I've Transmigrated Into the Villain In My Favourite Game!

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Chapter 1 - I Become Thomas Filmore

I wake up as a ghost.

Actually, I don't know what I am. All I know is, I'm floating in the air and I'm translucent. Beneath me is a crowd of students all dressed in blazers with a flower insignia, and at their centre are two boys. One has spiky red hair and sharp eyes, and the other has straight black hair and a refined-looking face.

I recognise this scene, it's from my favourite game: Rising Hero.

"I challenge you to a duel, peasant!" The boy with the refined-looking face says. It's Thomas Filmore, the main villain for half the game.

The other boy, the one with the spiky red hair, is Rex Cranz—the titular hero. He looks at Thomas determinedly, and says in a strong voice, "If you want to fight me that badly, fine! It's time someone put a stop to you!"

They glare at each other, and Thomas says, "We'll fight a week from now. Out in the field! You better be there!"

"I will," Rex says.

They go their separate ways and the crowd dissipates. I've got to say, this is a pretty weird dream. I used to play Rising Hero almost religiously, but it's been ages since then. It starts in a prestigious school for warriors and mages called the Ward Academy. The main character, Rex Cranz, joins in the last year as a transfer student, gets in a bunch of adventures, and then finally ends up saving the world from an evil god.

It was the first game I ever bought, and I loved it like no other, but it's been more than several years since I even touched it. What a nostalgic sight.

My translucent form suddenly descends, and I go through several students, picking up speed and hurtling through the air until my body collides with Thomas Filmore's. The world goes white, and suddenly I open my eyes again.

"What the…?"

I look down at my hands. I'm in Thomas Filmore's body for some reason.

"Thomas, are you okay?" The blonde girl beside me asks simperingly. She's short and has pigtails, and I recognise her. Her name is Perri Faye and she's one of Thomas' many suck-ups who will abandon him when he loses to Rex Cranz in a week.

It's a great fight and a great scene, but I flex my hands, my thoughts far away from that now. Why am I in Thomas' body? I touch my face, and the warmth of flesh surprises me. Next, I pinch my thigh, and it hurts.

I frown. Well, that's not supposed to happen. I've been in lucid dreams before, and I've never been able to cause myself pain.


I look at Perri. She's batting her eyelashes at me as she accentuates her worried expression. She looks remarkably detailed and stable for a dream. My dreams always shift a lot. Perri leans closer, and she doesn't seem like she'll stop, so I say, "I'm fine. I'll talk to you later."

I walk away, leaving her behind. I don't know where, anywhere without people for now. I walk through the corridors, find an empty classroom, and take a seat behind one of the desks.

What… the hell is going on?

Have I transmigrated to a different world? Does that stuff really happen?

For a moment, the thought of it makes something inside me jump in joy. I remember my life on Earth, it wasn't horrible, but neither was it amazing. My family never had enough money, and then my parents died young, so all I remember is waking up, going to school, working, sleeping—and repeat ad infinitum. My meals were bland, and I never had time to hang out with friends. When I finally graduated from school, all I did was get more jobs.

An infinite life of grey, an unending tedium. I can't even remember what I specifically did yesterday because I've turned my brain off at this point. My body goes through the motions and it lives my non-existent life for me.

It's the thought of that that brings me back to reality. A gaming console and Rising Hero are the first things I ever bought when I first got any semblance of disposable income. It was once my only refuge against that inescapable monotony. Even if all signs point to this not being a dream, it must be something akin to that. I'll wake up in a bit, and the world will turn grey again.

I don't want to give myself false hope, especially with a notion this stupid. I know a surefire way to end this abnormal dream; never once have I gone to sleep in a dream and not woken up in reality before.

But, uh… where am I supposed to sleep? I know students of Ward Academy have dorms, but I don't know where Thomas' dorm room is. Hell, I don't think I remember the way to the dorms at all, it's been years after all.

Back when I played the game, there used to be a map. I hesitate, then feeling foolish, I say quietly with intent, "M-map."

A blue screen pops to life in front of me, showing me a top-down map of Ward Academy. I'm assuming that's me represented by that red arrow icon. Beneath the map are two words written in a large, bold font.


Quests (!) / Stats


My curiosity almost gets the better of me, and the exclamation mark beside 'quests' draws my eyes. However, I keep a hold on it. I'm not going to entertain this stupid fantasy. I'm not.

I search through the map and find a home icon. I assume that's where my dorm room is, so I begin making my way there. As I'm walking a few people come up to me and pat me on the back, saying things like,

"Well done, Thomas."

"Put that commoner in his place!"

"I'll be cheering for you."

I ignore them. I'm almost to the dorms when I spot a woman out of the corner of my eye. I instantly recognise that beautiful blonde hair and flawless face. It's like she exists separate from the living world, an almost ethereal beauty. Her blue eyes catch me staring and she walks over to me as I resist the urge to curse. I hadn't meant to stare, but I accidentally did so anyway, not just because she's a beauty, but also because I recognise her.

Her name is Claire Weiss, one of the four heroines of Rising Hero, and the one known as the Saintess. That very same Saintess is glaring up at me now, her hands on her hips.

"It seems you'll finally get your comeuppance. Challenging Rex was a mistake," she says harshly. I continue staring silently, something that seems to throw Claire off. Man, I never imagined that an in-game computer graphic translated to real life could look this pretty. Claire says a little nervously, "Wh-what? Did you not hear me? You're finally going to pay for all your cruel deeds!"

"Right…" I say quietly. I turn and walk away, and as I leave, I see that my actions confuse Claire even more. Yeah, I guess that makes sense. Thomas Filmore isn't the type of guy to ignore any slights towards him.

I enter the dorm building and find my room. Upon entering it, I feel a rush of annoyance towards Thomas. This guy… even his dorm room looks better than my tiny apartment; a clean, private bathroom, a comfortable bed, a large desk, and a wardrobe. This guy's already living the life.

I lie down on the bed and it takes me a few tries to learn that I have to say, "Exit," to close the menu. I try to rest, but I think almost half an hour passes before I finally admit to myself that I just can't fall asleep right now, it's too early.

I try not to think of where I am right now, I try not to think of what this could be. However, a curiosity niggles at me, and I can't get it out of my head. Then, finally, the curiosity gets too much for me, and I say with intent, "Quests."

The blue screen pops to life in front of me again.



1. Opposing the Hero:

Challenge the Hero to a Duel (Completed)

Reward: Skill—Abyssflame

Win the Duel against the Hero (Ongoing)

Reward: Level Up Skill—Abyssflame


I stare at this information for a few moments. I thought Thomas had challenged Rex to a duel simply because of his inferiority complex—that's the way the story had made it seem—but if he could see this too, then this might have contributed as well. If I remember correctly, Thomas does indeed go on to use his Abyssflame skill in the duel. Not that it matters, Thomas still loses.

I shake my head, I'm just imagining systems and stuff. The story never makes any mention of Thomas being able to see anything like this.

Below the quests page are two words, in a large bold font once more.


Stats / Map


I tap my finger on 'Stats'  and the page changes.


Thomas Filmore (Warrior)

LVL 12 (900 EXP to next level)


Con – 10 (+3)

Str – 12 (+3)

Dex – 9 (+3)

Sta – 12 (+3)

Mag – 11 (+3)

Fai – 6 (-3)



Analyse LVL 1 (2/3)

Abyssflame LVL 1 (0/3)

Abyssflame Slash LVL 1 (0/3)


Okay, so the stats are as I remember them. All the basic ones are there; Constitution, strength, dexterity, stamina, magic, and faith. I didn't expect his faith to be so low, but I suppose that only makes sense with him being a villain.

I've never actually seen in-depth stats for enemies like this. In Rising Hero, only the enemies' levels are shown. When it comes to things like stats and skills, you and your party's are the only ones you can see. I tap on 'Abyssflame LVL 1.' I'm curious to see what I remember of this skill.


Abyssflame LVL 1 (0/3)

The flames of the abyss that burn as dark as night. They have the ability to sear through anything holy, magic or otherwise. The Dark God once asked for warmth, he was granted this.


+3 to all stats except FAI

-3 to FAI


Yep, that sounds about right. I'm surprised I remember all this. Then again, for a long time, this game was my only comfort in the world.

"Exit," I say, letting the screen close. It's a nice hallucination, but it's time to let this end. I don't like getting used to temporary comforts, I know I'll eventually have to leave them and return to the excruciating monotony of every day after all.

I wipe all thoughts from my mind and force myself to keep my eyes closed. Sleep will come eventually, and real life will begin again. It has to.