I stood barefoot in the cold yard, my fingers curled into the fabric of my short dress.
The stone beneath my feet was rough but I barely noticed.
My mind was way too occupied and my body still ached from everything and I barely recovered from my fever.
But none of that compared to the loneliness that was curling inside me like a sickness.
Thania was avoiding me. She didn't believe I had kept my powers away from her and I selfishly sacrificed our safety during mother Olga's tasks that had almost claimed our lives.
No matter how I tried to explain how i got the power, she wouldn't listen and avoided me like I had a disease.
Karena on the other hand, wouldn't even look at me.I had tried to talk to Karena earlier, but she had shut me down before I could get a word out. Just the sound of my voice had made her stiffen like I was something disgusting. It had never been like that before. I missed how we were before this place corrupted us.