fatal flames. Amongst all of the torn city, an eerie silence rings out. A single pebble falls.

 There In the blink of an eye Kath has his pistol drawn aiming to the exact point of where the pebble fell. On the second story stood a girl with dark, brunette hair. She stands elegantly and has no tears on her black, graceful, dress. Her hair is freshly washed and wavy, it pushes down a touch below her shoulder. There is a mystical glow about this lady and despite the smoky environment her dress is clean. Despite her being unarmed Kath shoots, aiming for the girl's heart. The building the girl was standing in, collapsed as he fired the shot. It happened so fast that Sashe didn't even notice, Kath threw himself around Sashe and threw them both into the ground as it happened, he didn't see if his shot connected or not.

 As a building next to the other one fell too, Kath and Sashe lay in the street. Kath could feel shrapnel from the falling building tearing right into his back. If he died here, at least Sashe was safe. His eyes stung, his mouth was dry, and his nose was clogged. Kath could taste the blood in his mouth and he was sure he would die. Something sharp and large slammed into Kath's back and he grunted from the sharp pain it sent up his back. A few seconds later, Kath's vision was going blurry and he felt lightheaded. When he opened his eyes everything went blurry, but that didn't matter because Kath could tell he was losing a lot of blood. He couldn't think clearly, this was bad. As Kath turned his head sluggishly to see if the buildings were gone, the last part of one of the buildings collapsed. It happened as if it was in slow motion. The rock of cement flipped through the air right into the side of Kath's skull. The whole world went black.

 Sashe was watching smoke come from a hole in one of the skyscrapers when it happened. She heard the ear rattling gunshot ring out, and as she turned all panicked to see what had happened, Kath grabbed her and threw her to the ground. She hit with a heavy thud as he cradled his arms around her. He smelt like sweat and smoke, but Sashe didn't care. She buried her face into him, petrified as she heard the crashing sound coming from behind him. 'Everything will be fine,' 'it will all be okay.' 'nothing bad is happening.' Sashe thought to herself as the crashing sound filled her ears. She could also hear Kath continuously grunt in agony. It couldn't end like this, she couldn't survive without him. She needed him. Suddenly something happened, she thought it was all over, but something crashed suddenly and Kath let go of her, his entire body going limp.

 "No," Sashe was breathless as she looked down at Kath who was laying on the street. Sashe had no words and no tears would come from her eyes. Was he dead? Sashe had no way to tell. She didn't know what to do, he was unconscious, and several slits in his back were gushing blood. Sashe was on the verge of tears. Just a few minutes ago she had thought of that old man's words. She felt foolish for thinking there was any hope left in this world. She hated the world, why couldn't her life just be normal like everyone else's.

 Sashe was crying, tears streaming down her face. She didn't see the girl approaching until she was right next to Kath. Her face looking exactly like his, but unlike him she was well fed and her eyes had light to them. As Sashe looked up she saw the worried look on this girl's face. She looked to be twenty. She wasted no time as she hoisted Kath onto her back, "so much for the fancy introduction. We gotta hurry, let's go.