Arata appeared in the pearly dress I chose for her. Blue was what I preferred on her but that was meant only for me. Her innocence demanded this shade and I knew she would be a stunner in this one.
How I wished she would let her natural hair flow over this gown but she was hiding them for a reason.
Expectant blue orbs stared at me with her cheeks flushed as she waited for my approval. My eyes wouldn't stop wavering over her voluptuous body. I had seen every fibre of her glowing skin and her delicious curves.
The elegance with which this dress fitted her beautiful shape had me itching. This woman was beyond perfect for the role I had chosen for her.
"How do I look?" She broke the trance between us with curiosity-coated words.
My eyes shifted to Armanta as I requested.
"Can I have a moment alone with my girlfriend?"