Narrator: far away, from Pravar and his life, someone in the doom of darkness is about to wake up, by the sin of rebirth his soul must be transferred and his quest too…
The sky started acting in different manner, especially in Santvani, because now Anand will rule his legacy.
The night of Shravan's fair is still being celebrated, but the nature has been started losing their color of brightness, and not all but, slowly, slowly, everyone is losing their sense of humanity, some people are just acquiring the element of anger by day, and if this continues, there will be no difference between human and vulture. Or better, to say they are possessed by some mysterious power.
Narrator: by the change of nature, whole Santvani will get affected, but "he's now awakened". Now almost every men and women are just getting angry and not behaving with peace and happiness
Pravar: so you mean to 'say', first they started acting crazy and then started harming greenery.
Bhavendra: "yes"
Swati: why the nature is being affected?
Pravar: "go and ask their mother" (angry voice)
Swati: what!!
Pravar: wait a minute, where's my "ishu"
Swati: you are the biggest!! "issue"
Bhavendra: "now what's the "issue""
Swati: "have you gone crazy" the whole village is in "issue" now.
Pravar: 'whole village'… but when
Swati: "huh" just... last night!!
Bhavendra: "Pravar" she's talking about 'issue'
Pravar: me too!!
Abhishek: "hey" you 'freaks' Pravar is talking about his (dream fairy) "ishu" -- Ishika, and you both are talking about "issue" of Santvani.
Narrator: 'thanks for the clearance' "bro"
Pravar: 'so' now what, how will this problem of Santvani will be solved.
Bhavendra: 'ahh' but that's not our work, am I right 'Swati'
Swati: 'of course'.
Pravar: hum... mm!! 'yah' it's not your job
Bhav/Swati: "yes" …. 'The symbol of bravery'
Pravar: wait, what do mean to say!!
Bhavendra: 'you will protect'
Swati: 'the Santvani' (with a humble face)
Pravar: me!! You mean, me.
Swat/bhav: "yes, we mean you"
Narrator: Meanwhile, a strong and scream sounded— "Pravvaaar" (Pravar, Bhavendra& Swati were shocked) so they came outside. And saw, a giant, scary handprint on the wall, but after seeing that stamp, Pravar 'anxiously' called his brother Abhishek, but mysteriously his brother "disappeared", and then he realized, the person who screamed was "Abhishek".
Pravar: where's my brother!!
Swati: must have gone for a "night walk"
Bhavendra: not walk, defiantly to "washroom"
Pravar: 'wow' feels to award you with "slaps"
Swati: no need for that, Mr. Martial.
Bhavendra: ok!!, let's get back to the script.
Narrator: Pravar was terrified!!! Hence Pravar with his friends, searched for Abhishek or for his clue, but while in the moment, again a scream!!!, now it's not a coincidence, another boy is missing.
Pravar: did you guys hear it!!! now it's a different name, "sumiiiiiit", what the!!
Bhavendra: it's another scream!!!
Pravar: again!!!... "Swati", Swati's too missing.
Bhavendra: what's happening!! "Pravar" (says anxiously)
Narrator: "now it's getting terrifying", then what, our "martial" and "slap awarded champ", honestly, calmly presents their bravery and begins to "run".
Narrator: "how rude"
Prva/bhav: (Run!!!) "run!!"
Pravar: (while running) Bhavendra!! I would not die without proposing "ishu"
Bhavendra: (while running) just shut up!!! You and your "ishu" have created biggest issue in our life, keep running!!!
'Sir' do you know where is "Qu tub miner" here...
Pravar: (while running) "go to hell!!"
Narrator: now it's a topic of worry! therefore in one night, 3 boys including abhishek and 1 girl that's "Swati" has been disappeared.
Next day---
Bhavendra: (at Pravar's home)- Damn it! "Pravar", now what's this new tragedy?
Pravar: (crying funnily) "abhi, I, I, I, I, I, I, peewee" "my brother", my brother got disappeared.
Bhavendra: stop crying like a "baby", my sister is also missing., but rather then crying, we should find a solution for this problem. Isn't it.
Pravar: get lost!!, go from here, you're making me sleepyyyyyyy, epee 'my brother got lost'.
Bhavendra: 'shut up!!'
Pravar: okay!
Narrator: "how rude"
Pravar: "you're right", not just our brothers& sisters but yes, we should think of entire "Santvani" ... but how!
Bhavendra: by using our never ever used "brains"
Pravar: there's something very strange coming to occur in Santvani…. And sooner.
Bhavendra: 'so' what are we going to do?
Pravar: "decode" … lets decode this "disappearing mystery", and the last night.
Bhavendra: "Hamm" …. The last night 'huh'.
Pravar: let's know what happened last night... firstly, the screaming voice came, and then they were disappeared, 'Right'
Bhavendra: this means, first some wired action must have happened, and afterwards they were disappeared …. But what next?
Pravar: 'no'...….., we have to take a visit on all the places where the incident "occurred", and then we'll decode it manually.
Bhavendra: "let's go my, detective"
Narrator: "how good!", Pravar and Bhavendra personally took a visit on all the incidental places. First at the spot of "abhishek".
Pravar: "here" right here!!, abhishek was sitting.
Bhavendra: "oh…my…god" Pravar, look at the wall
Pravar: (what!!) ….. my goodness!!, how did we miss this, a red… giant… handprint?