The zombies in her previous life were not weak nor rotting. They have mutated for the past three years, actively seeking and looking for humans to eat.
They infiltrated the capital during the night which caused a sudden uproar in the city.
The knights of order were a little too late to arrive at the scene, too many citizen had already been bitten and eaten by the time they heard the screams of the people.
She remembered being woken up by Marco and Lucienta who were quick to wrap a cloak over her.
They lead her out of the mansion, to go to the west gate where they handed her to her little sister.
My little sister was the one to get me that night and we left all of a sudden to go to our territory in the south. Jannah thought, her eyes staring out of the carriage with a straight expression.
Sighing, she looked away from the window and looked at the pink haired maid across from her.
She remembered vaguely that the people inside the mansion had created so much noise to let her escape with her sister. They were screaming on the top of their lungs so the zombies won't follow after them.
Lucienta was one of them.
"I can't leave our friends, my lady." Lucienta was smiling softly as she held Jannah's trembling hands.
"This is why I told you to tell them not to fall behind! I don't want anyone dying on me like this!" Jannah didn't want to let go of Lucienta's hand, but Marco broke it with force.
"We have to go, Countess." The head butler gave her a gentle smile, the wrinkles on his face moving as he did so.
"Promise me that you two will lead our people out of there, okay?" Jannah pleaded, desperation dripping from her voice.
"We need to go, sis." Jeriel tugged her big sister away from the servants.
Jannah struggled against her little sister's arms, her tears streaming down her face as she watched Marco and Lucienta wave their hands to her.
"Promise me!" Jannah screamed before she got pushed inside of the carriage that was prepared by Jeriel.
Lucienta merely closed her eyes, beaming brightly towards her mistress as Jeriel lead the carriage out of the capital.
The said maid is sitting in front of her with a small smile on her face, wondering why her master looked so troubled ever since she woke up that morning.
Since the zombies will be newly turned, she is sure that it would be easier to kill them since their muscles and flesh are still somehow soft.
Compared to the zombies in three years which was much harder to kill due to their mutated state and their constant desperate behavior for fresh meat.
The mutated zombies three years from now will be terrifying and gruesome, their bodies distorted.
As days passes by with the human population declining, the zombies will undergo a dramatic transformation, their bodies contorting and enlarging in horrific ways.
Their skin takes on a sickly grey hue with their eyes getting replaced by milky white orbs that lack any hint of life.
The zombies' bodies will become disfigured with rotting flesh, exposed bones, and grotesque features that are almost too horrific to look at.
Those zombies are strong and relentless, their only goal to infect and consume.
Ugh.. Jannah let out a disgusted groan, holding her forehead with her face turning pale. It's one thing after another.
The thought of those flesh eating monsters feasting upon the people she knew and grow up with was something she didn't want to think of right now.
Fortunately, the carriage had come to a stop and the door creaked open.
"My lady." Her knight of the day, Jeremiah, held out his hand to her.
Jeremiah was just an ordinary knight that guards the mansion gate, but she knows that he was one of the loyal and trusted person she would have in the future.
He was the one who met up with Jeriel, carrying a bag of guns, knives, and gunpowders.
He was very tight lipped and loyal until he was bitten before they could finish the base, a zombie horde walked past the site and the idiot Juan caused a noise, leading the zombies into the unfinished base.
Jeremiah lead the horde away from the base with another person, sacrificing their lives so more lives will be saved.
Now that I think about it.. Jannah mentally mused, placing her hand on top of Jeremiah's hand and stepped out of the carriage carefully, Juan was the one who came running to the base and was screaming his head off.
That bastard must have done that to have the people I trust get killed. Thinking back about it, Jannah had always wondered why the five people she trusted the most ended up dying before they could finish the base.
Jeremiah was one of them, unfortunately.
"Thanks." She nodded her head towards him, "The two of you must do the task I gave you while I speak to the Duke."
"Understood, my lady." Lucienta answered cheerfully and smiled, "I'll have them sent to the mansion! I'll tell them that the Countess needs it as soon as possible!"
"Good girl." Jannah gave the maid a small smile before she turned around and walked inside the building.
One of the people she trusted with her life back in her previous life are one of the three Dukes of the Starlian Kingdom. He was loyal and faithful, always listening to her order despite his status being higher than hers.
Jeremiah and the Duke are the complete contrast of each other.
Mainly because of their looks.
The Duke has midnight black hair and purple eyes while Jeremiah has purple hair and steel grey eyes— both look the opposite of the other, but they are good listeners.
Once she order them to do something, they wouldn't question it and would do it in a heartbeat.
Not to mention, they willingly sacrificed themselves to protect the people under her care because they know that they mean a lot to her.
It's the reason why Jannah will do the Duke a favor, an advance token of gratitude for being a good comrade in the past.
"Waaaahhh.. She's so beautiful.." Lucienta let out a dreamy sigh, her cheeks warm and eyes wide with adoration as she watch her master disappear behind the door, "She complimented me, too! I could die from happiness right now!"
It's no secret that the people of the house Rafelon has loyal, faithful, and tight-lipped servants.
It's also no secret that they very much admire the head of the house— the Countess.
"So dramatic." Jeremiah commented under his breath, causing Lucienta to whisk her head in his direction and glare menacingly.
Unexpectedly, his little comment to her behavior was the reason to start their bickering.