Chereads / I've Transmigrated Into the Villain In My Favourite Game! / Chapter 6 - Understanding the Abyssflame

Chapter 6 - Understanding the Abyssflame


Thomas Filmore (Warrior)

LVL 12 (780 EXP to next level)


Con – 10 (+3)

Str – 12 (+3)

Dex – 9 (+3)

Sta – 12 (+3)

Mag – 11 (+3)

Fai – 6 (-3)



Analyse LVL 1 (2/3)

Abyssflame LVL 1 (0/3)

Abyssflame Slash LVL 1 (0/3)


I frown at my stat page and close it. The last time I checked, I needed nine hundred experience points to level up. I gained one hundred from going to class, and after fighting enemy after enemy on the first floor of the dungeon, I gained twenty more.

My duel with Rex is in a week. At this rate, I might not even level up once by then. I have to fight enemies worth more experience points, and to do that I need to descend to the second floor of the Great Dungeon.

Just as I think that, I exit into a large cavern with numerous passageways connected to it. I just arrived from one of those passageways, and there are a few students here and there doing the same from the other ones. In the centre of the cavern is a massive glowing orb, and the intensity of its light ebbs and wanes like waves on the ocean.

This is the safe zone, meaning no monsters can enter here. Additionally, touching that orb will teleport you to the second floor. That is why some people are resting here to recover, and some people are moving on. I don't see Ophelia here, so she must have gone ahead already.

I consider my condition for a second; I met only one more spider, and killing it tired me out even more, but I think I've recovered enough to move on right now. I touch the orb, and two vague images enter my mind. One is of Ward Academy, and the other is of a cave not unlike the one I'm in right now. It's a choice, I realise. Go back home or continue on.

I focus on the image of the cave, and my vision suddenly goes dark. Unlike the teleportation that allowed me to enter the Great Dungeon, this one feels rougher. My insides spin like I'm hanging on for dear life on a particularly violent rollercoaster, but just as soon as that feeling comes, it disappears.

The blackness retreats from my vision, and I look around to see a cavern very similar to the one I was just in. The layout is a bit different, with the passageways in different places, and there are far fewer students here. I pick one of the passageways at random and walk on through.

Incidentally, even in the game, there was no strategy in choosing which path to take. It was all randomised, and every path took you to the end of the floor anyway.

As I walk, I consider the Abyssflame Slash. In terms of power, that skill is really good, the spider didn't stand a chance against it. However, the time it takes to use it is too long. Rex will have me flat on my back before I even finish that incredibly slow swing.

In Rising Hero, the Abyssflame Slash is first introduced in the duel between Rex Cranz and Thomas Filmore. In that duel, I feel like I remember the attack being maybe a bit more powerful, but the speed was just as slow as here. So I'm not the one slowing it down, that's just how the skill is.

Speaking of Rising Hero though, at a much later point in the story, Rex gets access to the Abyssflame skill too. The problem is, he can't use it. To be more specific, all you can do as Rex is use the Abyssflame to enhance your attacks in exchange for slowing yourself down, but that's it. Rex never gets access to any of its attacks.

So, that means that I get no help from trying to think about how it's used in the game. Thankfully, there is one thing: Rex has full access to the Brightflame. And the best part is, despite being opposites in nature, the Brightflame and Abyssflame are functionally very similar. For example, one of Rex's first skills is the Brightflame Slash.

The Brightflame Slash was a very slow skill in Rising Hero too, but it could be sped up by activating the base Brightflame skill. There's a reason there's a slash version and a base version both listed in the skills section, it's because they both do different things.

In the game, the Brightflame skill was like a power up mode that enhanced attack and defence, but lowered speed. Conversely, it increased the activation speed for all other Brightflame skills. It would be foolish to think that the Abyssflame isn't similar.

I hear something approaching from ahead. It sounds like… a dog? Some kind of four-legged creature at least. I figure, no time like the present.

I imagine Thomas Filmore's profile. I imagine the black flames subtly burn upon his body. I can't lie, the thought of it makes me nervous, but I put all my focus into it and declare, "Abyssflame!"

My body instantly feels heavier, like gravity has increased, and my vision goes slightly hazy. When I raise my hand, I see the rippling black flames upon it and can't help but grin. It worked.

The sound gets closer, and I can see what's causing it now. I was partly right, it is four-legged. It has grey fur and looks like a wolf, only more feral. Perhaps it's because its teeth look a little too long, or perhaps because its claws do, but there's an edge of wild aggression to it that tells me this is no ordinary wolf.

Well, I know what it is: a lycan.

It charges at me, fangs bared, and I ready my blade.

"Abyssflame Slash!" I shout.

My theory is correct. The blade feels like there's less resistance on it now, and I clear the swing quicker than before. The wave of black flame flies towards the lycan, striking it directly and burning it into nothing in seconds. It's… honestly a little unnerving just how powerful it is.


10 EXP


I imagine the flames on my body turning off, and once they do, I collapse on the ground. I breathe deeply, letting the oxygen fill my burning heart and lungs. Crap, these skills are really energy intensive.

The Abyssflame Slash takes the most stamina in one go, but every second I keep the base Abyssflame mode on it feels like I'm running at almost top speed. And not only that, but even though the attack was quicker than before, it was nowhere near quick enough to allow me to win. I have to get the speed up even more somehow.

I take a few more moments to catch my breath before resuming my advance. As I continue, more lycans keep showing up periodically. I don't use the Abyssflame to fight them anymore, it'll leave me unable to continue if I keep spamming it. Besides, my sword skills—or rather Thomas Filmore's sword skills—are more than enough to easily defeat them.

At first, it's just a spot of moss. Then it's a few vines. And then, as I keep walking, the cave-like interior slowly gets wider and transforms into an environment one might find in a jungle. The crystals are still there though, bathing the place in dull light amidst the leaves.

And then, I hear a scream.