Chereads / War-Mother and the sin of gluttony / Chapter 28 - Cheshire kills breakfast

Chapter 28 - Cheshire kills breakfast

Deep within the silence of sleep, Dorian could hear growling, it came first as whispers but soon grew to a thunder turmoil of primal roars. It felt like a monster stood over him.

He felt so hot and uncomfortable; he could feel the bed getting wet around him; he wanted to wake up but was too scared to; he couldn't remember where it was.

He saw visions of a cave, images of blood and violence flushed his mind. He heard bones cracking over and over again, reminding him of Mr Dunn's skull.

He was half asleep, but still, the dream felt so real as he was tethered between two worlds. He dared to walk into this cave, and instantly, he felt foolish as the claws of an unseen monster pulled him into the shadow.

He thrashed around on the bed while she curiously watched him, not ready to disturb him yet but finding his turmoil quite amusing.

A voice came out distorted as it rose from the depths of his mind. It had an underlying noise to it, like the sound of cicadas. Dorian tried to fight but could only do his fighting in the land of the living; here, he found he was immobile.

So you want to take my place, the voice said, you don't have any hunger in you, you need hunger, you need me!

In the dream, he had a rare point of view. Even with his head pinned down, he could still see certain things he wouldn't normally see.

Sometimes, his point of view placed him above everything; he could see everything like the cave had a roof, and sometimes, as he was so close to the monster that it was jarring.

In a flash, his point of view changed again, and he saw himself as consciousness failing in the jaws of the monster. Flashes of green filled the space around him as he fell and he could see the green eye, the immortal eye.

He opened his eyes, and finally, he was awake. He was panting heavily and was shivering from fear, but upon opening his eyes, the dream didn't matter anymore as he saw her.

He saw a petite little blond girl standing over him on the bed. Her hair was short and curled like springs and she had deep blue eyes.

She leaned in downwards and said

"Breakfast is ready, Mr sin"

"Who are you!" He said

She jumped off the bed without answering and skipped towards the door, she was short and little and could easily be mistaken for a child.

She grabbed the handles of the door then turned back to him and said,

"It's gonna be a painful day, Mr sin"

Then she stuck her tongue out and pulled down her lower left eyelid to mock him; she finished with a short laugh as she ran out the door.

What was that? Dorian wondered. Like I haven't had a long enough night.

He could hear her chatting in the hall with the butler, Oscar.

"Have called him"

"Yes!" the little girl yelled. "What a sin he is, he's just a lazy bum."

I've got a feeling that child doesn't like me, Dorian sighed and got out of bed then there was a knock on the door

"Sir, it's Oscar again. May I come in?"


He heard the door creak open; Oscar looked around the room and saw Dorian trying to straighten his bed.

"Don't worry, sir, I'll do that; I've put out fresh clothes for you, food is ready, and you've got six minutes to get down."

"Six minutes?"

"Well approximately five point fifty eight no wait fifty-six"

Dorian still looked confused

"Well you see the sisters like to eat together and they won't eat unless you're there, and if you're not on time there's a punishment you know"

Dorian still looked a bit confused then Oscar screamed at him

"Go on, get ready; you wouldn't want to end up on the little one's bad side; she likes to eat on time, and so do the others; I don't think I need to tell you what a war mother's wrath is like."

Dorian ran off to the bathroom with great haste while Oscar did the bed…


"Could we eat already, it's past breakfast time."

The little blond girl cried; she was staring into a pocket watch in her hand while the food was steaming in front of her on the table.

"No Cheshire, we don't eat before the guests," Victoria said.

"I thought it was just the sisters, she grumbled, how do you expect me to hold on when it is so close."

She fell on her seat and sighed in frustration, she watched Victoria's focus go back book

Perhaps she wouldn't see me, she thought. She slowly and sneakily moved her hand in to get a punch of the food; as she touched the plate, it moved away towards Victoria. Cheshire grumbled, and Victoria turned the page of her book.

"Come Hercules tell her to let us eat already she said to the woman at the other end of the table"

"Be patient Cheshire, he'll be here soon."

Hercules was a large, strong, strong-looking woman; her physique was in good taste, and though she acted a bit boyish, she still had a motherliness to the way she handled Cheshire.

Cheshire grumbled she turned to her left and said

"How about you Connie, well you stand for this travesty?"

"What!" She looked like she'd just been woken from a daydream. "Are you talking to me? Sorry, I was thinking about shooting an arrow from here till the end of the city."

"Why are you always somewhere else when I need you."

"What are you talking about, I'm right here."

"Forget about it," Cheshire said. In a fit of frustration. She couldn't take it anymore,

"I've got places to go to today, Victoria!" She screamed.

"What, is the kiddy store running out of stuffed animals again?"

Cheshire's expression changed into a scowl, she slowly turned her head back to Connie.

"You wanna die, little sitter," she said. Connie laughed and said,

"Who are you calling little? You're the one who looks like a baby."

"And you look like a roasted pig with that brown skin of yours," Cheshire said.

"Jealous cause you don't look good in a tan? You're too young for that anyway"

"That's it you're dead," Cheshire screamed, she put out her hand and spoke hammer manifested and Connie burst out laughing

"You've gotta be kidding me," she said

"I'm gonna pummel you!"

"You know you never win this thing, Cheshire," Victoria said with her eyes still on her book. "so please quiet down and put that hammer away"

"Yeah Cheshire, she's going to throw you out of the city again," Hercules said.

Cheshire gave both of them the stink eye and swung her hammer at Connie. Then the door swung open, and she stopped; she looked up and saw Dorian standing there.

Dorian saw them all looking at him; even Connie, who had her back to him, turned around to look.

"Oh thank god the idiots here we can eat now."

Her hammer disappeared and she gleefully got on her seat to start eating.

"Dorian came over to her," Victoria said. She gestured for him to come over and he sat just beside her.

"Can we eat now please!" Cheshire said.

"You know the way Cheshire," Hercules said.

"The guest always takes the first bite," Connie said.

"Yes," she sighs,

"Hey, kid!" Hercules called out, "I'm Hercules it's nice to meet a noble sin for a change"

"You've met other sins"

"What, you thought it was only you?" Connie said

"I mean, yeah, a little"

"Can we eat already please"

"Well, there are six others," Victoria said. "but we've never had them for breakfast before; now eat before Cheshire holds a lifelong vendetta against you."

Victoria put some food on his plate, and Dorian felt a little shy eating while they all watched; he took the first bite, and a bit of tension left the room as Cheshire calmed down; in a flash, she took a large helping of food all for herself.

"Slow down, Cheshire, that food is bigger than you," Hercules said; she got Cheshire's stink eye as a response. She dug into her food like a ravenous beast it reminded Dorian of the nightmare

"Has anyone seen Himmler today," Connie asked.

"He's still in his lab," Victoria said

"So when will it be"

"By noon"

"Alright, I'll try to make it"

"Please be there," Victoria said. "just in case we can't contain him."

"This little guy?" she said, pointing her fork at Dorian; he realized they were talking about him. "What could he do, you've got Hercules?"

"I'd still like you to be there."

"Alright, I'll do it"

Dorian seemed a little worried about what the three war mothers would want to do with him; he did not feel the courage to ask them any questions.

"So Dorian," Hercules said. "How are you liking your stay so far?"

"It's fine, thank you."

"Had a good sleep?"


"Lies, hypocrite, mad sailor," Cheshire yelled all those words at him with a mouth full of food.

"What?" Dorian said.

"Mad sailor!" Connie said even more confused than Dorian.

"What do you mean he's lying," Victoria said.

"He had a nightmare; he was shaking and everything, and he even wet the bed."

"What! I didn't wet the bed!"

"He was sweating like pig over fire, he soaked the whole sheet you can ask Oscar"

"Are you alright? Victoria said."

"I'm fine"


"What's wrong with you Cheshire?" Hercules said in a scolding voice

"He's lying, he was in a carve and what not and this monster was eating him over and over again."

"What? That's sound like fun," Connie said

Dorian looked embarrassed and confused all at once.

"And how do you know all this?"

"He's minds an open book. I don't even like to read the stuff, but it was so hard to look away," Cheshire laughed and went back to her food.

"Don't worry about the nightmare, Himmler will sort it out, just eat," Victoria said.

"Cheshire you've got to respect other people's privacy"

"Take it off a cliff, she-man"

Connie burst out laughing, "Such a brat, won't you pummel her sister?"

"No, it's only strike nine hundred and sixty-six, and wait till it's at a thousand."

Cheshire stuck her tongue out and mocked with crumbs all over her face

"Nine, sixty-seven."