Chapter 25 - Pork

The boat wobbled under them as it began to slow down, the gang was already catching up.

"How long is to doom city," Dorian said in a state of panic

"Just a little longer," Belarus said almost calmly. He looked weary and tired like he was succumbing to his wounds.

"We don't have a little longer, they'll be on us any moment now."

Belarus sees something, and he screams at Dorian, alarmed.

"Get down!"

Dorian ducks and the noise of gunfire cuts through as the bullets whizzes past his head,

"My that was close," Dorain said raising his head a little bit

"Compared to mine," Belarus said. "Your skin is soft like a marshmallow, that bullet would have gone right…"

The sound of gunfire cuts him off. He watches as Dorian's head explodes with a splash of blood, his eyes widening in shock.

A few leagues from them was a smoking gun, held in the arms of a man the world only knew as Roach the compeller, the scruffy bearded leader of the gang of subdued men.

Dorian's body hits the ground, with a thud, it rocks the boat a little then Roach laughs and says,

"I just remembered he could heal. Drop the tokens in, boys, make us go faster; pork is back on the menu."

Belarus picks up Dorian's lifeless body, he turns back to the spy on the gang and they were catching up, he saw them dropping more tokens into the river.

"Damn, I can't steer the boat without this kid and they're catching up so fast. If I could only get those tokens. But I've got to get this bullet out first."

He could hear Roach laugh as they were quickly approaching, he needed to act fast, all the gap he'd gained from punching their boat away and using his last token would go to was if he didn't capitalize on the little time he had left

"I gotta suck it out, good thing pigs will eat anything." He looked grossed out but was trying to convince himself otherwise. He puts his mouth on the hole in Dorian's head. He squinted his eyes, reluctant and almost shying away from it, but the jeering of the gang gave in enough reasons.

He pressed his lip against Dorian's head. "I hope I don't swallow it." He took in a very deep breath; the sound of suction filled the air, like water through a narrow pipe, and a pop sound finished it.

He tossed Dorian's body to the other end of the boat and spat out his blood, then he stood up to face the gang.

He had blood smeared all over his face and, in less than five seconds, was standing face-to-face with Roach. The two boats were touching again but they weren't firing at him.

Don't fire yet, boys, Roach says, "This one's tough; he just took it off and bit off your throat; I've heard stories, pigs. Stories that would make a sane man oink." He burst out laughing and so did his crew.

"Release my men compeller!" Belarus says

"Which men? These ones? Come on, they don't want you, they're loveless little puppets, and they want whatever I want, but I could give them to you, even make em more compliant so they'd listen to your every word, all you gotta do is step aside and let me have the kid."

"Not a chance,"

Roach pointed his gun at him and said,

"It's your funeral"

He could hear Dorian's heart beating again, so he smiled, he watched all his hypnotized men cheering and laughing at him,

I'm sorry guys, Belarus said. I'm sorry I couldn't protect you from him, I'm sorry for what I'm about to do.

"So what's it gonna be, pig? The kid, your crew, or your life. These are stellar choices pig, choose wisely cause it all ends with me winning either, you should at least leave with somethingI don't want to feel like I'm cheating you, you know".

Not all of it does, Belarus replied with a cold calmness that rubbed his cynical swagger the wrong way

"What are you talking about!?" He said, feeling in control and overly powerful

"I choose all options," Belarus said. "If you want the kid you'll have to go through me!" He began taking in large amounts of air through his big snout. "And I'll be taking my crew!"

His stomach began to expand from all the air he was talking in it stretched to its limit. "As for my life I'll be keeping that too, but you, I'll be taking yours!"

Roach found this to be funny; he chucked and said, "And how did you suppose you do that?

Instantly, Belarus contracted the air in his stomach, pushing it all into his mouth, emoting his whole lung in the process.

His pink cheeks went red in a flash as they filled up to their limit with air; before Roach could know what hit him, Belarus had already shot him with his mouth using the bullet he sucked out of Dorian's head, and the pressured air he created.

The bullet hit Roach in the face sending him falling backwards, he screamed at his men as he fell,

"Fire at him! fire!"

Belarus spreads his arms out to cover Dorian. He could hear Dorian's heart beat faster and faster, returning to its normal rhythm.

His men all opened fire on Belarus. Bullets began raining down on the boat as they failed to penetrate him, one after the other, they dropped to the floor, folded into themselves.

Not all parts of his body were tough, he had vulnerabilities like his belly button, which was the least tough but could take a few shots, places like his eyes and snout were a lot more sensitive and delicate

He could hear Dorian's heart beating better, and he thought to himself, Any moment now, he'll wake up.

Then Blood came off of his belly button, he winced his face as a bullet penetrated him there.

Roach was behind the crew as they fired, he was pressing this hand against his right eye.

That's it! He thought as he figured something out.

"Aim for his eyes and anywhere you see blood."

Alarm bells rang in Belarus' mind, they're not much time, he thought. He spied for the pouch full of tokens, some had run out of bullets and began reloading while others fired.

"What are you doing, reload fast!*

Roach walked to the front of the boat and fired on Belarus' head.

He managed to cover his face on time. He fires a couple more but Belarus blocks them all and he gets frustrated and screams at him

"Is this what you want to do with your life! Babysitting a snot-nosed kid!"

Belarus smiled at him, he could hear Dorian's finger twitch.