Chereads / GOLD SEAT / Chapter 9 - THE TURNING POINT


After Mr lee song left, Minjae walked to her desk to Keep the file she was holding, as she opened the drawer of the desk, in it was a copy___ the only will that her father left for her that originallly belongs to her grand father, she gently picked it and gazed at it for quite a while, then suddenly she dropped it back into the drawer and walked out of the office, there sang tae and jung shin followed behind her

"where are you going to?" he asked as he followed her

"you dont need to know, just stay back." she dismissed as sang tae just stoped on his track as her watched them both walked through the door way.

Minjae drove her self as she always did___refusing anyone else the will ever Since she starts driving car,while jung shin followed behind with another car.

It was a very long journey, their destination was a wide clear land with only one lonely uncompleted two storey building on it, the silence was heavy, the air smelled of loneliness and emptiness. They parked their car beside the uncompleted building

They both walked into the abandoned building, their foot step echoing at each step, looking around they both explor different rooms in the building, dust covered every surface, cobwebs hanged at the corner, the air was thick

She exhaled calmly, as she walked to a Big window staring quietly down outside, she stood there in taught for a while, while jung shin just leaned casually against the wsll, silently observing her.

Minjae glanced at him from the side of her eyes, then turned back with a smirk

"you probably taught you would spend your life following me to clubs, and shady places" she smiled and turned to him "here i am now" she gestured as jung shin just stared quietly at her

[Flash back] six years ago

Jung shin walked into a club, in it was full with crowded people partying and dancing, even thou it was loud and crowdy, he didnt mind as he pushed through the busy crowd, he seemed to be looking for someone, just then he sighted a young lady dancing on the dance floor with two friends.

He approached her, and her friends stiffened as they noticed him, just lady the lady he was look for turned to him

"Miss Cha young" he called "we need to talk" he said

"about what exactly" she asked annoyance in her voice "that it cant wait till later?"

"Miss, please we need to talk" he insisted

She rolled her eyes "why are you bothering me? I taught i fired you" she turned to her two friends

"didnt i fire him already?" she asked feighing confusion while her friends nodded, then she turned to him, "get lost" she said dismissively

He clenched his jaw "you know why im here, Miss__we need to talk..." she cuts him off by pushing him with her frigile hand but he gently pushed her hand away

"you know im here about the dead girl!" he said angrily as cha young grabed a bottle of wine and smash it on the floor between them,

"dont say that name!!" she yelled really loud holding her head, as the scream draw all the attention of the room, even the DJ paused the song that was playing, now every where was dead silent all eyes was now on them.

Suddenly a young man walked out from the crowed and shoved jung shin backward,

"what do you think you are doing here?" he said angrily___ he was Cha young twin brother, Cha yun

"Cha yun, please send him away" she pleaded with tears in her eyes "i don't want to see him..." jung shin interrupts

"i cant take the blame for the crime you commited, At least not this one" he said "please just leave me out of this and turn your self in"

"how dare you turn the blame to my sister!?" Cha yun shoved him backward again


"You are the one Who killed the girl" he snapped "And soon enough the police would come get you"

Jung Shin raked a frustrated hand through his hair. Turning to Cha Young, who was trembling now, he pleaded, "Please don't do this. You know I'm innocent. If I go to prison, my brother… He won't survive without me." His voice broke slightly. "Please…"

Before he could say another word, Cha Yun punched him, sending him crashing to the floor.

Gasps filled the room. Not out of sympathy—most of them were spoiled heirs of wealthy families who found the spectacle amusing.

Cha Yun loomed over him. "Your only job was to protect my sister as her body guard, and instead, you threw the poor girl off a building, with the excuse of protecting her from their pretty cat fight—"

"i never did that! And you know that" jung shin said as tears filled his eyes "you know your sister is lying" he added

"lying?" cha yun laughed mockingly "not only that you are a murderer, you are also a liar" he said as some people giggled at jung shin, Cha yun continued

"tell me, who do you think the law would believe, you? Or her?" he asked as he kept pushing jung shin's shoulder annoyingly he continued

"You should accept your fate, bro. Your life is over. You'll rot in prison, and when you get out—if you get out—you'll be nothing. You'll starve to death. the last thing you want to do is make us an enemy" he smiled, "Who knows, maybe if you are nicer, and would just Keep your mouth shut, we can help reduce your sentence, or better still hire you again when you are out, you know, cuz no matter what you say, no one would believe you...." a soft Dim voice interrupted___Minjae

"I would" she said as she majestically walked through the crowed with a bottle in one hand and a cigerette in another, she looked a bit tipsy yet composed.

"i think we pretty much know Who the liar is here" she said as everyone turned to her

"look at her" she pointed at Cha young Who was looking distressed "shes obviously the killer" she said, her gaze setteling on Cha young

Chai yun frowned

"Who the hell do you think you are to accuse my sister!!?" Cha Yun spat, stepping forward aggressively.

Minjae didn't flinch. Three men in black suits behind her shifted, ready to move, but she raised a lazy finger, and they halted.

for a moment Cha yun hesistated as he felt intimidated.

She took slow, deliberate steps toward him, her presence commanding.

"as much as i had fun watching the dramatic display here" she exhaled smoke "i would say im getting bored already"

everyone glanced at each other, no one dare to speak, even thou they didn't know Who she was, they felt the weight of her presense.

Cha Young stormed toward her, angrily wiping her tears.

"So what are you trying to prove? That this low life is saying the truth and im lying?" she asked

"did you kill the girl?" Minjae Simply asked as cha young hesistated before replying

"no i didnt"

"can you say that again. without blinking"

Minjae said as cha young just glared at her trembling in anger, suddenly she raised her hand to hit Minjae, but Minjae caught her wrist and shoved her to the ground,

immediately her brother rushed to attack Minjae, but jung shin immediately grabed him and hit him on the ground, as the twins were now on the ground like losers, Minjae didnt react to jung shin behaviour as thou she knew he would react that way, she just stood there smoking as she watched the siblings stand up miserably

Minjae took a slow drag from her cigarette. "Your sister's a murderer," she said coolly. "Though, if you're smart, you might try using her mental instability as a defense."

"just Who the hell do you think you are!!!" Cha young yelled

"Oh my bad," she feighed innocence "I missed the introduction part" she smirked flicking her cigerette to the ground and crushing it under her heel

"I'm Choi Minjae by the way" she said immediately there was a faint murmurs and mumble in the building, everyone knew Who she was now, Choi Minjae, the daughter of one of the top three richest family in the Country, the trouble maker of the great Choi family. The Choi tigress.

She watched their expressions shift, a slow smirk curling on her lips.

"See you in court fellas" she said as she turned to leave

At the entrance, she paused.

"Come along," she said to Jung Shin. "You're hired."

Jung Shin followed her, silent.

As they stepped outside, Minjae stopped. Turning, she saw Jung Shin trembling, tears streaming down his face. He quickly wiped them away when he noticed her watching.

"It's okay to cry," she said. "At least you didn't do it in front of them."

She glanced at the dark sky.

"They'd rather see your tears than your blood."