"A bright sunny day in Santvani, where the Shravan month is revered as the holiest time of the year. The rituals and offerings infuse the village with an air of sacredness, yet this year, the astronomical alignment doesn't quite match, and the dates of Shravan are off. However, tradition persists, for the faithful believe that, despite this, the month may bring dark clouds into their lives. It marks a fresh beginning, as the Delving awakens once more. Meanwhile, as always, our bewildered hero finds himself running late for school, caught in his usual chaos."
Here he's rushing towards school, and we all know why. like you and me, he's extremely lazy.
Pravar knocks the door of classroom. (Knock. Knock) as the door opens Class teacher with a cheerful face says: Get ooooouuuutt!
Narrator: 'how rude'
Pravar: again!!!, (huh) everyone is getting obsessed with studies and I'm getting obsessed with my mistakes.
(friends trolling)- 'hey Pravar' the sun seems to be quit out mistaken!!! (laughter's- ha, ha, ha, ha)
Pravar: (ha, ha, ha) very 'funny'
Narrator- this seems quite familiar to me 'isn't it for you'?
Abhishek: 'I'm not going to sign that remark'
Pravar: come on 'dude', it's just a remark
Abhishek: 'brother, 'firstly learn how to pronounce the word 'brother'
Pravar: 'please' brother, it's getting really annoying day by day
Abhishek: Exactly a very silly and annoying 'mistake', if you've made a mistake, then learn how you can resolve it. And these words are my signature for you "dude"!
Narrator: 'how rude'
(Television news) police officer known as Nikhil gaikwad is to be seen severely nearby the village Havel, It's quite difficult for the police department to catch out this police officer since 2007, and still imprisoned. famous politician Vikram Sharma comments (it's a disgrace).
Bhavendra: "really!" you have '12' assignment incomplete.
Pravar: "yes" quiet preciously you have 15 assignments incomplete!!!
Swati: then I'm 'good', I have only 5 assignments pending.
Pravar &Bhavendra: "it's not good at all"
Aditya: and I have 0 assignments to be cleared
Pravar: (who the hell is this boy 'Aditya') aren't you noticing, that he's following us from past 2 to 3 days.
Bhavendra: not at all, 'us' he's defiantly following 'Swati'
Pravar: you mean!!!
Bhavendra: (yes) with 'awkward' 'face'
Pravar &Bhavendra: love in 'school'!!!
classroom: (what!!, love in 'school'))
School: (loudly shouts) love in school
Narrator: yes, our hero and his friends are really 'fool!'
Abhishek: ('kicked out of school') what do you mean, saying professor has 'kicked you out of school'
Pravar: just for '2 weeks….'
Abhishek: (shut up.) what's the reason for rusticating you.
Pravar: (by mistaken) the whole class got "dis…erupt" (hay) 'sorry' "disturbed" because of me.
Abhishek: "(by mistaken)"- do you think this excuse will work enough!
Narrator: 'it's such a' 'ex-squeezing' situation for Pravar, therefore, Pravar would never-ever lie to, Abhishek. Just his silly mistakes would never allow Abhishek, to trust him.
Abhishek: "just Get ooooouuuutt!"
Narrator: ''how rude''
Pravar: Again!!..., huh.
Neha: There's no competitor to you
Pravar: "thanks"
Neha: (what!) – am insulting you
Pravar: ahh oh it's an insult
Neha: "god", you know 'never ever someone explains regarding his owns insult!!' But you…
Pravar: 'sister' (with a mean "voice") at least you understand me
Neha: only I can understand you that's the reason you are standing here…
Neha: your brother is right!
Narrator: sometime Pravar's insult is also bright. And now to change this bright life, the knight will rise, because the Santvani and its tragedy is not a coincidence it's a work of fate, which was written 500 years ago…