Chereads / The Queen of the Rings. A sort of Lord of the rings story / Chapter 4 - Chapter 4 And so the Adventure begins.

Chapter 4 - Chapter 4 And so the Adventure begins.

Far in the East, yellow skinned people lived happily upon their many islands. There life was good and food plentiful. Most of all they were safe within their rocky island caves from those dragons within the Heavenly Dragon Empire. Even the war-like Island people up north who called themselves the warriors of Nippon couldn't do much of anything against them.

For the island peoples were masters of the waves, water magic, archery and their numbers were great. But then suddenly on a day like any other a flaming star came. With loud crackles and bangs it came and then smashed into a dormant fiery mountain.

And as it did so, a flash brighter than the morning sun was seen, and from it a wave of powerful energy traveled forth ripping trees off of their roots and sending them flying, and turning all living things within a viewing distance of the mountain into meat paste. And then came the mighty bang that simply wiped off the entire island from the world and send it's remnants far over the horizon.

And so the most of the island peoples were gone, all turned into meat paste and those who weren't now were being crushed by falling rocks. They came flying all over the large chain of islands big and small.

Their origin then was not well known, but from where the fiery mountain had once been the earth had opened up and from there a tall tower of smoke had began to rise. The smoke cloud seemed endless and spread all around the lands while from the depths of the earth flaming rocks were sent shooting out all around.

And wherever the rocks fell, fires started and only ever death came. However unknown to all another threat had fallen upon the Eastern lands. For a single small green skinned, big nosed savage thing that merely loved to kill, fuck, eat and steal shiny things had come down from the falling star.

In a small metallic box it had fallen from the flaming star upon the southern untamed jungles below the Heavenly Dragon Empire. There it alone found a quiet spot close to a stream with plenty of fruit trees around.

Then it said a few prayers, a hazy green light came around it's small form and then it took out it's blade and ran it straight through its own heart. It didn't suffer, it didn't scream, it merely showed a hideous smirk and fell dead to the ground.

But quickly something strange began to happen then. Small roots like veins began to spread from its corpse, and a top its body some strange looking pimple like mushroom began to grow. And as days passed this mushroom just grew and grew, until it had totally swallowed up the green corpse. And as it grew it slowly fed off of the land around it and began to develop multiple pimples on its round surface, pimples that then began to pop. And from the popped pimples young green creatures emerged.

"Jaa jaa jaa, ja jaa!"

They screamed in a seeming joy and slowly began to learn to walk, pick up rocks and gather food. The creatures were primitive, weak and simple. Quickly many fell pray to the many dangers of the jungle. However the mushroom kept making more and more.

While weak and simple, the creatures made up for it with numbers and eventually they could individually begin to reproduce with pretty much anything on their own. So a new threat unlike any other upon the world of Terra had come.

However within the Eastern desert of Araby an even greater threat had fallen there. From the ruins of their metallic star large humanoid creatures, some green and some not emerged. All stood over two meters tall and were packed out of muscles.

And though they were low in numbers then, it wouldn't stop them or their smaller big nosed green allies from looking for a fight. Indeed while the East had merely been cursed by Goblins, the lands of Araby had now been cursed by orcs and goblins.


In the West, on the island of Albion the night of the 25th of December had passed quite peacefully. The two burning stars were gone, and the great rumbling that had followed was over.

However it did still manage to become the talk of the village of Shire. And on the morning of the next day, when people within the Shire had awoken this especially came to be like so as strange dark clouds came.

From the southeast and the western skies they came, and from them ash rained down on all the land like rain. And as the morning hours passed soon they covered the sky and totally turned the world dark.

To many it seemed like a vale of darkness had been cast upon them. For wherever they looked they could only see darkness, as not even a single glimpse of the sun could be seen.

Within the Kingdom of Albion only the tall church bell towers and the light stones hidden within now shined their lights upon the island of Albion. Other than that some small candles and other torch lights and such were lit giving some more light to the land, but mostly all of the land was in complete darkness unlike anything anyone had ever seen before.

And within the darkness fear soon crept into the hearts of the inhabitants of the world of Terra. Some said that the end had come, some said it was the prophesied Judgement day, some called it the doing of dark sorcery and such things. Quickly different ideas and conspiracies started to take hold of people and whole societies began to waiver in the face of all this uncertainty.

Well most societies except the Kingdom of Albion and all the people living there. Because there people looked to their Angelic and powerful rulers for guidance in such uncertain times. Their fate towards their rulers could not be made to waiver in the face of such a danger, for their rulers were Gods to them and no mere mortal beings in the forms of humans. This was even confirmed within their Holy book that they read, the Holy book of the light.

However as the world turned, some concerns did also come to the Halflings within the Shire. And with a descendent of the gods, a Prince being within their village the people there were quick to go knocking on Bilbo's door in hopes of asking Gandalf about what was going on.

Gandalf seeing it all was however quick to snap at the people and say.

"Silence you fools. Damn this is why you really need to pay attention in class. Obviously by the looks of things it seems that those falling stars have set off some volcano. And not just any volcano, but an extremely large one for there shouldn't be any volcanos anywhere close to us here, and yet these ash clouds have come upon us. But no need to worry I'm sure it will pass in time, however in the meantime I will go seek the wise counsel of my parents. If anybody knows for sure what this is, then it is them."

After saying this Gandalf slammed the door in the little people's faces and began to prepare himself for the journey to the capital city called Camelot. It wasn't all that far, maybe a two weeks travel by horse if he was fast and the weather good, but he at least needed to put on some pants before he left.

Seeing this Frodo was quick to ask.

"Wait what? You're already leaving, but you just got here? If its nothing dangerous then why are you in such a hurry?"

While putting on his clothes Gandalf said.

"I must go. Those things that fell last night into the Eastern sky are surely something that your Grandparents will want to get their hands on. I cannot tell you anything now, but just know that if those things are what I think they are. Then within them lays possibly a wealth of knowledge and treasures so vast that our Kingdom simply cannot let them be, we cannot let them fall into anyone else's hands. So I will go and most likely, I will be sent on another journey to the East to find these treasures, just like I once did with the black powder as well."

Hearing this Frodo saw a chance and with determination said.

"Let me go Father, let me go with you and together we can find these treasures for the Kingdom. After all you know that I am strong now, I can fight and I am eager to kill whatever. Come on dad, just set me loose and I'll prove myself to you and everyone else as well."

Gandalf seemed a bit taken aback by his boys words. He wasn't sure about this, the boy knew nothing of the world beyond this single village. Surely he couldn't let him go, what would his mother think of such a thing?

But then Pippin, Merry and Sam burst into the room with Bilbo and mother Mary following behind. And together the boys yelled in excitement.

"Yeah, let us all go together! Towards honour and glory, and great riches!"

Looking down upon the whole lot of them Gandalf felt so conflicted as he asked.

"Why, why are you all so eager to go? I know that you have always had the desire for adventure being the curious bunch that you are, but seriously its dangerous out there. Just think on it for a moment."

Honestly to Gandalf the scene before him seemed quite ridiculous. The Halflings before him were so small like children, even the biggest of them Frodo only came up to his belly buttons height. To send such child like beings into the wide world just felt so ridiculous, so wrong, however it did seem like kind of a hilarious thing as well.

However after having heard Gandalfs words the boys suddenly fell into deep thought, clearly not having thought of this much at all. Mother Mary patted them on their shoulders for comfort, while Bilbo merely shook his head thinking the boys to be stupid to want something like this.

But then Frodo clenched his fists, he remembered the night before, his promise to himself and then with determination he said.

"For the big bitches, my future family, for honour and glory. Can you not understand Father, I must do this. I must prove myself or else I will be no good to those women. Or no, what I mean is that if I'm to become the King of the Halflings then I must do something legendary. I must become a legendary mother fucker. And like all cool Kings, I must have my own bad ass Knights as well. Merry, Pippin and Sam along with me will be so freaking legendary. Together we can surely defeat any big fucks that stand in our way, we little people shall rule and we will get all those big bitches as well, or I mean treasures and knowledge for my own glory, or no I mean for the Kingdoms glory."

Frodos speech was truly inspiring and made some sense. But more than anything Gandalf knew that within mother Mary there was already a little new baby and Bilbo was young and capable of making more babies as well. So he and Bilbo could totally lose these four boys and it wouldn't really be that big of a deal, as replacements were easily made and one was on its way.

So with this in mind Gandalf gave them his blessing to go. Bilbo while not surprised knowing that the big man would do this, still felt quite mad and shook his head as he walked away to continue writing his book and venting his anger into it.

Mother Mary although fell on her knees in tears. She didn't want to see her one and only baby boy go. However Gandalf was quick to whisper into her ear.

"Don't worry, I used my magic to check if I scored last night. And indeed you're pregnant, so just let the boy go. Less shit for you to worry about my love, isn't that right?"

Immediately the woman's expression turned then to a mix of joy and sadness. However as Gandalf explained some more she quickly,but a bit reluctantly decided to let her boy go and become a man, not that her opinion really even mattered to anyone present there anyway.

While Gandalf would travel with speed Southeast to the Capital. The four Halflings would go south on foot to the small port town of Bree, where they would wait for him. And then they would travel to the Empire on a boat and go East from there in search of those metallic burning things.

However due to the Kingdom following the religion of the Holy light, they were basically heretics and would need to watch themselves wherever they went. Anywhere and everywhere there could potentially be enemies waiting for them or ready to attack them if they knew of their heretical ways.

So they would need to keep the fact that they are from Albion a secret. Gandalf also suggested that they should pretend to be just a group of some small kids on an adventure with their dad as all. They would travel light and try to stay out of trouble along the way.

They would wear unsuspicious green cloaks to blend better into nature, and under the cloaks they would wear casual clothes that in fact hid reinforced aluminium chainmail armour underneath.

And in the case of needing to sneak around they also took green bandanas with them. Each of them had a dagger or two, either for stabbing or throwing. And within their light bags they were each given a single golden apple to keep them going and other food stuffs and water as well.

They also wore crosses of light underneath their shirts, crosses that held small light stones within them capable of healing and giving light, plus the crosses let Gandalf find them wherever they went.

Although as they bid farewell to Gandalf and watched him ride into the distance atop his massive beast of a horse, Frodo huffed and said.

"Man fuck this lame as shit. I ain't hiding from anyone, I'm fucking taking my Dragon slaying sword and you guys are taking all your weapons as well. We fucking aren't some cowardly thieves, we are mother fucking warriors and gonna kill a lot of shit."

Hearing this the three other boys looked at each other and then quickly showed smiles as they cheered.

"Yeah, let's fucking go kill shit! For honour and glory!"

After saying this the four boys really began to gear up. They took upon their backs large bags with food that would last them for months. They also did this to challenge themselves some more, as the more one carried now, the more that person could carry in the future. For them it was a great way to basically train their bodies.

And as for Frodo, he took upon his back his mighty sword Dragon Slayer. A mighty sword found by Bilbo upon his travels, and used by Bilbo to cut a mighty wound within the great red dragon Smaug.

The blade is extremely long, almost as long as Frodo himself, while it is nearly as wide as the Halfling himself as well. Because of this its weight is extremely great, the same in fact what Frodo himself is, nearly 65 kilograms. Because of this even big people would find it hard to use and impractical. However Frodo was no ordinary Halfling or a big person, he was Frodo and he could use the big slab of metal with skill. He could smash heads in, break bones or even hammer large nails with the sword's sheer weight. And with its sharp blade along with the weight of it he could make nearly any armour be no better than bare skin.

Although what Frodo really liked about it was the sinister dark design of the blade, a good mix of mostly black with the edges of it being a lighter metallic colour. It was simple and dark, just like Gandalf had said the outside world beyond Albion to mostly be like.

With it hidden between his muscular back and large backpack, Frodo then put on a set of finely crafted black dwarven Armour called Berserk. For it is said that the armour feeds off of its wearers rage and so the more crazed, bloodthirsty and berserk the warrior gets, the stronger the armour then makes him.

It covered most of his body, though Frodo did decide to hide the helmet in his bag instead of having it covering his handsome face.

And lastly before leaving Bilbo bestowed upon Frodo his gay ring.

"Now Frodo, since you are the strongest one here out of the four of you, I would like you to take this ring. Long ago I found it within the Eastern mountain ranges and I still believe that its owner is out there somewhere still looking for it. So take it and if you can, then get that ring back to its owner. And remember to always keep it safely upon your finger so you do not lose it. However never tell anyone of that what the ring has written there upon its surface. Sure it is written in Elvish, but just in case keep it hidden under a glove or something. Because the text there says. One Ring to make them all Love me, one ring to bring them all to me, and to bide them in eternal love and friendship to me. So yes, its kind of lame and many even call it gay, so keep it hidden, keep it safe."

Frodo found this to be quite strange. On the outside the ring was quite simple looking, sure it was golden and had some elvish text on it which looked kind of cool, but apparently not. Frowning in displeasure he was about to put it within his pocket, until Bilbo said.

"Oh wait Frodo. You should probably keep it upon your finger. Its going to enhance your already exceptional core of strength and its going to grant you a certain amount of protection against most elements like fire. It also is basically indestructible from what I've seen at least and it will give you the ability to turn invisible whenever you wish to. However be aware Frodo that the more you use the invisibility, the more a ghostly apparition of a busty Elf will come kicking and spitting at you. Her hits are light for sure, but with her being a ghostly figure of the rings making you will be unable to stop her. And watch out Frodo for she especially will try to kick you in the balls and spit into your eyes. Other than that you will become like a shaky shadow in the light, something that will be quite hard to see for most people, especially if they aren't expecting it. And lastly you will see a sort of fire within all people that will let you know how much that person your looking at loves you, which is kind of gay. But its a great ring overall and you should totally have it upon your finger always."

Now Frodo was really intrigued, he liked power and busty chicks even if it were to be a ghost or not. Actually it being a ghost made it ever more interesting, as it let him use his imagination to make the ghostly figure look like whatever he wanted it to look like.

And with this Frodo was totally kitted out and heavy like a nearly 200 kilogram weighted rock, since he almost weighed 200 kilograms. His light footsteps weren't light at all and when he walked one would unconsciously think of some big bear walking on their wooden floors, but in fact it was just small Frodo dressed in his heavy black Berserk armour, with a really heavy sword on his back and a huge backpack on his back.

Sam on the other hand dressed more lightly. Not because he really wanted to, but for the fact that he was not a rich man with cool shit like Frodo had thanks to Bilbo and Gandalf. Instead Sam wore light leather armour that would mostly protect his body from some weak stabbing or slashing attacks, but most importantly it would protect his knees and body overall if he fell on rocks, crawled on rocks or was assaulted by the opposite sex.

Sam also had a simple wooden shield, a wooden club and of course his cloak and bag as well. With shield carried on his left arm, club on his leather belt, bag on his back and cooking equipment attached to it, he was ready.

And as for Pippin and Merry, well they were to be standing further back with small bows and daggers if needed. Pippin carried their drinks and Merry carried their coins.

Like so the four then left the Shire with only their Crosses light stones to light their way. Bandanas covered their faces from the raining ash and their hoods kept their well groomed hair ash free. They were kitted out, dangerous, ready for action and were going to look good while doing it all.

But unknown to them a certain dark Queen had sensed Frodo as he had put on the simple looking golden magical ring. And now nine slender, some more curvy than others, a few petite and a few tall female riders in black were on the move to gain their beloved masters One Ring. The nine female riders in black were on their way.