As the hours passed, the arena grew even more intense. The remaining teams were now fully aware that the Battle Royal was reaching its climax, and they had less than two hours to decide their fate. The announcement echoed across the arena, signaling that there were only two hours left for the battle. The air grew thick with anticipation as some teams started thinking strategically, while others became even more reckless, choosing to fight to the death rather than conserve their strength.
The Announcement
Announcement (booming over the arena):
"Two hours remain until the end of the Battle Royale! The team with the most fighters left at the conclusion will emerge victorious!"
Strategizing Teams
As the remaining teams were battered and exhausted, many began to rethink their strategies. The goal was no longer just to fight, but to survive as long as possible and have more members standing at the end. Leaders and captains began coordinating their teams, trying to keep their best fighters alive while eliminating others.
Eastern Empire Leader (shouting from the VIP section): "Remember! Protect the Digits at all costs! We need numbers for the end! Do not engage unless you're certain you can win!"
Eastern Empire Fighter (strategizing with teammates): "We've got to pull back for now. We can't afford to lose anyone else. Let's get in a defensive formation and wait for our chance. We can't be reckless."
Eastern Empire Fighter 2 (hesitating): "But if we do that, the dragons or giants might take the advantage!"
Eastern Empire Fighter 1 (firmly): "We need to stay alive. Winning is about survival now. We'll hit when they least expect it."
The Rampage of the Battle Maniacs
While some teams focused on survival, others were ready to engage at any moment, their desire for combat too strong to ignore. The Barren Lands Giants and Beasts from Eurazania were prime examples. These fighters reveled in the destruction around them, not caring about preserving their numbers, but instead seeking to decimate the remaining teams with brute force.
Barren Lands Giant (roaring as he charges): "This is too fun! Let them all come! I'll crush whoever stands in my way!"
Beasts from Eurazania (laughing maniacally): "Time to tear some more apart! Who's next?"
The Beasts were more than happy to keep fighting, knowing their strength would wear down the other teams. Every punch they threw shattered the ground beneath them.
Eurazania Beast Fighter (charging into battle, grinning wildly): "Let them try! I'll throw them all off this arena!"
Eurazania Beast Leader (from the VIP section, cheering them on): "That's the spirit! Keep up the fight! Show them the power of Eurazania!"
The Barren Lands Giants were similarly unstoppable. Despite knowing that numbers were key to victory, they thrived on destruction.
Barren Lands Giant 2 (slamming his fists together): "We'll crush them all! Numbers don't matter when you have power like ours!"
Barren Lands Giant 3 (throwing an enemy fighter off the stage): "That's one less! Who's next?"
The loud cheers from the public were deafening as these two teams wreaked havoc, engaging in fierce, one-on-one battles with other teams, tossing fighters around like ragdolls. However, their disregard for preserving their numbers might cost them in the final moments.
Strategizing Teams Continued
On the other hand, the Raja team was focused on tactics, carefully evaluating which team was the weakest to strike at next. They were all about calculated strikes and conserving energy for the final hours.
Raja Fighter (speaking in a low voice): "We need to wait. Let the others weaken themselves. The giants and dragons are already worn down. If we wait, we can take them out before the final moments."
Raja Captain (to the others): "You all know the plan. Conserve your energy. We'll make our move when the time is right. Don't get drawn into unnecessary fights."
Raja Fighter (nodding): "Understood. We're not here for glory. We're here for the win."
Raja Fighter 2 (glancing at the remaining fighters): "Keep an eye on the dragons. They'll be a problem if we don't deal with them quickly."
Raja Fighter 3 (muttering): "The dragons are a tough match. But we can't afford to waste resources."
El Dorado's Tactical Moves
El Dorado also began to adapt. Their fighters, known for their incredible swordsmanship, were focused on picking off weaker opponents to maintain their strength. They moved as one, coordinating their attacks and protecting each other from incoming strikes. Their strategy was clear: work together to eliminate the smallest threats first and save their strength for the larger, more powerful teams.
El Dorado Leader (watching from the VIP section, intensely focused): "Keep your formation tight! Don't waste any energy! Eliminate them quickly and preserve your strength. Only engage if victory is guaranteed!"
El Dorado Swordsman (speaking to his teammate): "We've got to focus on the smaller teams first. The giants and dragons will tire themselves out. We can take them out when they're weaker."
El Dorado Fighter (looking to the dragons): "Those dragons are relentless. We need to pick off the weak links and then focus our efforts on them."
El Dorado Swordsman (nodding): "You're right. We'll save our big moves for the final moments."
More Conversations from the Arena
Lubelius 10 Great Saints (circling together, speaking softly):
Great Saint 1: "We're getting close. We need to play this smart. If we don't, we could be eliminated."
Great Saint 2 (looking around, whispering): "Keep your heads cool. We can win this if we stay together."
Great Saint 3 (eyes scanning the arena): "Focus on those that are tiring. The dragons, beasts, and giants will soon begin to falter. Let's wait for the right moment."
Great Saint 4 (looking at the dragons): "Those dragons are dangerous. If we don't take them out soon, they'll be our downfall."
Beerus was amused as he observed the different teams trying to adapt. He knew that this was the moment of truth โ and that only the smartest and most powerful would emerge victorious.
Beerus (grinning to his wives): "Some are still trying to make it all about brute strength, but others are learning... smart. I wonder who'll win this."
Beerus (leaning back, a mischievous smile on his face): "This is getting interesting. Let's see who can outlast the chaos."
His attention flickered to the teams still remaining, admiring their strategies. However, he was sure that the final hour would reveal who had truly mastered the art of combat and survival.
Reactions from Leaders and VIPs
In the VIP area, the pressure was building. Some leaders screamed at their teams to hold on, others were pacing nervously, unable to sit still.
Eastern Empire Leader (shouting at his fighters): "Stay focused! You have to survive! The game has changed! Numbers matter now!"
Raja Leader (grimacing, eyes narrowed): "Keep it together! Don't engage unless you're sure you can win! Let the others tire themselves out!"
Lubelius Leader (voice filled with frustration): "No more mistakes! Keep your cool! We've trained for this moment, don't waste it!"
Meanwhile, some of the leaders in the VIP section were more quiet, their anxiety palpable.
Eastern Empire Royal (voice trembling): "Please, please don't let us lose... we've come so far. We can't fail now."
Raja Leader (to his team through a communicator): "Stay calm. Stay focused. This is ours for the taking."
El Dorado Queen (murmuring): "Every move counts. If we win this... it will be our greatest achievement."
As the clock ticked down and the minutes raced by, the fighters knew their time was limited. They had to make a choice: fight until the bitter end, or retreat and focus on survival. The next two hours would determine the outcome of the Battle Royale โ and the fate of the nations involved.